Here are a couple of cool images I just got from
marketing showing some of the
gamestop promo stuff that is starting to appear. It is a pretty firm reminder to me that we are almost done with this long, long journey. Well
there's that and the fact that we are shipping our disc to
FPQA in the next 24 hours...if everything goes right. I got home around 1:45am or so this morning (which is nothing compared to the hours the rest of the team is putting in) after our marathon two day
playtest we just finished. It went really well, with great responses and test scores all around. The game seems to be pretty tight...we just made some last minute adjustments to fight difficulty and the overall economy of the games upgrading system. Of course I would love to have another
playtest...maybe even two...but that is not in the cards. I am confident that we have got
everything shored up though. And the game length has stay right around 15-17 hours...so that is pretty freaking sweet! I slept into day so I could be ready for the all
nighter session I have tonight going over the whole game for the final sound mix approval. The really cool thing is all the final movies will be in with
their sound mixes as well...so this will be my first
playthrough seeing everything as it should be. I was supposed to sleep until 3pm or so but I just couldn't get back to sleep...to anxious. I am sure everything will work out fine, but knowing that after today I will not be able to go in there and make changes is pretty scary. This usually happens to me with whatever I am working...but this time it is on such a large scale that my brain just wont shut up...I am going over every detail constantly to make sure there wasn't something I missed. (I am sure there will be many things I missed)

What else is new in the world of God of War? The demo's are getting closer,
unfortunately I still don't have a rock solid date for them yet..they need to go through
QA and then manufacturing so I would rather not just throw a date out without really knowing. But when they are ready I will post something and let everyone know about it.
I think I am going to be starting my hiatus soon...still working out the specifics on it. I will need to get back to work pretty soon so I can't start fleshing out the next project I am going on. I think it is going to be a pretty big one...but nothing is set in stone so I won't talk about it too much now. But I will give you a hint...the duff sisters have agreed to play a major part in it, and it is an
MMO, and it has all the teen stars of today in it, with guns, and
orcs...cause really...
orcs just make a game better...am I right? Actually I really haven't even wrapped my head around the whole thing yet, so there isn't much to talk about anyway. As much as I didn't want to, I think I will end up working on it over the break just so I can get a head start and hit the
ground running. I think it would be impossible for me not to be working it out over the break...though I really want to try and step away from all that stuff at LEAST two weeks. Here's to hoping I can do it!
Oh and to the
anonymous poster who wrote about the
Typhon story...I think you might have written me a message on
myspace a couple days ago as well, sorry for not responding...Keep an eye out for the game though, as I think you will be
pleasantly surprised when it comes out. :)
aight...gotta go to work.
It is all coming full circle at last. Keep it cool Cory, everything will work out for the best, and the best is coming to senses with the fact that this may be one of the best games ever on every system.
Loving the artwork on the middle poster. Could you show us that one up close? Maybe I'm outta line here... lol
Anyway, congrats on your work. Portugal salutes you.
15-17 hours damn i hope thats true cause my fastest time for god of war was 5 hours and 58 min :(
and for the ones who don't know typhon:
Gaia gave birth to one last monster: Typhon to rescue the Titans, who had been thrown into Tartarus by Zeus. Typhon was the most dangerous creature created yet. He immediately began volleying boulders at Olympus, an act which scared all the gods and goddesses so much that they each ran away in the shape of an animal. Only Athena stood to face the monster, courageous in the face of danger. She shouted to Zeus that she was ashamed to be called his daughter when he was acting just as cowardly as Ares. Zeus was embarrassed by this comment and he changed back to his normal form to chase Typhon. Just as it seemed as if Zeus had the upper hand, Typhon then turned on him and using a sharp knife, cut out the sinews from Zeus' feet and hands. Then, he carried the helpless Zeus to a cave where he hid the sinews and guarded Zeus from all rescuers.
Hermes and Pan were successful in their attempts to rescue Zeus. Pan crept up to Typhon and shouted so loudly that Typhon was so startled and confused that he didn't notice Hermes quickly stealing the sinews and placing them back in Zeus' feet and hands. With all his power back, Zeus chased Typhon once again. This time, he cornered Typhon in Sicily, where he pitched Mount Aetna on the monster's head. To this day, Typhon is still there, his fiery breath comes out of the top of the mountain and proves his presence every so often.
Pan was proud of his loud shout and boasted often that it was his shout that saved the Olympians. That sudden confusion and fear that Typhon suffered is known today as panic, named after Pan, who caused it.
i found that story somewhere :) pretty damn cool
Cory, first of all I want to say thankyou to you and Jaffe, for creating God Of War. It's the BEST game EVER!
