We are still on track to get the demo out in the early part of next months so when I get the word that the demos are in I will post something and let you guys know that your discs will be showing up soon!! Sweet...Christmas in February.
Let's see...what else is new? Well we are going to have all of our final movies and sound mixing done this Wednesday and then the full game will be going through its last round of QA stuff...so in only a few short days I will have reached the point where I really can't change much. I think that is going to be hard for me. As much as I need a break and some time off...and to just let this thing go...I know it is going to be hard to know that I can't make any more tweaks or changes. You have to let it go sometime...but since this is my first...it makes it that much harder. Hopefully Old grandma Hardcore will play the game on titan mode and cuss up a storm...thus giving me, and the rest of the team, a true sense of accomplishment! :)
Speaking of Titan mode...no that is not a rumor. We still have four difficulty modes in the game, (3 available right away and one unlocked after beating the game) but we have really tweaked the higher difficulty levels...so much so that God mode no longer felt the "hardest". So now we have "titan" mode...and let me tell you it is freaking hard...doable of course...but hard. The demo only has one difficulty available, but the final game will keep those of you who appreciate the challenge buys for awhile I think.
I think I saw someone ask a question about DEMETER in the comments...unfortunately Demeter is not in the game. I wrote a story originally that had her and her daughter Persephone and several other gods in it, but it never really felt right for what we wanted to do with God of War 2. But there might be something in the game in relation to an earth based magic though...so you had half of the info right. Keep an eye out for more info on that. I think we have a cover story in next months Hardcore Gamer magazine that will talk more about where you get this magic from.
As the project begins to wind down I find myself starting to think about all the games I have missed out on because of the crazy crunch to get this game done. And then I think of the time off I will probably get between this and whatever it is I am going to be doing next. (cough, cough) And to show how truly freaking nerdy I am I actually wrote up a list of all the games (some I have started and some I have not) I want to get to now that I am looking down the barrel of a sweet vacation. I broke it down by system even...man I need to get a life outside of games....though honestly doing this stuff actually makes me happy so I guess I don't need to get a life...I already have one. Just one that most talk show hosts, politicians, nutritionists, and Zealots would not approve of. Who cares...fuck them it my world right? I will just embrace my pseudo Howard Hughes like love for "shut in" gaming goodness and hope that over the break I do this so much that I am bored...and itching to create again. That is really what I need to do...I need to get bored so I can reignite that creative flame (cheesy I know) and prepare for another huge, in your face crazy gaming opus. Perhaps I am giving myself too much credit with the "opus" part but oh well...that is how I roll.
Anyway...here is what I got...feast on my nerdyness:
Oblivion (Need to Finish)
Gears of War (Need to Finish)
Rainbow Six: Vegas
Splinter Cell: Double agent
LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth 2
Lost Planet
Just Cause (Need to Finish)
Call of Duty 3
Dead Rising
Tomb Raider: Legend (Need to Finish)
Hitman: Blood Money (Need to Finish)
G.R.A.W. (Need to Finish)
Condemned: Criminal Origins (Need to Finish)
Saints Row (Need to Finish)
Resistance: Fall of Man (Need to Finish)
Tony Hawk: Project 8
GTA: San Andreas (Need to Finish)
Final Fantasy XII (My god this is one going to take forever)
DMC3 (Need to Finish)
Silent Hill 3
Zelda: Windwaker (Need to Finish)
Zelda: Twilight Princess
W.O.W. + some Burning Crusade loving
Titan Quest (Need to Finish)
Jesus that is a lot of games I need to play. There really is no possible way I am going to be able to finish them...but I am going to try and polish off some of the big ones that I have been jonesing to play. (Like MGS3) We will see. I will probably be posting a lot more during that time and lurking around the forums to see how the game is being received...god I hope it is good.
OK enough for today...I am going to go check on the build and see if we have everything sewn up and ready to go.
Sweet ass cover art...I can't wait to get my hands on it. I will probably play it like five thousand times before the game comes out. The game will be the best game ever made, and i'll probably play it nonstop. Sounds like you have your vacation planned out. Are you gonna be working on God of War 3 next? or is that still on the DL. I'm certain Santa Monica will get the go ahead to make it...Well hang in there for the next two months and you will definitely reap the benefits and hear great feedback.
