Saturday, February 24, 2007

Enough Already...

In order to assist and hopefully expedite the dust in settling on this whole “God of War 2 Developer bashes Wii” controversy I am going to change the subject now and talk about something else. Maybe I will talk about other things I am playing these days…on my vacation away from the land of development.

Let’s see…I played a bit more of World of Warcraft the other day. Sometimes that game sucks me in…and other times it just turns me off right away. Probably because I am attempting quests that are waay above my level...which is 22 right now. I had to go kill 5 giant crockalisks or something like that…and I was doing it solo. I really didn’t think it would take that long…so the first few attemjpts were such miserable failures. Then I quit for awhile...then came back again the other day thinking it would be easier...5 hours later I finally killed the last one. Good lord those things are hard. It got me thinking about how such a mundane tasks kept me engaged for so long. I mean from a story standpoint I have no fucking clue what is going on in the game. The quests all have these crazy hard to pronounce names for towns and people…and when I step back from it I feel like a fed ex guy with a sword and gun. Yet I still go back when I have time and play these confusing and sometimes frustrating missions. But when I finish them..I do feel a sense of accomplishment. I also think I like the fact that I can leave the game alone for however long I want, and when I go back I have a clear list of goals that I can chisel away at, which I suppose is very rewarding. Though I honestly forget what level I am at most of the time, and then am surprised when that crazy gold tornado comes up and says I have leveled up. I also forget about the Talent points all the time, but then it is like freaking Christmas when I remember ‘cause I have a ton to spend. Which is always nice.

I actually think I will keep coming back to WOW every once and awhile…but I don’t think I will ever be able to get into it to the extent that some do. I really don’t see a level 60 in my future or anything like that…just don’t have enough time to dedicate to that. But the freaking size of the world is absolutely amazing. I could have fun just running from Menthiel harbor to Iron forge…man those freaking names are weird.

Let’s see what else is new? Going to GDC in a few weeks so that ought to be fun. I am eager to catch up with old friends as well as see all the discussions on next-gen development. I really want to hear what people are saying about their development cycles and the growing complexity of these games. I chatted with the Bio-ware guys a few years back at DICE…would love to chat with those guys again. I have such respect for the way they handle such big freaking games. I really want to pick their brain about their process.

I just finished a pretty good discussion with some people on the System wars forum on gamespot. I found the link to the thread from that belstat thing on my blog and decided to check out what people were saying. Initially it was mostly the typical “he is an idiot” stuff…but when I got to talking to everyone it was actually pretty cool. Everyone there is really into games and has a lot to say about them. I love talking games so it was nice. Some still hate me and say they distrust Sony…but in the end no matter what I do or say that will always be the case.

Oh I am doing the 1up show podcast on World of Warcraft sometime soon..not sure when but I will keep everyone posted as to when that is going off. Maybe that is why I am on this WOW kick today.

I got this image from the G4tv forums...everyone keeps going on about this balrog thing...but it is weird how I look almost exactly like this guy. Though I am a little buffer.



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Anonymous said...

from the looks of it kratos is building his own armor: he takes the golden flies he takes the bracelet from hercules he takes the sword and shield from perseus he takes the wings of icarus :o


Anonymous said...

On gamspot forum cory said that it was theseus.

Anonymous said...

Hey Cory, we need an update on the soundtrack. Seven days until it hits the stores and there's still NOTHING about the soundtrack written in stone?

Anonymous said...

damn you might be right FUCK i want hercules


Anonymous said...

i just readed that hercules was honered by sparta so i think there will be no fight between kratos and him then :) it's theseus indeed


Jeano said...

What up Mike,
I made some researches online about Amsterdam, things are kind of cheap and there are a lot of FREAKY SHIT going on overthere man, what's the deal with'em BITCHES who're in glass cages?

As for them American chicks, to me they're sucked and if you're not in some well known college that your rich mom/dad are paying for you ain't gonna get SHIT, no hot chicks at all like them California Baywatch bitches you see on TV.

Man!! them blondes overthere in Amsterdam drive me nuts and I want them bitches to give me heads bad. Out here in New York City them bitches are prissy, sassy, they think they're all that and shit like their COOCHIE don't stink.

Like if you don't hang out with so... and so... if you don't have the connections with so... and so... if you don't drive a Hummer Truck with 24" wheels they won't hang out with you at all. To me the best good looking women are the Puerto Rican bitches, the latinos like the Shakira Colombian bitches, the Samba Brazilian bitches, the Indian Venezuelian bitches, the Tango Argentinian bitches just to name a few.