GOW2 looks AMAZING. Can't wait!
When will you guys start releasing more artwork? The ones out now look awesome, but I wanna see more lol.
Well, that's it. Thanks again for GOW.
OMG OMG!!!! I was the anonymous poster who posted about the TYPHON story. YOu are so awesome to respond so quickly. I frequent the IGN boards under the Username Manberg900. I dunno if you've heard of me. "I'm kind of a big deal" Ron Burgundy. LOL
ANyway, you are truly awesome man and know GOW2 will launch you to a level of success beyond comprehension. I think it is so great that you respond to users and that you frequent the boards. It just goes to show that some developers DO care about what the fans think and they actually listen. GOW 2 seems to be giving the fans what they want and that shows your dedication. Again, you are an awesome man and I cant wait to play GOW2.
Cory, I think I'm gonna cry. Are you really going away from God Of War for an MMO? don't get me wrong, I like MMOs, but if there is a God Of War 3, it would worry me that the game would be changed to a new director........ AGAIN! I mean you were a great choice, I think Jaffe did good, but yeah, that would suck. The rest is all good news, though.
-Devin Greer
I cry one year to wait and is coming soon,thanks you all for this game!!!
When will we be able to see more artwork?
That's a might fine pic in the background there Cory..
Is that Typhon bit some kind of satanic hint? Such a tease..
GoWIII NEEDS you Barlog..you and Jaffe both need to be in it for GREAT JUSTICE to be truely served.
~Don't underestimate your own value
--I have full confidence in your handeling of GoWII..As far as I'm concerned Jaffe himself couldn't have held the position of Game Director better
BTW: Did you see the links I posted in the comments section of the last blog?
I heard somewhere that they're making a movie of God of War. It better be as brutal as possible. I can't express how excited I am for God of War 2. We have a little over a month to go to experience a game that fits into the "classic" category. The one when mentioned causes silence in the crowd. I would ask about the site again, but that would be annoying. So yeah. Amazing.
Yeah, Dutch Degay, I can't wait either. God Of War has been my favorite game since I first played it and this next part looks to be even better! I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT! And the extra's DVD disc looks to be a great thing, I can't await to check that out either.
Wow, that game is so close now! I'm very excited to play it and wish you guys the best of luck finishing up the game.
I'm getting a little repetitive here... YEAH!! AWESOME STUFF!! GOWII RULES!! CORY YOU ROCK!!
no thanks for that story eric ;)
and i hope that jaffe & barlog work together on gow3 just think about how it would look on playstation 3 WOW
hey cory
those 2 picture's you posted are cool but the artwork on that poster in the middle shows kronos or something??? can you please show us some more artwork soon or at least a big picture of that poster artwork in your next post
Wow, the game came a long way now it's almost in our hands. Every pic you put up Cory just makes we want this game more and more. The cover art for the colossus battle looks amazing.
May I suggest finishing Tomb Raider Legend first since it was pretty quick to beat plus the game was a enjoyable look back into the TR series. I'm just awaiting the TR remake this year (if its coming out this year).
emldcznHey yo Cory,
what up man? how's it going? out here in New York City, we're hard core gamers and we've been watching the GOW series since day 1 and there are still a few gaps that need to be covered, that's why we would liked you to clear things up for us:
After serving the gods for so long (10yrs), Kratos got tired of it and felt like he was being used just to make one guy happy, right? We knew Kratos beat the SH!T out of Ares and became the new GOW, right? We also know before Kratos became the man in charge, he was the Captain/Leader of the Spartan army, right? What happened after Kratos became the new GOW? What happened to his Spartan Soldiers? Did he still get in touch with'em while he's the new GOW or what? Since Kratos became the new GOW some one else had to be the new Captain/Leader of the Spartan army, right? Did the new Captain/Leader of the Spartan army invoked the new GOW in desperate time in need by saying: "KKRRRAAAATTTTTOOOOOOSSSS!! Destroy my enemies and my life is yours" is that when Kratos came down from Mount Olympus like his brother Ares did to help his boys out or what? Is it at that time he got stripped out of his powers and that cool armor he was wearing or what? They said Sequel/Part2 aren't always as good as the Original/Part1 of any games or any movies, right? What can you tell us about GOW2 that would make a difference?
Thank you.
Dude, cory is just a man, not a machine.
and he is really busy some game right now! Dunno if u have heard of it, its called God of War II
Please have the demo available as a PS Store demo download on the PS3 (yes i know its a ps2 game but this should be able to be done)
Hey Cory,
When will the official website be up and running?
Hey Zodiac,
TR Anniversary should be out in early April. We are putting the finishing touches on it now, and in my very biased opinion, is actually turning out to be pretty awesome.
