So here we are just days away from another milestone for God of War 2 and the studio is buzzing with sounds many bugs being closed. I am not sure what exactly it sounds like when a bug is closed…but whatever that sounds it…it is being heard quite a lot.
We are going to be breaking off the demo code pretty soon and tuning the final tuning pass on the demo level so that is pretty damn exciting. It means that those of you who emailed earlier about the demo will soon be holding your sweet copy of the God of War 2 Demo…looking all bad ass and glistening in the sun…the demo…not you. Of course if you choose to oil yourself up before playing the demo that is your business…I am not here to judge. No firm date on when that stuff will go out yet but rest assured that when I know…you will know.
IGN is stopping by for a visit tomorrow to check out the latest stuff so that ought to be fun. I still wish we had more time before we show stuff…but I am going to feel like that all the way up to the street date…and probably many weeks beyond that. Such is the nature of my OCD I guess. Anyway it will still be nice to get some fresh eyes on this thing and see what their reaction is. Let’s hope it is a good reaction J I believe they are going to put it up pretty quickly but not 100% sure as to when so keep an eye out.
I need to get to a character tuning session now so I will end this update here, but I will probably come back to it later in the day to blab on about some more cool stuff that is going on in the wonderful word of carnage and brutality.
Another funny thing of note…some of the titles I use have yielded some funny results on the visitors. I saw that someone entered a google search string of “Don’t date an Beta male” and ended up here…hopefully that person is still checking in on the blog as I will be starting a ten part series on “the beta male and you.”
woot the game looks hecka good.. and that dog looks brutal! well i cant wait for the ign update i will be checkin that out real soon! wellz cya hope u have a good day.
(first comment... i fell special.)
YEAH! Let's all express our love for God of War II!
Go demos, Go God of War II, Go "Almost final" the GoW-Fan dog, Go Cory!
So there will be some more media coverage, finally ;) But that can't be avoided forever and I really want to see something more...Although I would be pleased to play every bit of the demo myself, without having watched any videos first. The same goes for the final game, as it will be a complete, full-blood experience to be played in one long breath. Like an interactive movie.
And DON'T FORGET to SIGN the DEMOS :)) You know how much would everyone appreciate this.
Can't wait to get my hands on the demo (and the final game of course).
tcwest08@aol.com this is my email for the demo. thanx
The demo release draws ever closer..What's this?! IGN actually updating..hopefully they have some interesting info for us.
I'm looking foward to getting more info..can't help but wander what the God Armor does for us EXACTLY.
~Something more exciting than nothing no doubt..thanks for the heads up Cory
Hey Cory I have a few questions please, is there a limit fo how many demos you will hand out? or will everyone who has emailed you with their details get the Demo? and was their a deadline for this, ie sending you the email? well i emailed you a few days ago, and i never got a reply, which i am guessing is because you are a very busy with GOW2 ( well hoping that is the reason lol) well this just leads to my ultimate question will i be recieving a copy of the demo??? (A)
Thanks :D
Since one years I look informations on gow2, I am exiter and would like to have the demo.
You mean:
BTW, if you need an excuse as to why the release date got pushed, you can blame me...just say the lead composer got an advance copy of Guitar Hero II and wouldnt write another note until he could get 5 stars on "Cherry Pie".
What a badass K9....so, is IGN going to be playing the same demo that we will be recieving?
And to the anonymous person, Cory didn't reply to any of us(atleast I hope not).
And lastly, Cory, do you guys have some type of internship there? And if yes, how many inspiring dreams do you guys crush on a daily basis?
*caffinated up and listening to SOAD at 4am*
Give IGN some info on the new magics plz, and some gameplay time with them!
Tapion, He replied to me! :P but that's just cause I'm special. I think I'm the only Israeli getting a demo.
great news! cant wait for this game... i hope i get a demo though , i emailed you a week or 2 ago so i hope i still will get one (im from belgium btw). i can only hope ^^
I think I'm the only Israeli getting a demo.
just so you know vitali i'm israeli too, but i moved to the united states three years ago. I guess you're not so special after all.
Oh, and i'm also going to get the demo.