WOW! That is very freaking sweet!
the only thing i hope is you recieved my e-mail, cause i realy want the demo!
thanks for the update cory!
hey cory
thats a very awesome cover art!!! oh and in one of my comments i said that the demo is not that special cause the full game comes short after but i take that back cause the demo is something special now that i think of it haha but luckely your more merceful than kratos himself :) oh and on ign i saw you will receive a spell from kronos the titan i'm very curious about that part off the story when the game comes out and thanks for your answer on my titan mode question
best regards mike
Sweet Jesus! That is one hell of an awesome demo cover! I can't wait to whip the Colossus of Rhodes into dust and throw it into the wind. I'll be sure to give you feedback for your charitable gift.
So the mode I had been cheering for even made it?..It seems like everything I had ever asked for has been snuck into the game somewhere..You don't have Ladon in the game by any chance do you? That would be just TOO MUCH WIN.
There is still 4 difficutly settings..how does it go then?:
or maybe
In any case..I couldn't be much more pleased. I had taken your comment about "Titan Mode" for Grandma Hardcore as a joke..I am thoroughly pleased indeed. I'm sure the folks at TUGOWU will be eager to do Titan Mode NURs...at least a few will anyway...
~I'm looking at you two, Soul & Evan..we shall conquer the latest GoW as we did the last
godmodegod and cory
i really hope hercules/herakles will be in the game if thats the case i'm 100% happy and even more happy if you must fight him cause he is equal in power and all that i just really hope to see hercules
greetings mike
Excellent news. Can't wait for that demo. As for the game list you chosen, some great selections. I thought Tomb Raider Legend restored the franchise. Bully is just an absolute guilty pleasure and joy to play and San Andreas was one of the best sandbox games ever. Good luck tackling those games.
oh and another to cory
i'm a freaking NERD as well haha i mean i have a very big mouth because i'm a good thaiboxer and all but today was a joke i really like a girl for some time now working in a store really pretty believe me and i think she also has an eye for me cause i can sense that perfectly haha so i went in that fucking store about three times with my name and number and msn in my hand hahaha and i'm shitting in my pants to give it so i began to say i forgot some freaking bananas haha so believe me cory your no bigger DORK than me haha
greetings mike
omg that box art looks friggin playa. i cant wait for my demo its gonna be hella tight. Thanks for the update cya
Holy fuck! That may seem a bit exaggerated to some of you, but seriously, that a a fucking amazing cover, Cory. That's all some good news, but the game has to be completed some time, otherwise you'd probably end up messing with it so much that it would turn out worse. I know I can rely on my hope for the best. Also, I noticed you play A TON of the same games I play, including the ones you haven't gotten to. Let me tell you that you will never finish Oblivion unless you stick to the story missions, but then you need to do the side quests to get your level up to even get passed them, so yeah, it's a crazy game. As for WoW, great game, I can't wait to get the Burning Crusade. I don't know if you would care to tell me, but what server do you play on, what's your character's name? If you don't feel comfortable giving it out at all, then I don't blame you. I won't bug you or anything, I was just wondering. You can send it to my e-mail if you like, if you do at all. gore_rules_91@yahoo.com
-Devin Greer
i would also like to know that cory, but i understand if u cant say;)
Superb cover art! Can't wait to see this in my mail box!
That cover...*changes pants*, i can't wait!
Wow, awesome cover art! Can't wait to get the demo signed by you Cory, that'll be put in my games collection.
Awesome cover! Yeah!! Demo-time!
Man, if I only had half the games you have...
For the fire elemant he the take of Promethe,combat a giant eagle and destroy her eggs?.
sorry fire element.
omfg! that has to be one of the coolest box arts ive ever seen! i cant wiat to play the demo! i hope i get one however :( , perhaps you could us some info about who will get the demo? like from what date to what date you acceptet the emails for the demo or something like that... anyways i cant wait for the game!! its gonna be fucking awsome! you rock cory! you fucking rock!
Thank you for the cover its good.
So there are more than 4 spells:
Wind Bow, Ice spell, Thunder spell from Kronos and Poseidon's Rage.
BKhammer, 2nd weapon, 3rd weapon.
Tell us some more plz about:
Thunder spell from Kronos and this
New earth spell and if u can, plz give us some info about
2nd alt weapon (Bkhammer is the 1st alt weapon)
does anybody now if hercules will be in the game?
300 Spartans in march when god of war movie?
300 yeah great movie
300 movie
yeah dude you should play mgs3 first thing. i've always had a tough time with choosing between the mgs series and god of war. god of war 2 will have serious competition with mgs4 when it comes out in october, but hey, its in the name (GOD OF WAR), haha. the colossus looks like he has big trouble on his hands, literally. wish i got the demo, would fit in nicely with the birthday in the beginning of february. im patient enough to savor the game when in comes out in less than two months. cannot frickin wait. still anxious about the website update. if you do happen to continue your awesome design skills in gaming, perhaps you could do a story with beowulf or something? i read part of the epic the first semester of senior year this year, and it reminded me of god of war. love mythology. but yeah dude, keep up the chill work, aight?
