Let’s see…I played a bit more of World of Warcraft the other day. Sometimes that game sucks me in…and other times it just turns me off right away. Probably because I am attempting quests that are waay above my level...which is 22 right now. I had to go kill 5 giant crockalisks or something like that…and I was doing it solo. I really didn’t think it would take that long…so the first few attemjpts were such miserable failures. Then I quit for awhile...then came back again the other day thinking it would be easier...5 hours later I finally killed the last one. Good lord those things are hard. It got me thinking about how such a mundane tasks kept me engaged for so long. I mean from a story standpoint I have no fucking clue what is going on in the game. The quests all have these crazy hard to pronounce names for towns and people…and when I step back from it I feel like a fed ex guy with a sword and gun. Yet I still go back when I have time and play these confusing and sometimes frustrating missions. But when I finish them..I do feel a sense of accomplishment. I also think I like the fact that I can leave the game alone for however long I want, and when I go back I have a clear list of goals that I can chisel away at, which I suppose is very rewarding. Though I honestly forget what level I am at most of the time, and then am surprised when that crazy gold tornado comes up and says I have leveled up. I also forget about the Talent points all the time, but then it is like freaking Christmas when I remember ‘cause I have a ton to spend. Which is always nice.
I actually think I will keep coming back to WOW every once and awhile…but I don’t think I will ever be able to get into it to the extent that some do. I really don’t see a level 60 in my future or anything like that…just don’t have enough time to dedicate to that. But the freaking size of the world is absolutely amazing. I could have fun just running from Menthiel harbor to Iron forge…man those freaking names are weird.
Let’s see what else is new? Going to GDC in a few weeks so that ought to be fun. I am eager to catch up with old friends as well as see all the discussions on next-gen development. I really want to hear what people are saying about their development cycles and the growing complexity of these games. I chatted with the Bio-ware guys a few years back at DICE…would love to chat with those guys again. I have such respect for the way they handle such big freaking games. I really want to pick their brain about their process.
I just finished a pretty good discussion with some people on the System wars forum on gamespot. I found the link to the thread from that belstat thing on my blog and decided to check out what people were saying. Initially it was mostly the typical “he is an idiot” stuff…but when I got to talking to everyone it was actually pretty cool. Everyone there is really into games and has a lot to say about them. I love talking games so it was nice. Some still hate me and say they distrust Sony…but in the end no matter what I do or say that will always be the case.
Oh I am doing the 1up show podcast on World of Warcraft sometime soon..not sure when but I will keep everyone posted as to when that is going off. Maybe that is why I am on this WOW kick today.

I got this image from the G4tv forums...everyone keeps going on about this balrog thing...but it is weird how I look almost exactly like this guy. Though I am a little buffer.
1 – 200 of 300 Newer› Newest»First comment! Fuck yeah!
Damn, I didn't see that GameSpot thread until now. People seriously need to grow up.
But yeah, changing subjects, I like those GOW2 clips that were put in your full 1UP interview. That one with the dude flying backwards and getting impaled on that fish-hook-looking thing was AWESOME.
17 days!!!
Cory, what's your name on WoW?
yeah I know...it is cheesey...but what can I say...I am a fucking geek.
Man, WoW characters rack in some serious cash on ebay. I sold my 60 warrior before the expansion so I could buy my PS3.
Unless you get yourself involved in the social aspect of the game early on, you really won't have a great time until you are 60. I said 'eff the social nonsense and screwed people out of things to progress farther in the game - I was an auction house hustler.
Gah...the idiots on the forums are at it again.
Like I said, stop by the GOW2 forums on GameSpot sometime if you like. People on there don't even care about this anti-Cory crap; everyone there is just excited about March 13th.
Hey Lordofthestrings,
whats the link?
I need to calm myself from all of the GoW hype - campus was shut down the other day due to snow, so I had a day to myself. Burned through easy mode during the day, and then ran through it again on god mode that night. It was like GoW release day all over again...and I even called the phone number at the end to relive that whole experience, ha.
I need to pace myself here - I still have some time to burn before release.
So I'm guessing that is actually you in the God of War 2 questions thread on Gamespot, Cory. Nice to see a developer get in touch with the fans.
yup thats me! are you on there too?
Yeah, I am on there. You actually answered my question a little while ago. I'm Fang38.
Hey Cory,
If you have any free time while your at GDC, maybe you can stop by the PlayStation store, and say whatsup!
P.S. we are located right around the corner from the Moscone Center.