Boy, I can't wait for the IGN update. Thanks for the heads up, mate.
Just a question that I seriously doubt anyone asks you - why were the other Spartans so lame in GOW1? They were such cowards in comparison to their historical counterparts. Was it just to make Kratos look better?
Zeno (...doros?), they weren't spartans, they were soldiers of the Oracle. not nessecarily Spartans. Remember Kratos' Army? *they* were spartans, and they kicked ass with Kratos.
So we have Zenodoros here..nice.. If I had to answer that question I'd say..definately..and it worked
Vitali: That was what he was talking about..those spartans were not exactly looking like winners in any fights other than the ones depicted with them pwning unarmed men, women and children..I dare to presume THAT is what he was referring to.
~I don't expect IGN to give us that update until next week..it would be just too great if they got it to us before the week ended
OK gow2 the 13 march! 60 days to wait.
where can i sign up to see if i can still get the demo?
question: does the demo include any game spoilers? or is it gonna be just from the begining without any deep story details?
i know i for one won't be getting the demo, os i wanna know if i watch out for demo discussions or not
can't wait for the IGN updates
It the demo coming to Europe?
Would be great!;)
jrdanks@msn.com this is my email for the demo. thanx
Please deliver the gift of Kratos to alcades@juno.com
Can't wait. I might have to settle on the demo for a few months while my funds replenish from the semester (books...god i hate college) but will have God of War II by April 16th (my birthday :P)
I've been craving a new update on the game so I'm pretty psyched about the IGN article. I can't wait; I hope it has some interesting information. And for those of you who are posting your e-mails on here because you want a demo, you're suppose to e-mail Cory saying that you want one and send him all your info (home address, etc.).
Oh and by the way, I remember hearing a while back about a 4th orb besides the health, magic, and experience orbs. Has this orb been revealed yet?
Ruben, the 4th orb rumor is so old, and no it hasn't been revealed yet. I'm not even sure who said it... Cory can you confirm a fourth orb in the game?
There will be a 4th orb, and it's name will be Roy!
Is it still called God of War II: Divine Retribution ?
gmg & vitili: Yes, the Spartans really do seem like a rowdy, mindless and unorganized bunch in GoW. They don't even fight in formation against the barbarians (no wonder they lost). But I think the biggest problem I have is with the Spartan that Kratos sacrifices... he's an absolute pussy.
zeno - How do we know that was a Spartan? He could be one of those pencil neck Athenians.
Does someone know if the Demo is coming as PAL to Europe?
Vitali, your not the only israeli getting the demo, trust me.
zime we in europe will get a ntsc version of the demo said cory a long time ago
Would you have any extras that could be delivered to alexjazz03@hotmail.com?
How can I get a copy of the GoW2 demo?
I beat the internet. the end guy is hard. (The answer is 42.)
The interview with ign it passed well ?
Love the blog, Cory, can't wait for more news. What is it, like 2 months left until release? I can't wait. Love the puppy, really awesome... I laughed really bad on the part about glistening in the sun... and oiling ourselves up.... Wow... Lol...
hey check this out kratos in color action figure
my bad the site
if this dont work just go to figures.com
I can't wait!!!
Damnit man!! WHAT AN UPDATE! I loved the whole "Hi, I'm Cory Barlog, director of the game God of War II"...
Awesome stuff, Cory. You really did it this time for me. Is that the colossus we'll be fighting in the demo, then?
It's looks GREAT!!
wow great update on ign
greetings mike
I must say..I was actually floored by the amount of content IGN was given...and the toy not only impressed..but it gave me some info to feed on..I'll be analyzing those vidoes and the interview for quite some time now...
~FUCKING WIN Cory...good God..it's everything I hoped for and more.. even more than I DREAMED..
--Seems like everything I would have suggested made it...GODLIKE. I salute you Barlog..you have truely bested GoW1 and performed a GREAT JUSTICE this day
jezus christ... by seeing that intervieuw and movies i want to play this game so bad now!! OMG i cant wait untill march!!! this will PWN
god i love you cory haha now i have seen the entire update on ign and it's fucking great you have reached the goal of making part 2 better than 1 and that does not happen very often with movies or games or whatever so great job
greetings mike
Thanks!!! Cory and you all.