We got the proof from OPM magazine, a blue water sword.
This shows kratos holding a blue water sword, care to tell us some more???
Cory, you can be sure GMG will give ya feedback... and I mean FEEDBACK..prepare for 4 pages of feedback.
I will try and dish out something myself.
But I don't get it, what good is feedback if the game is already sealed? like you said, the game cannot be changed now.
feedback is always important that way they can learn from mistakes so god of war 3 will be better then 1 and 2 capcom did that with devil may cry 3 and that game is perfect well nearly perfect
greetings mike
ps. do you now if hercules will be in god of war 2 vitali???
Yeah, 300 looks like the best movie since Gladiator. And that blue sword looks a lot like the Sword of the Gods at the end of the first game, still awesome, though...
Did every1 like the new weapon at:
its a blue water sword
That's cool Cory that box cover art is cool it looks like one of the best box arts I've seen in a long time. What the others said is Hercules going to be in the game.
When your done the God of war series and your vaction, can you tell us what type of project you would like to make in the future.
I dunno if Hercules will be in the game. I'm not Cory... but damn...
oke thanks
but a site in holland did confirm that hercules will be in the game :) damn i hope it's no rumor think about what a cool fight that would be cause they are equal in strength and all and it could perfectly fit in the god of war story i mean originaly hercules was given 12 labours well in god of war you could give him 13 labours and that bad luck number 13 would be try and destroy kratos ;)haha sorry i have a very rich fantasy
greetings mike
Man this is too exciting... Say Cory, you got an ETA for when we're supposed to get the demo?
Please, Please Please Please Please answer!
**I'm looking at you two, Soul & Evan..we shall conquer the latest GoW as we did the last **
yeah yeah yeah, once i get the gmae itself, no chance in getting the deom i'm afraid. do tell me how it goes, gmg.
has everyone here voted for the gow 2 costume. I know I did. I voted for the crazy blue glove futuristic kratos, kratos with spartan helmet and skull armor aka punisher kratos, and warlord/spawn kratos.
cant find the picture of sword??
Man, so many great games that i want to play (especially Okami) but they cost money...stupid economy :P
This is gow2 music???
300 trailer
What memo said makes a lot of sense..Ethon could take the place of the dropped 'Harpy Boss' of GoW1 and we would be dealing with another Titan this way. Prometheus to be exact.
Like Soul said..I tend to make fairly long posts wherever I may be.
~I voted for the Persian-ish Kratos, the demonic-bone armor Kratos and another with a "cool armor kratos" feel to it
GMG??? what happened to your face? *nick*
It would appear that a glitch stripped the name of my comment..
~How annoying
---It would appear that the "Blade of the Gods" has returned.. I'm not 100% on it..but it definately looks to confirm the theory I had been making for it for some time now
Yes to save prometheus for the fire element.
save prometheus??? he is a titan and as we all know the titans were slain except kronos well if prometheus is in the game and jason and his argonauts ( golden flies ) then hercules will be to :)
Do all the difficulties have cool names? Would be funny if easy and normal were named after Hermes (for easy), and someone else of equal hilarity for normal difficulty. I'm assuming "God" mode replaced hard so Titan Mode can be the fourth?
Either way, I'll beat it, and sustain several large blisters on my fingers just like I did for God Of War on God Mode. I call 'em War Wounds.
PS, cannot wait to face the final boss, Zeus. It's so obviously him. I mean, come on. You made two huge mistakes during your IGN interview Cory. You said the god that screwed Kratos "APPEARS TO BE ATEHNA", yet he's got her blades?
Hmm... one has to ponder. And there's obviously the little cliffhanger of last game where the Gravedigger is Zeus. Not to mention the little painting in the room before getting Pandora's Box. A mortal fighting Zeus? Kratos loses his godly powers and becomes mortal?
Yeah... just too many reasons why I wouldn't be surprised to see Zeus as the final boss. No doubt it'll be epic as FUCK.
Oh, nearly forgot the little bonus feature where Kratos finds out Zeus is his father for those who completed God Mode.
I also noticed at the very start of the game, where Kratos is about to jump off the cliff in the cutscene that a voice says "KRATOS..... SON OF ZEUS". Very subtle. unfortunately I pick up on subtle things quickly.