With all the fast food places around here in NYC (KFC, Burger King, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Arby's Chinese) most women are UGLY, FAT like the Michelin tire guy, BROKE ASS with no MONEY, no jobs and LAZY who be thinking a man must do everything for them and pretty soon I'm moving out of NYC for good because life is too hard and expensive and the jobs don't pay.

Not all jobs are petty in NYC though, like I said unless you've connections with peoples in high places who can hook you up or suck up on some body's dick to give you a job, other than that if you're a regular New Yorker like me living there trying to make ends meet it'll CHEW YOU UP AND SPIT YOU UP.

Hey Mike,
if you're planning to visit the USA, come to New York City, but you must think about the expenses things ain't cheap in here man. I'm 28y/o, I live all my life in Brooklyn and every day I learned something new, it's full of surprises and you can expect the unexpected out here in New York City and we love it so much. "THE DIVERSITY OF THE PEOPLES THAT'S WHAT MAKE NEW YORK WHAT IT IS TODAY".

Devin Greer said...

It's nice to see how much you guys respect women.

Anonymous said...


it's a little of the same story here. if you are broke you will get nothing. but i know in the states it's far worse. racism and those fucked up ghetto's no fun living there :( but here they are way better for the people, although there are also changes going on here. they debated about the illegalizing drugs ( weed ) also they fobidded the ladies behind the glass at some places. we have to pay way more tax and all that. all because of those fucking new politicians they chose, but it's no america. like that american friend of me, he is glad to live here way less trouble. so you would be better of in the netherlands thats for sure, like you said america is only fun when you have money. and DEVIN it's no disrespect for the ladies but if you only have a buspass and no car, you ain't shit. like i said the world would be better if they all start to respect eachother, but thats not gonna happen :( all honest and great world leaders get shot or what ever.


Jeano said...

Hey there Devin,
it's not like we don't respect Women, bashing them or anything, au the contraire we love them to death, we would be lost without Women and we can't live without them either, but Women have MAJOR issues that they have to deal with themselves and us Men can't put up with it like:

1- Women complained too much, even if you've the biggest dick in the world and make a Woman cum 10 times she'll still be complaining by saying "Why did you make me cum so hard? this dick of yours is too big for me, are you trying to kill me? I can't take it."

2- If a Man is making more money than a Woman, she'll say "Fuck you, you're not my dad, you can't tell me what to do, I wanna make decisions too and I hate this SHIT."

3- If a Woman is smarter than a Man, she'll say "You dumb ass mother fucker, you're worthless, you're stupid, you can't do shit, you're even dumber than your dad."

4- If a Man is smarter than a Woman, she'll say "Fuck you Mr. Know it all, I'm not stupid, I'm not dumb, I'm smart, you're not better than me, I can do things too and who do you think you are?"

5- If a Woman is making more money than a Man, she'll say "You broke ass mother fucker, you're always broke and why do I've to do everything by myself, I need to be taking care of, I need your support and I hate this SHIT."

6- Women hate other Women too and if a Woman looks better than she does, she'll say "Who the hell she think she is, you ain't all that and I hate that bitch."

7- The most thing a Woman does that get us wanna kill'em is "The talk" Women talk too damn much, they be saving stuff to talk about for later and us Men can not argue with Women at all, we can not win an arguement with Women, it's impossible.

8- See, us Men have a weakness of making sense, things gotta make sense to us and a Woman is not in it for sense, she just wanna talk to see how long it's going to take before you snap on her and the next thing you know, you're in troubles.

9- Women be saying that we don't listen, we're forgetful and Women don't understand as a Man grow older his brain is shrinking and it's better that way and the worst thing about Women, they never forget anything al all.

P.S: The Woman issue is WAY BIGGER than us and I love all Women, but they just need to level up a bit.

Anonymous said...

whahahaha good one jeano. do you know that dr.dre album 2001 and then listen to number 18 haha.

and look at this link guys.


Anonymous said...

God of war is a great game,the real life is not a game respects the humans.

Anonymous said...

Are you still alive, cory??

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, how have you all been doing? I've been around but couldn't include myself in the "Oh Shit I Got the Demo!" fold. lol I'm happy for you though. To add a bit of enlightment in regards of Cory's whereabouts I remind you all that Cory mentioned he was going to GDC so... I guess he's there hanging out his fellow developers.=)

Meanwhile it seems that the euro dudes like myself, Mike and Vitali will have to wait for almost another month (at least here in Portugal stores mention the 13th of April, which utterly sucks).