I want very very much this DEMO. My e-mail for the demo: sidney_stelzer@yahoo.com.br
OMG, thankx for the mass update, u have made my month.
Not 1 but 2 thunder spells, PR and a whole new one and not 1, not but 3 alt weapons. BKhammer returns with army of hades (thats a weapon/spell and i give u 20/10 for that move) with wind bow and another alt weapon which specific rnt released yet.
I love the CotGods, alt costumes and i love thats there is no sp edition but a full blast all-in-1 with savefeature and replay value and its perfect and i love the detail on the levels, backgrounds.
I can speak on behalf of everyone by saying:
This is the best PS2 game ever invented and the best game of 2007.
Thankyou for letting us be apart of something the grew from the beginning to end.
wow cory, to say that i'm amazed by the ign update is a complete understatement. I mean everything I ever wanted to be fixed on the first game is corrected and made better on the second.
Plus, you're adding even more stuff than I could have ever hoped for. AND the game will come with two discs, one with the actual game itself, and the second with a full documentary.
Cory, when the game comes out, I'll have to put my 360 aside for a very long time.
I really thank you and the gow team for all he blood, sweat and tears you've put in the game so far.
HELLZ YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
elbowen155@aol.com is my email for the demo. cant wait.
elbowen155@aol.com is my email. i am going ocd over the updates. i am dying to play the demo. i think i need a new challenge after beating god mode a bajillion times (and still loving it). i really hope to get one.
sorry about the double comment.
I am completely stunned. I mean, I can still move my fingers though, otherwise I couldn't type. I downloaded those videos from IGN, and I have to say, I am in utter amazement. I knew it would be better than GOW1, but it's like a million times better. Just like the first game, it starts out in a fucking great way. It's very good to know that we will get to keep the magic and weapons from the first game, I was worried about that. I mean, seriously... GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love everything about God Of War, I don't know why, also, those action figures are coming out nicely, can't wait to get them...
thanks for all the info. I was wondering i know this is really late but i just found out could i still get a demo of GOWII from you PLEASE.
Thanks Masahiro
Hey yo Cory,
what up man? We all know that you're the new director of GOW2 and since every body is on your neck saying "Don't fvck up GOW2" and we also knew Dave Jaffe was the creator/director of GOW1, what did he had to say to you about GOW2? did he play the demo? did he make any comments, any feedback, any ideas or what? if Dave Jaffe was the director of GOW2 would he be making anything different than what you did? was Dave Jaffe there when doing the test play?
Let us know what's new.
PS: Hey Cory, when you get a chance check out this website: www.schillerart.net
Thanks gow team!!!!!!!!!!!
does anybody have pics on the costume contest for god of war 2. I heard playstation underground members received an email where they can vote for there favorite gow 2 costume to be in the game. Just wondering because i haven't receive that email yet. Also the costume are fanart from regualr people if you're wondering.
No, no email here, either, and I'm in the G.A.P., so, yeah...
WOW! Just saw the IGN stuff. Now I'm really stoked about the game. The Demo will tide me over until March, but come March 13th...Look out!
Seriously man, that stuff looks absolutely amazing. Incredible, I can't wait, but yes, the demo will help stem the tide, if you know what I mean.
I want the demo! But I live in Europe so my ps2 can't read NTSC?
Is there a PAL demo on the way?
i see from the vids that u haven got a red bar, for red orbs, likein gow1. is that just because its not finished or what??
love the update on ign btw!
cory says in the interview that you can take all of your magics weapons and red orbs but now i'm thinking does he mean from the save file from part 1 or just the second playtrough? can someone give me an answer on that but i hope he does something cool with the save file from 1 don't you guys think
greetings mike
no zime no pal only ntsc but that doesn't bother me cause a little computer store here in holland has a ntsc ps2 and i will leave the demo there so way more people can play it ;)
greetings mike
I saw the update on ign.com, so I saw a story but thought...hell yeah, but first go to the video section and oh my god it totally rocked the world. My whole life excists, once again, for God of War_0_
I think I found me a game that's better then God of War..it's God of War II: Divine Retribution :D
i think they will send a pal version to us europeans... why? because they also know that we cant use ntcs on our ps2's...
maybe they changed their mind but cory himself said a long time ago we would receive the ntsc
greetings mike
hm , well i hope they changed :s kinda stupid dont you think... sending a ntsc version and we cant even play it ^^
guess we have to see it for ourselfs.