Anyways, Cory, everything I have seen so far of GoW2 just looks amazing. I can't friggin' wait for it to come out. cheers!
hey cory. Thanks for continuing the greatest series in gaming EVER. and ive been gaming for a long time. thanks for all of the hours and self torment that you put into this game. you have no idea how much enjoyment i get out of playing god of war 1 for the 10th time around as it still amazes me in quality of every facet of what it does. which is play.
and i know for a fact. because i can feel it. that you and your hard work will inevitably leave me so damn tired from staying up for 72 hours just to play your (and the team's) game over and over again.
so basically i just wanted you to know that there are in fact those gamers that will be glad to lose sleep just as you are to embelish and drown ourselves in the work that is your finished product "God of War II". And I AM ONE OF THEM!!!!
God Bless You and the Rest of the Hard Working Ass Busting Team! - and David Jaffe (O.o)
Can't wait to see Kratos gutting modern politicians in his next game! ;)
great news , cool pics aswell. i would like to see that middle picture aswell. i think he's on a wall owning some undead monsters ^^
anyway , i cant wait for the game!
you guys are the best!!
I can't wait to play this game I don't even care about next-gen games because all I've been seeing is sequels and nothing new I can't wait to play this game I'm so stoked to play it out all the games I've seen so far coming out this year.
When you announce your next project I would like to know what type of game it will be as soon as possible if it's a shooter, puzzle, action, adventure, rpg, racing, sci-fi, fantasy, downloable title, MMO, etc let us know asap when your down your hiatus I would like to see something fresh in the video game business cory.
And one more thing if you and Dave reigh the helms of the last God of War game do it some time in the future when you two are comfortable about doing it.
Is that update on the magic in this issue of Hardcore Gamer Magazine? The Febraury edition.
~I'd rather just get the one issue as oppossed to other options..like waiting for a possible internet scan to turn up..though that is always likely
ohhhhh cory. look at all these comments you got!
i remember when i was the only one leaving comments.
glad to see others have recognized your passion, dedication and talent.
and that was horribly corny, so let me just say this ...
I REALLY hope you were joking about the Duff sisters! God, i can't wait to play the demo and then finally, the full game.
I just want to thank you (and David) for using your blogs to keep us posted on this whole journey. It's just amazing to think that i (and the rest of us) have had the chance to talk and get feedback from two guys who have created some damn fine gaming.
Gotta love the internet, and congrats on directing God of War 2 :)
In case the God Of War movie rumor is true (I heard it also), don't cast Vin Diesel for Kratos. I would hate you all for that bullshit. Instead, you should think about hiring Franky G (Saw II) for Kratos. He has a great body build for kratos, and his face structure is already perfect. Fuck Vin Diesel. Most overrated piece of shit in the movie industries.
My two cents.
yeah about that! will there be a movie after the 3rd game? please say yes!!
if its a movie. Shave The Rock's head and he would be perfect. the attitude and build and bad assness would gladly be portrayed by The Rock!
The latest edition didn't have the article..I guess I'll just have to wait for the next issue of HardcoreGamer Magazine.
~I will have that article if it is there for the taking
Jordan, you really think The Rock (whom has a brown complexion) will be suitable for the "Ghost of Sparta", whom is pale white? That's twisted logic at it's finest.
The Rock already ruined a video game turned movie. (Doom). Anybody who'd want to see him in this movie are just as stupid as those who want to see Vin Diesel.
Littlest ninja...steph i believe..."glad to see others have recognized your passion, dedication and talent"...obviously he's talented if Jaffe picked him but I think his massive spike in comments (which has surpased 100 a few times already) had little more to do with him passing out free demos...
Now I say that to say this Cory, David "Big Cans" Jaffe's hiatus came shortly after his massive spike in comments and publicity from giving away GoW demos on his blog and I think all that attention got to him pretty bad (maybe not). Anyways, what I'm trying to say is, I don't really know what I'm trying to say, just don't go MIA or change the way you are as a person cause we need more off the wall people like you on the internet...plus I love Connie Chung.
Hey Cory, the game is looking great and I'm sure it will be. I hope you will be in some way involved in GOW3. I didn't think there could be a better game than the first, but I think you have proven me wrong. Anyway, congratulations and whatever you do when this is all over, I'm sure it will be great! One more thing though, I know that you are already way over the limit with demo requests, but I did actually offer you my soul for one back in august of 06 on myspace. Check your comments. Please send me a demo! Or say a signed GOW2 poster maybe? That would be cool. My email address is fattydid@aol.com
I don't think there are any God Of War posters........ yet. Is there? Cory? The onyl merchandise besides the game that I've found is a God Of War shirt at Hot Topic, but that's all.
well i don't give a fuck let that movie come if it sucks then badluck and if it's good then it's good but it will never ruin the game thats pure bullcrap and silent hill wasn't that bad and if i'm correct universal is holding the god of war licence so thats good
what is cory's myspace?
