Did some tuning of the final boss this weekend and make some huge leaps forward. We have been struggling with this boss for awhile trying to figure out what to do with him. We have this huge collection of ideas that never really felt right to us…but finally we hit a moment of clarity and really honed in on what the fight should be about. Derek (The combat guy tackling the Herculean task…and no that is not a hint as to who he is...the boss that is not Derek. I suppose he is quite Herculean for a vegetarian.) and I decided to just step back and rethink a few things and really just throw away things that didn’t work. Once we stripped the boss down and got out all the clutter it was like “Oh shit…there it is. I can see it now.” I love those moments. Not only because they mean we are close to being done…but also because they really feel like a nice victory. And right now we really needed that victory with all the last minute chaos going on. But the good news is the End Time is near!! And when it comes I hope that you are all as into the game as we are. Except for bruceleethree on the IGN boards…he is obviously disappointed in what we have done. J Just kidding bruce...I think it is cool that you stood up and said what you said…but hopefully you check the game out when it comes out so you can see what we have done with it.
About the demos…there seems to be a lot of people posting their email addresses saying send the demo here. Just to clear things up…I am not sending out a digital version of the demo. It will be a NTSC disc that will be sent out to the peeps who responded a while back when I posted about it. Sorry to all who are hoping to get one now, but I am already waaay over the number I originally set out for. For the people who are hoping for a PAL demo, I am really, really sorry but with the time frame we have in front of us there just is not enough time to get both a PAL and NTSC demo done. I would love to do that, but I really want to ship this game on time. So many apologies to my non NTSC homies but you can revel in the fact that you most likely use the metric system…which while I do not understand it…I know it is far superior to the Scientific American system. So there you go!
Hmmm…this is turning into a bigger post than expected…oh well I shall continue on. I suddenly got inspired to buy a little present for myself last week. I honestly thought it would take much longer than it did to arrive…but Saturday morning I took delivery of my sweet new Astro City arcade cabinet with Marvel Superheroes.

This is a really sucky picture of the actual cabinet. My camera phone is wicked ghetto...I thought it might be good but alas it is so very not.

This is a much better photo of pretty much the same thing...the "suck" has been removed.
I am looking to pick up Marvel vs. Capcom 2, which is the main reason I bought the thing. That freaking game rules. I still suck ass at it, but who knows maybe I will get better from the countless hours that both I and my buddy Ralph Macchio will be spending on it. Who better to learn the ancient arts from than the Karate Kid?
The cabinet is pretty damn sweet, but the one downfall is that it smells like red curry. Not like a little bit either…a freaking lot…which is pretty dope if you loves you some red curry I suppose. While I enjoy the red curry…it is not so great to have the house smell like it. I will have to do some serious disinfecting and scent removal.
Not much else going on really…perhaps that is a little sad now that I think about it. But our game is going final soon so I will have more time to have a life I suppose. I think I will play a few rounds of Marvel before I retire this evening.