As with all the media bleeding regarding the game I must confess I watched a couple of things (GT review, perseus gameplay) and the game looks like quite a ride, and like so I'm avoiding any other new videos and stuff until I play this game. Portugal salutes you. =)

Devin Greer said...

Wow, those are ignorant and stupid reasons.

woot said...

yo mike...most colleges dont require a dress code, meaning uniforms aren't required. being that you mentioned (might of, cant really remember) you are 24, the girls you're thinking of are in high school, haha. might be a little old for them. you might be referring to the catholic schoolgirl outfit? how big is amsterdam in relation to a city in the u.s.? as for the women here, you have to be a little careful. a lot of the culture here is family-based, so if she gets mad or if you do something wrong, don't be surprised if you wake up with few limbs missing. and as for choice of women, i'd go for the italians. try the clubs.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the demo Cory, it was really fun, and I can't wait to finish him off on Tuesday. It really means a lot to me that you took the time to get the demos made and shipped off to all of us, and then going the extra step and signing them!

Thanks a lot, and I really hope the game does well next week.

-Ozzie Smith

Anonymous said...

WOOT i don't know axactly how big amsterdam is, but it's pretty big. but have you ever seen the netherlands on the map :) it's one of the smallest land in the entire world.

and DEVIN your a good kid. you posted some great comments, but your just 15 years old. you never really had long relationships and such, so you can't know. no offence.

greetings mike

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


what the fuck are they gonna broadcast next, the final battle???

jeez :( mike

Unknown said...

to marco->

not the 18th os APRIL!!!
were the fuck did you come up with that date???

Devin Greer said...

Hey, look, more bullshit filling my screen... So, what, because I haven't lived as long as you, I can't possibly know anything? Because I haven't hit that magical day of 18, I'm a dumb-shit? By the way, are there fairies there, I've always wanted to know.

Anonymous said...


marco is right it's april 18th and i can give you more then 10 links of gamesites confirming that.


no fairies here, and i am not saying you are stuppid, i am saying you do not have that much experiance with relationships. but keep up the respect for women ;) it's good. i hope they don't start cheating on you and shit in the future.


Anonymous said...

umm, when did this turn into a dating forum, or something like that;)

...just kiddin. Michale, where did u get 30. march from? if its true, then id like to know:D

Jeano said...




Anonymous said...


back to the world of games :) xbox360 has something way better then conan in the near future, it's called TOO HUMAN. it's a little like god of war. altough nothing can compete with god of war :)


Anonymous said...


thus it's a little like this:



Anonymous said...

but i am staying with kratos


Anonymous said...

Some dude called 'BLZBUB' is doin a pretty good job of spoiling every boss and aspect of the game over at What a shame, he says he's from Sony too.

Anonymous said...

I support BLZBUB as he is a champion of GREAT JUSTICE..

~I love spoilers...they don't effect the experience for me at all

---Though I have no doubt I will have beaten/unlocked everything long before he does at the rate he is playing at..

Devin Greer said...

I <3 Kratos! Yeah, me and Kratos are best friends, we get together on weekends and have LAN parties with all of the other gods, that is... Until he got pissed again... Now it's just me and him, and when it lags, and I win, he fucking smashes my computer into smithereens, and then he goes home and it's like it never happened. I've started replacing his steroid pills with estrogen, now he;s a lot nice, but he gets a little too close to me when we watch movies on the couch.

Anonymous said...

After a futile banishment from Athena, and during the events of the battle with the Colossus, Zeus offers aid in the form of a blad that requires Kratos to pour his godly essence into it. That meant all of his Magic bar, his life bar...bringing Kratos to the brink of death in order to disable the Colossus.

At the point Kratos does so, he mortally wounds the Colossus and must travel into its wound, and destroy the enchanted architecture that gives it life.

Cocky as ever, Kratos escapes as the Colossus begins to explode not realizing that his sacrifice for the power of the blade has made him mortal once again. Unbeknownst to Kratos, the Colossus' arm is falling towards earth and inevitably crashes down upon Kratos brining him to the brink of death...he staggers towards his Spartan soldiers but is confronted by Zeus himself who reveals he was merely cleaning up the mess Athena had made during the events of the first game. He never had any intention of helping Kratos and was only weakening him in order to punish him.