Lol Fully, you'll be in for a surprize...
but fully tell us where does that leave his brother then? no if the gravedigger was indeed zeus ( and he certainly is cause of the same voice actor ) then he helpt kratos big time ;) i mean if it was not for the gravedigger/zeus kratos would have never gotten out of hades and as cory says kratos learns in part 2 that there are forces bigger then the gods ( the sisters of fate )
greetings mike
no i think like vitali says where in for a suprise
greetings mike
i mean boy he can be pist about kratos making a mockery of him by escaping out of hades so if he turns against kratos is more obvious but hey like vitali says
Remember that Normal NUR challange with defeating the clones?
Consider it done... cause it is.
Took me 6:42:53
The clones took me roughly 30 minutes... I failed like 10-12 times.
It can be done, Ladies and Gents.
Yay i cant wait for my demo :) it will be my birthday present. my birthday is on february 5th : )
Hey yo Cory,
that GOW2 cover is hot man and we think it should be the official cover for the game, at least we can see his face and not his back holding 2 blades all the time.
Hey Cory, we know for sure that you and the team'll get rewarded for their hard work $15,000,000 and another $3,000,000 in bonus. What're you going to do after the game is out? are you going to take a long vacation and then start working on GOW3 or what? and we would like to have more infos on how the Colossus of Rhodes came back to life, the Babarian King, Medusa's sister. Is there a connection with the movie "300" and the "God of War" series? When you've time please let us know.
Where the hell did you get those figures???!!
"I will probably be posting a lot more during that time and lurking around the forums to see how the game is being received...god I hope it is good."
trust me cory , it will ;)
still cant wait for the game , and i really hope i get a demo!
Upon the games release I'll likely be absent for 1-2 weeks playing without interuptions.
When you guys designed Artemis for GoW1 did you have this exploit in mind?:
I've been wanting to know for awhile now...thought I'd ask. I would love that this exploit be left in the game as it made Artemis a contender.
I use these three techniques to kill the Hell Satyrs on God Mode NURs (kills them nearly as quickly as a normal God Mode run with magic since I'm just knocking them over the invisible walls)
~Excellent job Soul
the demo is goes to magazine (i'm of spain)
Hey Vitali,
you asked me where did I get those money figures, right? you'd be surprised how much those Game Designers are making outhere man, beside SONY will make 100 times much more than that one way or another. Also, remember SONY owns most of the electronic market too, if you wanna be a game designer go for it dude and when you get a chance check out our website at www.schillerart.net and let us know what you think.
Can't wait for the demo. What's next on your plate, God of War 3 or are you possibly working on some EDI game for PS3? Oh, I wouldn't worry about God of War 2 getting good review scores, if IGN and other's impressions are indicative of the final game, it should be great. I will be getting the game opening day, that's for sure, and there aren't many games that I do that for.
Please talk about the new earth spell and about the 2nd and 3rd weapons, at least tell us what they are. i no one is bk hammer and the 2nd one is a BLUE WATER SWORD
Why would Zeus WANT to help Kratos out of Hades? Possibly because he would find his brother, and align with him to destroy Zeus? That's what I think he's afraid of.
I highly doubt the brother has anything to do in this game. I think he'll have a minor role at best IF he does appear, but I think they'll save him for the third game.
Anybody notice that God Of War II comes out on March Break? I'm guessing that wasn't intentional? Now the people don't have to skip school to get it!
kratos and his brother are no friends either that brother wants to kill kratos badly so no ganging up for those 2 and why does zeus/gravedigger save him from hades TO DESTROY ARES and because he is his son ;) and believe me cory and the crew are not gonna make the story so predictable they are to good for that like part 1 god of war 2 will have a lot of twists and turns ;)
who is with me?
greetings mike
This epic struggle continues across the crumbling city, with Kratos continually scrambling up Colossus like a dementedNumbskull, attempting to blind the stone giant further. Then comes some godly intervention as the voice of Zeus himselfbooms out from the heavens. Kratos cries out that he needs no assistance, but soon finds the Sword of Olympus embedded in ground before him nonetheless.