I live in europe ntsc or pal its does not change since it is signed by Cory ,with the PS3 there will not be this problem.
Hey Cory,
When will the official website for gow2 be up and running coz it says that coming 2007.
Most sites comes 1-2 months before so GOW2 should be up this month?
what do you mean?
simward007 i asked cory the same question a while ago and he said he didn't now but here is the link to the god of war 2 website
greetings mike
here a link to the map of greece the beginning of god of war 2 is on the island rhodes thats far from sparta and athens wow
colossus of rhodes.
CORY, WHAT I SAW AT IGN is TRULY MAGICAL! All the work you've done on this game was surely worth it to bring this FEELING to us! I can only pray that all the levels are incredible and await the demo!... Some time ago, I wrote you with some suggestions concerning the atmosphere of the game. I don't know if you've read it, but what I saw on IGN was really this epic tale I've been awaiting since GoW! As a game, GoW has some of the GREATEST, special powers a videogame may have, as a child of a new era, to differentiate it from books and movies. I think you've really done it! And after those 60 days, I wish you've done everything you wanted, and even more, with GOWII! All the best!
FANTASTIC you send the demo in Europe?.
I think it's too late to sign up for the demos people... But I'm not Cory Barlog or The Man so I can't tell. And I don't think they'll be sending PAL to europe either, it's NTSC for everyone.
My PS2 can handle it..can yours?
My PS2 too!
My Pee-Es-Too-Too... Well played, Memo. LOL.
Well played,Vitali.:)
well played my ass my
pee ass too not
cause i'm from europe haha no i have an adress so i can play it too
greetings mike
We are gow fans!!!!!!!!!!!
Just saw some videos and screens on IGN, and damn! The game looks great Cory :)
It's hard to believe that nearly 2 years has passed since the release of GOW1.....nevertheless, GOWII looks even tastier, sounds even sweeter, and i bet plays even smokin'er.....gotta hand it to you, jaffe gave the right person the reins for this one, my friend....
lulu from lala
I completely agree. And those 2 years passed really fast. I'm glad that we are only mere months away from playing God Of War II. It looks truly amazing, and I'm sure it is.
-Devin Greer
Cory -
DAMN!!! The IGN vids - they're such a tease.....don't be a tease!! When is this masterpeice hitting the shelves?!?! Your GOW fans await! Don't hesitate! Can I score a demo? Will there be any press or release paries in Wichita????
slasherchick of the falls
As a student, and poor as hell, I'm so psyched that God of War 2 will bo on the PS2....I gotta PSP for Christmas...any chance that I'll be able to slip into the shoes of Kratos on the PSP? My ever lovin dreams would come true!! The subway will be such a sanctuary for me!
Nellis, NYC
That IGN interview was incredible. I can't wait to play it all. By the way, someone just posted that the game would come in two discs... WTF? I never heard that and I've been pretty up to date on everything having to do with GOW2. Is this guy just spreading a rumor or is it true?
hey ruben, yes there is the 2 disc. this is not the special edition everyone will come with 2 discs and the second disc will have alot of the special features (im guessing more then the first game) and well if you read the ign article you would know this. they dont say this in the video interview but they write it (or is it vis-versa) anywho you can find it there.
I don't understand why it is that the written articles get ignored so often...(referring to the IGN update)
~Also..over 100 comments..impressive
Thanks a lot Josiah, I never thought of actually reading the IGN article for some reason, I just thought they had some new videos. I'll check it out right now.
That's a very informative video, thanks.
woo, it still be soon to come to spain this game but i'd like to send me the demo, here in malaga. it'd be an honour for me, sending this game for you, i'd be very happy. could you get me one?? my e-mail, it's compialb@hotmail.com.
congratulations cory¡¡¡¡ keep on your good work.
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