Man I so lied...this was way more than a mini update. I must have channeled the power of the double "K".
nice update cory, and a long one too. it's nice to see you sometimes on the gow ign board once in a while. i'm mocoboy12 on ign, just so you know. Anyhoo, GOOD NIGHT to everyone!
You don't look tired at all... you seemed pretty hyped about the game. especially the part where you say "Things that in the first game, you saw in a cinematic". That really opened my eyes and made me want this game even more.
Oh, and I feel pretty uncomfortable saying this but in the last 3 or so minutes of the video you were mumbling something, and I didn't quite get it. any chance you can clear that up? Sorry if it sounds rude or anything. didn't mean it to.
-I'm also one of those tired looking folks. Something about my eyes that makes me look like this. I don't open them to the fullest. they're always partially closed.
I think it's just the way you talk that makes everyone think you're always tired. but I know it's just your "serious fucking business" voice.
hey nice post. umm guys can someone clear this up for me i dont know wats the difference between NTSC and PAL wtf does that shiet mean? please tell me!
I hope all have read the IGN article and saw their videos (especially the interview) now.
I'm glad to hear that update on the final boss and the demos.
BTW Soul: You can play NTSC too right? Also, Cory. I had the same problem as 'vitali'..I couldn't quite catch your final words.
Like Vince, the tired look and attitude/voice works for you Barlog. It made every interview you were in a comedy of sorts to hear/see you with those little jokes, in-jokes and metaphors thrown about. I especially liked that old comment about Kratos "cross-stitching"..
NOTE: THAT joke won me over and opened me to the prospect of a new Game Director (I hate/fear change). After doing a beat of research on your past acheivments, most importantly your work on GoW1, I thought you may just be my preferred director for the rest of the Game's series w/ Dave being your "sound board" telling you what's nutty and what's not.
---Gardening mini-games..MADNESS!
What's with the 'vitali', 'joshua'?
Got some problems with mi'Name?
BTW, Soul is my nick. and 'joshua' is godmodegod.
Oh and to answer your Q. Yes I can play NTSC... I said so like 3 times already.
Yeah, nice "update"... Yeah, the Marvel and Capcom arcade games are pretty fun. It's good to know that I can get a demo, sorry to you guys who can't play yours, or get one even. That was funny, the part about the metric system.
-Devin Greer, yours, the Santa Montica teams, and Kratos' biggest fan. That's right bitches, I AM THE BIGGEST FAN!!! SO SUCK IT!!!
nice update , but im afraid i wont getting a demo :( but its not that bad. actually , its a little good because now i get to play the opening scene (if thats the demo lvl) in the full game and not on a demo because il probably play that lvl a 1000 times and when the game is out i have to play it again ^^ (not that thats a bad thing). anyway , i still cant wait for the game ;) your the best cory! GOW rules
hey cory
that bruce from the ign boards is crazy as hell saying he is disappionted haha and your looking good cory you do need some sleep indeed and after god of war 2 some time in the gym cause you need to loose a little weight but afther that your a real player ;) and i'm no gay haha i'm really active in the sports myself ( thaiboxing ) but anyway cool update
greetings mike
ntsc and pal are region codes we in europe have pal and the usa has ntsc and a pal ps2 can't play an ntsc disk unless it has been modified if this is the correct word haha but for me it is not a problem as i said earlier i know a game store that has an ntsc ps2 so i can play the demo there and after that i will leave it there so many more can play that demo
greetings mike
oh and someone earlier asked about the red orb bar: it isn't there anymore the red orb has another and way better counting system now it shows up in numbers and the place where the orb bar used to be is now a bar for slowing down time for a period of time near an sister of fate statue
correct me if i'm wrong cory
greetings mike
i share soul's and gmg's question;
wozzat last thing u said about the game release at the end of the interview?
btw, i always got my eyes looking sleepy as well...i never notice!
Yep, that's how I see it too, Mike. Though, I think the orange bar is for all relics, not just the Amulet of the Fates. I love this change.
same here soul. ok cory look i don't wanna sound arrogant or anytihng, but i was encouraged by a good friend to post this drawing of mine, hopefully to be a decent addition to the fanart wall u got there in the staff (loved it btw! i didn't know u guys had one!)
so here it is; Kratos choking the Prince of persia from POPww
...not that i have anything against the prince! lol
Oh my God of War 2!!
last year on E3 to what I saw on IGN the game came from far away. Cory, you looked like SH!T on the interview pal, that game drained the SH!T out of you man. After the game is shipped out what you need to do is to take at least 1 month vacation in Cancun or some where in the Caribean Islands to get some rest, to be at peace, to relax and most of all TO GET LAID.
haha nice fanart evan
did you know that in real life the spartans really fought the persians? the persians really faced a masacre they lost thousands of man against a few spartans cause the spartans where super organised haha real history so indeed kratos would wipe his ass ;)
greetings mike
Hello am a boy of españa i want to ask you the game goes out in europa especially in españa.
Thank you
getting laid is good for everyone haha
yes vitali it's a very good change in my opinion god of war 2 is really everything like god of war 1 but way better in graphics combo's weapons bosses length of the game ( length i hope ) so i'm very exited i wish had a delorean like in back to the future haha
greetings mike
dude after all the work you have done sleep till the end of the year. too bad about the emails, but i am still ocd about updates. cant wait to see the site when it goes up. paz.
There has to be a way to play a demo of it still! Maybe $100? hahaha. There has to be a way!!!
Cory you need a vacation or at least a long rest you looked drained you need some relaxation and some peace.
Marvel Versus Capcom 2 rules that's my second favorite 2D fighting game next to Guilty Gear X-2.
You and Dave make an excellent development team and I ahve Respect for both of you two than most developers.
Evan, not to break your spirit or anything, but even if you do get a demo, can your PS2 handle NTSC?
And once again, well done on that drawing, Evan. really nice piece.
Cory, whaddaya think of it?
I meant to say "have" at the end.
When it(he,she) goes out gow2 in spain
Sup Cory. I just wanted to tell you that you're doing an awesome job on God of War 2; it looks incredible.
**There has to be a way to play a demo of it still! Maybe $100? hahaha. There has to be a way!!! **
wowowow! i didn't post that? someone used my name to post it!
and i'm not sure about NTSC but my PS2 would do it. not that i'm coming anywhere near the demo! i know it's hopless
but honestly, who posted that with my name?
Nice pic Evan, seriously funny...
Greetings from Portugal to all you guys (and girls?) and of course to you Cory. I've been checking out this blog for the past few months ever since I found it while browsing info about GOW2 and hey, what more reliable source of info then this?
Anyway with all the latest hype around the IGN update, in which I include myself (this game is looking better and better by the update), there is one question I would like to throw in hoping Cory will catch it. You mentioned some time ago that all the Pegasus stuff had been improved from what we've seen in the trailer. So... what amount of improvement are you talking about here? 'Cause to me it was looking rather tasty to start off with!
Lame P.S/Trivia: When I first found out about this blog and therefore about Cory, I just kept calling you Balrog when talking to my friends. Sorry man... grew up on Street Fighter 2 and it took me some time to accept the fact that you're not a big black boxer dude that breaks jaws in Vegas.
Later Mr.BARLOG and fellow readers.
I thought the stuff that Kratos did before was brutal in the first game but what he does to that Collasual statue is hardcore.
God of war has been my 1st favorite action game in a long time to come out of the States and Devil may cry is my second favorite.
I'll make sure to get this game when it comes out on March the 15th , I'm planning to get Rogue Galaxy this Month it looks like a great non-Linear RPG.
thanks mike now i understand. good thing i live in usa!
thanks for answering me about the orbs mike!;)
Hy Cory, I´m Bruno and I live in Brazil. I just read your interview on EGM Brasil. I´m looking forward to play God of War 2. I´m a big fan of GoW, in my opinion it´s the best action game EVER.
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I'm glad to hear that update on the final boss and the demos.
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