Kratos, stubborn though he is, refuses to bow down to Zeus. With this, Zeus makes the final blow, killing Kratos and leaving him for Hades. It is here you come in contact with the Titan Gaia, who explains that long ago, Chronos demanded sacrifices of newborn children. Zeus(as a baby) was to be a sacrifice, but a clever reuse altered his destiny and as a result, Zeus grew up to loath the Titans and banished them all to an eternity of pain and suffering. It is with this information that Gaia contracts you to aid the Titans and ultimately bring Zeus down. Considering this is Kratos' ultimate goal, he obliges and sets out on his quest.

Anonymous said...

The Temple of Euryale is actually quite a bit further than just after Typhon. Once Kratos takes care of Typhon he acquires Typhon's Bane, rather...a simple bow & arrow. After Kratos acquire this he sets back to release the trapped Pegasus, pinned beneath one of Typhon's hands...then mount Pegasus and travel to...


It is here that Kratos sets out on a coarse of events to turn back time to the point right before Zeus delivers his final blow...ultimately killing Kratos.

The Island of Creation is the main hub for the events of the game housing numerous temples, one of which I'm in now "The Temple of the Forgotten". So far I have released the Steeds of Time, giant Titan Horses created as a gift by Chronos in a futile attempt to change his fate. I have also encountered the Barbarian King (from the first game) who made a deal with Hades to come back and seek revenge upon Kratos for what he did to him...acquired the Barbarian Hammer...and have set out to find the Sisters of Fate.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I passed that puzzle. was so obvious and my wife was looking at me, grabbed the controller and did one thing I just didn't even notice. Voila!

Anyhoo...I've since fought Euryale (Medussa's sister), claimed her head (new Gorgon item), made my way through more territory on the Island and fought/killed Perseus...claimed his Shield. I have to say, that was one helluva battle. If anyone is familiar with Clash of the Titans, he has The Helmet of Invisibilty, is very fast to attack with a sword and/or sling...and his shield blinds/stuns Kratos. He proved to be a tough battle but in the end...I smote him and it was quite satisfying. Considering I loved Clash of the Titans, I never thought I'd be so happy to kill him.

I'm now making my way to find the Sisters of Fate. I'm guessing me next boss will be Icarus considering there are many unaccessable areas that look within a glides distance. Seems a logical place to pick up such an item.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I forgot that prior to fighting Euryale I encountered Jason (of Jason and the Argonauts) who had been dragged into Cerberus' lair...not the mild GREY version you've probably seen videos of, but the actual BOSS Cerberus. The battle is tough and quick paced. Unlike the other Cerberus fights you do NOT rip off his individual heads. Kratos weakens him until he can reach down his throat to claim the Golden Fleece. Needless to say, Jason doesn't make it through this battle.

The upgrades simply unlock MORE power, & MORE combos.

Anonymous said...

fOkay, Tyhpon is not really a boss but you do fight him. He is agitated at your presence and constantly blows blizzard gusts in an attempt to send you to your demise. Typhon's Bane is in his eyeball, so there is some kind of effort you have to exhert in order to obtain it. since encountered the crazy & old Icarus, fought him midair, and ripped his wings off. We both fell through the heavens and apparently into the bottom of the world. Icarus, without his wings, was swallowed by the underworld while I safely landed upon one of Atlas' cheekbones. I have encountered numerous new foes, battling through the denizens of Hades himself in order to Translators into opening the gate to the Temple of Fates through a little...bloodletting.

I have ventured into the sanctum of the Phoenix, resurrected the Phoenix's ashen remains in the fires of the temple, fought a mysterious soldier in silhouette against the skyline overlooking the Temple of Fates only to realize it was one of my men...the same one I sent to defend Sparta. Upon learning that Zeus, in the cover of night, had completely destroyed the city and all of the inhabitants...he passed, and the Kraken revealed himself. A fierce battle ensued, but Kratos was the ultimate victor. It was then I impaled the Blades of Athena into the Pheonix and flew to the Temple...

Anonymous said...