Unfortunately, for the sword to be wielded it must first be powered up - which mean Kratos must drain his red orb reserves, energy and magical power into the huge blade before ripping it from the earth. So, all in the space of the opening level, Kratos has been dethroned, made man-sized and now stripped entirely of his powers. Fortunately he’s still ‘pretty good at fighting’ and has an unnatural thirst for violence, so he takes his new blade and bursts into the stomach of Colossus to - get this - attack him from the inside.
your version of the story is over look at the story and link simward007 placed and then try to explain why zeus again helps kratos ;) zeus just watches over kratos cause he is his father
greetings mike
that story from simward007 is very intresting but it contains some huge spoilers so be AWARE before you read that
greetings mike
It doesn't have spoilers if you look up info constantly, like I do. HEY!!! CORY!!!! Please read this and respond. Is the demo going to have plastic wrapping paper? Is that the part you will sign? I'm hoping not, because that will make the signature much more vulnerable to being damaged, and plus it will mean we won't get to play it, unless we don't mind ruining the condition of such an awesome collector's item. Please respond, I'd like to know what's up!
they are indeed no real spoilers but they give too much info about zeus calling and giving a sword and then the part that you are going to destroy the collosus from the inside for me thats too much info and about the signing part cory is going to sign the disk but that means he is going to take the plastic off
greetings mike
They did reveal a little too much details... But nothing I'd call spoiler. Stop trying to geuss everything and just wait till the game comes out.
-Signing the demos means more time to wait... unless Cory is superman.
~With the PAL/NTSC addition, it's gonna take a little longer to send out the demos...
49 days and we fly on pegasus!!!
...And though it's a PS2 title, expect a new God of War II trailer to be available shortly at the PlayStation Store.
Cory can you please tells us when is the demo is being released exactly (date)
please release it by the end of this month
Mike, did Cory specifically say he was going to sign the disk?
P.S. Not really a spoiler, more like a......... non-friendly telling about the game.
Cory! You must send demos out now! before Raziel completely loses his mind and shoots himself!
looks this photo???:)
yes a long time ago he said so on this blog about signing the disk but i don't know if that was a joke??? and yes spoiler was wrong i mean to much info
greetings mike
ps. i will try to find the part where cory said he would sign the disk :)
devin sorry tried to find it but i can't but believe me that he said that
greetings mike
God of war 3 by the gow team!this is good news for we.
While I personally can't imagine why you would want my signature on the demo...I will totally do that.
- Mr Barlog
yes that was the part ;) but he said somthing else as well like: that means i have to take of the plastic
greetings mike
...One note though...if you all want them signed I will most likely take the shrink wrap off...so if you would rather not have the wrapper removed let me know.
- Mr Barlog
Feel free to do so cory!;)
you dont have to sign it for me , but i dont think you 'll know wich one will be my'n. if i get one that is. you dont happen to know if i would get one do you? i sended a email in the second week of december 2006.
and im from europe
Add me in kratos_the_best@hotmail.com I am a super fan of kratos It is the best!!!!
btw my email whas kenneth__vanparrys@hotmail.com
I don't get it. What do you expect Cory to do with your emails? See if he got your details? Well, if he does that he might as well make a list of all the people from whom he recieved the details, amirite?
yes anonymous thats exactly wat cory said:
While I personally can't imagine why you would want my signature on the demo...I will totally do that.
...One note though...if you all want them signed I will most likely take the shrink wrap off...so if you would rather not have the wrapper removed let me know.
- Mr Barlog
so there you have it devin but he says nothing about placing it on the disk sorry my mistake and thanks to anonymous for finding it
greetings mike
You are welcome m8, gave me a chanse to read some old posts and comments;)
Hello Cory I know you are terribly busy but I hope you have time to read this. I have an awesome idea for GOW 3, if it gets made. Don't worry it's not a major plot thing but it has to do with a potential Boss. I would like one boss to be Tyhphon. I dunno if you already know about him but Typhon was basically the arch nemesis of Zues and he was also king of all monsters. In a great battle Zues trapped Typhon under Mount Etna, a great volcano.
I think it would be awesome for Kratos to have to venture underneath an erupting volcano to fight Typhon. ANd after the boss battle Kratos would obtain flaming dragon gauntlets that he would be able to use in hand to hand combat.
Hope you like the idea.
WOW that typhon is really something :0 also he was the biggest monster of all about 5km tall and almost defeated zeus in battle COOL but there are more monsters like scylla & charybdis
greetings mike
Make a mmorpg in the god of war univers on PS3.
With the god of war style.
or what about placing kratos in the future that would be a big change but then it would be very hard to make a good story i think in onimusha 3 they did something like that :)
God of war univers is titanesque the olympus,the earth,the sea,the hell. MMORPG is a good idea.
The real issue is your friends give you a wii and then you went out and publicly complained just because you were so eager to get your pre-determined opinion out on it.
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