Hey Cory,
Us fans need:
Either another update from gamespot, demo, the official website up and running
Cory's Myspace:
What are some of the best God Of War II fansites? People, start listing them!
And Cory, you have to tell us how you're going to release the soundtrack for this game. It was very hard to get it for the first game, but I do have it. Just needed an american friend to send it to me, but still. Maybe make a physical CD and ship it with the actual game along with the bonus DVD? That'd make a pretty nice "collectors edition".
I’ve noticed many people across the Net since GoW1’s inception trying to compare GoW to Devil May Cry (DMC). DMC had real time on the fly weapon switching.
I also noticed many GoW2 developers said they were looking to put real time weapon switching into GoW2. Did that happen?
Is the weapon switching TRULY seamless? Can Kratos do a Double Jump in the air and switch weapons, or does his animation for the DJ have to finish before he can switch?
Can he initiate a combo with the Blade of Athena and swap mid stroke with another weapon, or does the original BoA animation have to complete before a weapon switch can be initiated?
Can Kratos even switch weapons in air, or does the jump animation over-ride that? Is in-air weapon switching possible?
How much time was put into the combat systems? Did your Devs look into processor time and real time switching, or is there still a problem with animation load stopping the switch and the combo chain?
And what happened to the Ice Gauntlets? So much was said months ago about them, and now nothing? Were they dropped?
What of Medusa’s Gaze? Does it come back this time as a magic or an ability? If it is a magic, then it eats one of the four D-Pad selections, and the Air Bow, Lightning Magic, and Earth Magic would be the other three right? So no ice magic then? Unless you don’t use Medusa (her sister anyway)?
The game synopsis we see on the net says the gods have turned against him? True? If so, where DOES he get his new magic from? Not the gods…..then where? Mortal Heroes? Ancient Artifacts? The Titans? Where?
Just curious, but answers would be nice! Keep up the great work! Looking forward to March!
I think Cory's got that stuff handled, hopefully. And if not, then I'm sure it will still be fun. And about the consuption of the D-pad. I don't know what Cory is doing with that, but I assume it will be something like eitherRatchet & Clank or the Jak games. Either you press the D-pad button in one direction once to get to one power and then a second time to get to the next power. Or you can set the powers to the different buttons as you wish, like the quick-select in R&C. Cory said we will be able to carry over all of the powers and weapons from the first game, so I assume that includes Medusa's Gaze. Whatever the case, I'm sure Cory's got things handled.
hey devin
are you sure that you can carry over your weapons and magics from the 1st game? cause in the interview he says second playtrough but i hope your right
greetings mike
We need an update! soon!! what's with the QA for the demo? or better yet, what the hell is QA???
I'm geussing it has something to do with Quality... or is it Quantity??
Quantity Assessment maybe??
vitali, use the search engine.
QA is quality assurance.
I'm not exactly sure. It may be in second play-through only, only Cory could tell you that. But I mean, wouldn't it suck to only be able to pick between your new and old powers?I would assume that Cory and the team has it to where we can use both, but still, I don't know. I can only hope. Again, though, either way, it's going to be a great game.
oh yeah 100% sure it will be great but let's hope your right :) and corry is way to busy to answer my questions now :( so i don't expect any answers but he and jaffe are really cool for giving us the chance to talk to them and to meet other god of war fans ;) but i'm going to sleep now it's almost midnight
When I saw that trailer, I shat my pants, threw my pants passionately out the window and screamed I'd never need them anymore.
I just want this fucking game now. I would sacrifice an arm and a leg to have it in my possession right now.
thanks for your words about this game
if somebody say:
how you feel the game called god of wars
i belive everybody answer :its cool
creay b awersome sweet
there's a small glich on in the god of god 2 demo. At the begining where the you kill all those souldiers to open the gate if you kill everyone except one then go close to the gate and let him follow you press one to smash him to pieces then press R1 n then O and kratos will start open the gate before the gaurds release it and if you hold on the analog stick(hint) and keep pressing [] you can roll continuously while you do this keep rolling to the end until the colossus punch the wall and grab the soldier he only grab one and the 2 remaining soldier cant be kill or harm even with the magic. Then you kill the rest of the soldier go back to the entrance of the gate you c 2 guards who will never attack you no matter what. I fight the colossus without taking any damages
But Congrats Cory i want to become a game designer too
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