Actually, yes & no. It starts off as individual battles against Atropos & Clotho...then the two tag-team. I've forgotten who's who, but one you fight in the temple, the other you fight on the Sword you use to defeat Ares in the final battle of the first, all while overlooking the battle between the two. I believe it's Clotho, and she is attempting to destroy the sword before Kratos can use it...thus changing his fate and erasing his possability of becoming the God of War in the first place. Then the fight returns to the Temple where the two use some rather interesting tactics to widdle Kratos' life down to nothing. Kratos is fighting on the blade, while Kratos and Ares (both in Titan form), are battling in the background. Essentially you are taken back in time with future Kratos, and past Kratos both occupying the same space.
After progressing through his level you have a conversation and learn they have met once before, there is some disdain held within Atlus against Kratos...but it is unclear where these events lay in the storyline & mythos.
To clarify the battle of the Moirae (The Sisters of Fate), you first encounter Clotho, fight her...then Atropos appears from within a mirror and takes you back in time in an attempt to kill you before you can kill Ares. After defeating Atropos you then are transported back to the Temple where Clotho awaits. She flies around while Atropos appears from one of two mirrors to aid her sister.

Anonymous said...

The GoW II soundtrack comes out April 10th.


1. Main Title
2. The Glory of Sparta
3. The Way of the Gods
4. Colossus of Rhodes
5. The Bathhouse
6. Death of Kratos
7. The End Begins
8. Typhon Mountain
9. Waking The Sleeping Giant
10. Battle For The Skies
11. Exploring The Isle
12. Isle of Creation
13. The Summit of Sacrifice
14. An Audience With Cronos
15. The Barbarian King Returns
16. Bog of Lost Souls
17. Battle In The Bog
18. Crossing The Lowlands
19. Atlas
20. Palace of the Fates
21. Phoenix Rising
22. Ashen Spire
23. Athena
24. The Battle For Olympus
25. Blood of Destiny
26. Junkie XL Colossus Remix

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Hmm, after looking at the tracks, the Athena title track is right before The Battle For Olympus... I guess my end boss theory was correct.


Anonymous said...

where are you cory? are the pal demo's send yet?

Unknown said...

to all europeans!
I dont know what the fuck are you talking about, april 18th, but I'm getting my GoW2 on the 30th of march. at Israel. at a PAL v.

Jeano said...


Why peoples can't keep their mouth SHUT or something? You're ruin and spoiling the GOW2 excitement for us. We wanna find out ourselves what's going on when the game comes out "Mr. Broadcaster". It looks like that guy above played the game or something and seeing the way he's describing the events it seems like a tough game, I'm assuming Zeus is the bad guy in GOW2, right? But still, I don't see why he killed all the Titans for. Did Athena help Kratos this time around or she got killed? Sounds like you've played the whole game or something, if so who's the final boss in GOW2? Is it the Sisters of Fate or is it Zeus? Like the rumors outhere if it is Zeus the last boss battle in GOW2, what's going to be in GOW3 then? And we would like to have some info, a website link or something.

Anonymous said...

its not the sisters of fate, that would be lame as they have shown footage of them!

Jeano said...


Man oh man!! I can't wait to see that movie 300 and play GOW2. How the hell only "300 Spartan Men" defeated an army? Were they Super Men or what? Did they have Super Human Strength or possessed by the devil? The Spartan leader needed to have the white skin with them red tats, 2 chained blades, bald headed and he would be Kratos.

What happened to Sparta? Does that place still exist today or what? Did they rename it? Where's Sparta located at? What would Sparta be today in the year 2007? The movie industries need to make more films like that to show us and tell us how things really were back then, to tell us why and what caused things to happen.

The 300 movie talked about freedom, slavery, greedy hungry powered men who want to take over the world and so on... I would like to see a movie about slavery to know what caused it and why is it still affecting us everyday and "The Man" outhere said it never happened at all.

Movies like that make you think how evil us humans can be and do something to change it, but peoples in high places with power do not like changes at all, please do not put words in my mouth either and I'm not pointing fingers at any body other than this world needs to be a better place to live that's all folks.

Anonymous said...


sparta still exists.

the map of greece

Anonymous said...


here a few links about april 18th

it's all in my language but these sites all say sony confirmed april 18th with some new screenshots.


ps. i hope you are right but i highly doubt that.

Jeano said...


Hey yo Mike,
what up man? once again thanks for the info pal. I sucked in European history and I didn't know Sparta is a Greek city and I would like to go there just to see how the peoples live, do they've a warrior attitude type things? I would like to go to Greece to see where Kratos was born, Hercules and to see Mount Olympus.

I know it's a game, but sometimes I wonder what if the Titans, the gods of Greece did exist back then and that's how the world of GOW makes me think, how could they create such a beautiful story and makes it into a game? And the game's story looks and sounds better than the myth.

Hey Mike,
what's the native tongue in The Netherlands, is it Dutch or German? How do you speak it? Is it difficult to learn? Can somebody live there just by speaking english only? I hope they speak english in Amsterdam. What's the difference between German and Dutch? Where are them blonde bomb shell blue eyes chicks at? I would like to go to Amsterdam this Summer and reserve me at least 2 sexy hot blonde bitches for me man.

Since you're well informed about anything, is there a sign of life that Capcom is planning to make a Mega Man X9 game for PS2, PS3 or something? Is Konami planning on making another Castlevania game for PS2, PS3...? What about the other classic games like Contra, Double Dragon, Bayou Billy etc... I know there are way better games outhere than that, but just imagine if they would upgrade those old school classic games and bring them to the next-gen console with better story lines, better graphics and better actions.

P.S: Let me know if you find any info or any links on those games.

Anonymous said...


mount olympus exists!!! but no gods there haha.

as for double dragon WOW that was one of my biggest childhood games. i would love to see a nextgen double dragon :)

our language is called dutch ( nederlands ) and yes it's very hard to learn. but in the netherlands almost everybody speaks english ;) and german and dutch is very different. i don't really like germany.

as for mega man i really don't know i stopt playing that since the nes. and i stopt with castle vania since the n64.

oh and yes the spartens were very brutal, like in 300 they gave the persian army a royal beatdown. and like in god of war they killed the weak childeren. REAL HISTORY.


Anonymous said...

I bet cory is not posting because he wants the number of comments to exeed 300 or something;)

Anonymous said...

lmao i was just thinking that too hahha.

Anonymous said...

serously deadass this is not a joke i live NY Bronx and close to there's a shopping plaza call coop city no joke my friend when down to gamestop and there was GOD OF WAR 2 display box and for some disturbing reason he always open the display box and to my surprise the FUCKER found god of war 2, at first i thought it was a demo but to my surprise it was the real shit he found and now playing it im now trying to manipulate him to let him lend me the game for the weekend its about 4:19 im going down to gamestop now to search the display box

Anonymous said...

how get it out he put it into his pocket and walk out

Anonymous said...


your right man, this blog will be full of spoilers soon. so after the american launch i will not visit this blog for a few weeks :( well at least not the comment section.


Anonymous said...

and where the fuck is vitali at???


Anonymous said...

i cannot find an answer to this so i hope one of u can help me; how does the ps3 connect to the internett?

Anonymous said...

common cory! updates!!

Anonymous said...

I'm pissed off March 13th is just the SHIPPING date. I don't want to wait an extra day.

Anonymous said...


the ps3 connects to the internet via wifi.
and were did you hear march 13th is just the shipping date?


Unknown said...

you better give me some links either in hebrew or in english, cuz those sites may only reffer to were you live.

Jeano said...


DAMN!! I went to EB Games and they told me the shipping date is March 13th and they'll have in store the next day or so and we all thought GOW2 would in store on March 13th, but it not at all.

In the mean time, other peoples are teasing us, making us drooling and shit. Does any one know if there will be ever a Mega Man X9, Contra, Castlevania for the PS2?

Anonymous said...

I'm here!! Did anyone see Sony's keynote in the GDC? DAMN! LittleBigPlanet looks so fun!

Anonymous said...


your right sorry, i could only find info in my language so maybe you guys have another release date :)


i have looked for you, but i could not find anything about megaman x9 only a forum were they use talk about it in 2004.

as for contra i found this:

and for castlevania this:

i hope this helps you.


your back :) hahaha and yes i saw it. but playstation home also looked great.


Anonymous said...

Yeah Home looks VERY promising too.. I see Kratos' throne as the God of War in my appartment! *evil laugh*

For some sad news:

NO!!! This means Europe *and all other PAL territories apparently* gets a seperate special edition that contains the second disc! meaning the normal edition will have no second disc! I already preordered my copy and I doubt I'll be getting the special edition. CORY! FIX THIS!! Or at least tell me it's just a hoax or something.. PLEASE! I want the second disc in my copy!

Anonymous said...

FUCK that can't be true :( why does PAL always get fucked? i mean it does not really matter to me cause i will make sure i get that special edition. i mean we PAL people really need some FUCKING info from sony europe, like a clear release date & now about that special edition thing. my patience is wearing thin with sony sometimes. if they did not have god of war i would already have bought a 360 :(


sorry but i'm really pist now.

Anonymous said...

and just look at that UGLY ASS BOX DESIGN.


i hope amazon is making a huge mistake.


but this is not the only thing sony is doing wrong, we have that stupid fucking sixaxis thing going on. and then the release date was all fucked up for europe.


if you guys ever read this then START TO LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE they want rumble and no stuppid ass sixaxis. and there are way more things then that.




Anonymous said...


i know you have nothing to do with this. we have those stuppid FUCKING marketing guys to THANK for that.


Anonymous said...

really hard headed BONEHEADS, quote:

rumble is a thing of the past.


nextgen starts when we say so.

i'm fed up with that SHIT. sony the consumers will decide that oké?


Anonymous said...

Does anybody have the high quality of the colossus wallpaper? I need it in 1280x1024.

Anonymous said...

The bonus dvd is multi-language(under titrated).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh man... I hope this doesn't turn out to be true. It's just plain stupid to build a single two disc version for the US (at the price of a normal game, I guess) and two different versions for Europe. One can only hope that the folks at SCEE don't alter anything from the original (as in the Poseidon sacrifice in GoW1). That in fact would piss me off beyond reason.


That's why I haven't pre-ordered it yet. Still a lot of things unclear. Here in Portugal I found a site from a national store that is taking pre-orders of the game at €54,95. Now... will that be the special or regular edition? 'Cause if it's the regular... a lot of people are going to be ripped off. Sorry... but that's just the way it is.


Since you're at the Netherlands, how much does the game cost in your dutch online stores? Just trying to set some sort of comparison. Portugal salutes you.

Jeano said...


Yo Mike,
thanks for the info man, I don't understand why Sony Europe is doing you wrong overthere, I guess you guys in Europe should start boycotting all Sony products including GOW2, PSP, PS3 and maybe they'll finally listen to you or do something about it.

What's the deal with the cheap ass cover you guys getting overthere? See, they can't do that shit here in America, cause they know we don't take shit from them and we will not buy it at all or some one can just buy the original and make copies of it and sell them on Ebay or on the street and the next thing you know they be out of business or some other big company bought them out.

P.S: Thanks for the info Mike and you should play GOW2 cause it'll get you laid. GOW2 is fucking rad.

Anonymous said...


even that is not really clear :( holds a price of € 68,99

bart smit € 59,95

dynabyte € 57,99

and replay were i pre-orderd € 59,95


Anonymous said...

Holy shit Mike... is selling the God of War 2+ Blade of Athena controller! lol Geez... well at least you pre-ordered where the price is normal. The big question now is... for which version are you going to pay €59,95? Uh... here's a hard bubble to pop. I'm not pre-ordering until this thingy is clear. =\ Thanks dude. Portugal salutes you.

Anonymous said...


well i did some whoosa so i'm a little calm again :) but look at this.

thats the cheap ass cover of europe.

as for what you just said is something SONY would really need, it would be nice if SONY would have to beg us to start buying again, maybe then they would stop fucking us. i already cancelled my PLAYSTATION 3. did you know we don't get the emotion chip like you guys, meaning our backwards compatible is fucked. 1 of the 10 reasons to cancel.


Anonymous said...


WOW give me that link please :) i can't find it on

and replay where i pre-orderd knows me personal so they will give me the special edition. i already called them about that :)


Anonymous said...

Oh that's cool man. As for the Just messing around with the overpriced game.=p Don't want to start a rumour or something. On the other hand... I really want to start playing this fine piece of PS2 software. Portugal salutes you.

Anonymous said...

me to can't wait any more. and yes they really overpriced that game :) i even e-mailed them about that, and they tried to convince me that it whas the normal price haha. they told me other store's are doing stunts and shit.


Anonymous said...

but maybe i looked like CORKY to them or something, thinking i would buy that bullcrap they were saying hahaha


ps. holland salutes you guys back, and they can't wait for the next soccer game hahaha holland always losses to portugal.

Anonymous said...


Sony hasn't done anything wrong for me.. I don't know what you're complaining about. I couldn't care less about the vibration going out but I recently read that they're putting it back in so your problem is solved. The sixaxis -- just wait till the guys at Santa Monica get their hands on it.. you'll wish you'd never said that *Don't fail me, Cory*. The price tag keeps getting more and more reasonable as the launch date nears.. for me at least. Blu-ray is a win-win situation, wether or not you're gonna use it to see movies, because games will eventually use it to the max. Just to make it clear, the 360 will ALWAYS have normal DVDs (Max of 30 gigs) whereas PS3 games will contain 50 gigs of data. Imagine having 50 gigs of God of War 3.. it just sounds awesome and opens up a shit load of possibilities.. Home as a FREE ONLINE service is just incredible, I can't see how people can even compare it to XBL. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't XBL for the 360 the same as XBL for the Xbox only with different content?? I dunno... a 3D virtual reality online feature sounds more interesting and attractive... To me and after seeing the specifics of it, I know it is.

I just can't wait to get my hands on the winning console. Well done Sony.. I applaud you.

Unknown said...

I saw the, Ummm, "special adition"
of the GoW2 for PAL, and I just cant understand you guys crying over it.
Like vitali, I too have already pre-ordered a copy of GoW2, and I dont care if it eventually be 1 or 2 discs, as long as I get to play God of War 2!!!
and that is all that matters. IMO.

Anonymous said...


i also got a few positive things:

+ playstation home
+ cause it's really multimedia
+ blu ray
+ the entire psp remote play
+ for a lot of other things


- emotion chip missing
- rumble ( + that it will come back )
- they know their the best, thus they sometimes are really arrogant
- f.e.a.r. missing at launch
- heavenly sword missing at launch

oh and vitali your right about the motion sence maybe it is cool, but i want rumble in their as well i would pay for that :)

oh and my biggest reason about me being mad, is not those little complaints, but because europe always is number 2. and i know you can feel me on that one if your honest.


Anonymous said...


it's cool you think simple about it :) but i'm really a collector and i really want to see those video's of cory and his team.


Unknown said...

hey all,
great to see that god of war is such a big part of ur lives.i have been reading the blogs and comments so far and i have to say that cause of us the fans and gamers and the creativity of cory and his team we have just a few more days here in north america and u guys in europe a while longer to exercise greatness in god of war 2!! that being said i do agree with the spoiling the game thing with all the new vids and the tuorials of those who seem or claim to have gow 2 in their hands already u guys shouldnt try to spoil it for the rest of us!!. cory, from what i have seen from the game thus far, i must say congrats on a job well done to u and ur team!! i myself, just cant wait to play the game.i am not a gamer, but when it comes to god of war, my ps2 tv and myself dont get alotta sleep
mike thanks for the info, u have been a great help, very informative comments.
to the rest of u guys , hope u have a blast playing gow2 as i am sure u will have and keep the gow passion alive and chopping and raising hell

Anonymous said...


i'm glad to hear my comments are informative :) altough i was talking about a lot of other things then god of war lately haha. but i really enjoy this blog, in a way it's even better then talking to my friends on MSN.


Anonymous said...

God of War Movie Script is Finished


elmojenkins said...

Just found out about March 13 being the ship date last night. I went to Gamestop last night to fully pay for my copy, and they told me. I was pissed at first, but they have decided to do a late night release. One hour after they close on March 13 @ 10:00 they will open back up for the release. Hopefully more stores will do the same.

Anonymous said...

almost 300 posts :p

Anonymous said...

well let's help him then :p


ps. 3 more to go

Anonymous said...

Knock, knock...

Anonymous said...

who's there???


Anonymous said...

300th comment... Your welcome.

Anonymous said...

yay :P

R.Bunk said...


Don't fret over the WiiFanatics! I know exactly how you feel when it comes to the "this doesn't feel like the future". When I play the Wii. I honestly get a little bored with waving my hands around. More often then not, I just want to play.

For some reason it's blasphemy to say a bad word about Wii and it's quite acceptable to bash on PS3.

What really befuddles me is the fact that half of these gamers can't see through the smoke and mirrors and realize that the Wii isn't really a next-gen game console. I know I will get some flack for this but it really doesn't hold up to the PS3 or X360 for that matter. It's really still up in the air whether or not the Wii-Mote is the "next gen" in game control. I for one don't like the fact that Wii forces motion sensing on us.

If the controller was so Revolutionary and Nintendo wanted to bow out of the hardware Arms race, then why didn't they just release the controller for the GameCube and call it a night? No instead they release a hole new system with only marginally better specifications.

MS is already rumored to be working on a X360 v2 (Zephyr, complete with HDMI and HDDVD, both technologies MS is on record as saying it wasn't needed for NextGen). I wonder how long it is until Nintendo has to release a SuperWii.

I am sick of seeing the commercials for Wii where they show the gamer hiding behind the couch and rolling on the ground. If that is not blatant misrepresentation of a product, I don't know what is.

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