No, it's all right, I mean, like that dude said on the DICE interview. You're like... the "God Of War Guy"... Now all I need to know is what server/realm you play on. How sweet would that be to play WoW with one of the most influential people behind my favorite game. Or as my retarded friend sitting next to me is saying, "The God Of War Guy..." I suppose I would understand if you don't want to say, but hey... What realm?
Good to see you aren't letting people get to you. I think people need to be reminded that you have made games that have sold millions compared to these people who do far less...
Oh, have the demos been sent out? I know you said you went in to sign them last week, just wondering when we should expect them (here in the U.S. at least)...because yeah, i can't wait to play it :)
Cory, if you're already registered to GS, why not join our union for the sake of bringing our members count up.
Cool..signed up for the Union and I got my user image to finally work.
very cool stuff man!
From what I understand all the demos got mailed today...it took a day to get all the postage stuff sorted out but it is all good now.
Everyone who emailed will get a demo...the PAL peeps will be getting an NTSC one for now, and then I will have PAL ones sent out when they are finished.
when is a good time to stop by? I will be at GDC starting Teusday so I will swing by whenever it is good for you.
The demos were sent?? To us as well??? (Non-US peeps).. When do you suppose we'll get it, then?
BTW, I made the banner for the Union.. what do you think??
Cory, what realm do you play on WoW?
Somehow I don't think you would approve of me trolling them...
~The sad thing about most of the trolling community is that it isn't a community at all...no structure and very few who aren't heavily reliant of flames..
--I can't speak on WoW as I'm no fan of it...but I do appreciate "Leeroy Jenkins" and the "Serenity Bombing"..lengendary
---I can't wait to see what L1+X does this time around...I still miss Achilles' Flip..I guess I'm one of the few who really knew how to use it well and liked the damn thing from the start. I'll have to wait until the full version of the game before judging "Athena's Wrath" for worthiness in its place
I miss the "High Jump" glitch but understand why the level guys complained to the Combat Designers. At least the Homerun effect is nearly guaranteed to return and the "Quick Roll" is there.
NOTE: Know that you have at least one troll on your side if you need its assistance..Until it is needed I'll just play the part of a poster here.
Hey Cory, I just read all your posts on System wars, and I think you handled it very well. You are a true gamer, Man... tons of respect for you, and your work. I agreed with everything you said. I especially liked how that guy was complaining about nudity in video games. How could a documentary, let alone a video game renown for its gore/nudity based on ancient greece, NOT have some degree of nudity? that period was wrought with sex and vulgarity!
right on, keep up the good work. I hope you enjoy your job with Sony, cause I would love to see more games by you (and since I'm a Sony aficionado, I would probably only delve into your work if it is on a Sony console, which isn't to say that is set in stone).
Anyway, I'll probably begin frequenting your blog. Good stuff!
man that world of warcraft picture is from south park hahahaha cool episode :) haha
wow even us pal peeps will get a ntsc version? wow! nice cory , you seriously own!!! btw cory , is your email monk3yfr3sh@hotmail.com? something like that?? cause i sended an email to that one (not exactly that one but it whas something with monk3yfresh anyway... i hope its correct?
Hey Cory! I'm KJAX90 and I talked with you yesterday on GameSpot. I just wanted to let you know that I respect you for coming on those boards and talking to your fellow gamers, despite some of the things I said. I enjoyed the discussion with you and I hope to talk to you soon!
Yo Cory...all I gotta say is its nice to see a dev that doesn't forget to mingle with the real people. Most devs are self star struck and treat us like some fucking papparazzi lol. Keep up the good work and you will earn the respect you deserve by keeping it real.
Thanks for taking the time out and doing the Q&A, we all appreciated it. I hope you can get around doing another one sometime because I was just warming you up.
Just finished reading the SW thread, which I must say was one of the best threads i've ever read. Also, after reading that, I have much respect for you as a developer and as a gamer.
Here's my answer to one of your questions on the thread:
Would you guys like/buy a game that only did multiplayer/co-op on the system and not the internet?
I for one would not buy a game that only did multiplayer/co-op on the system, for the simple fact that i don't have anyone to play with at home. I enjoy multiplayer/co-op online because i can play with my brother and friends that aren't near by.
finally, regarding a time you can stop by the PS store... I will let you know this week, I haven't received my schedule for the week of GDC.
P.S. I just beat GoW1 again. forgot how many "HoLY fuck" moments were in that game. NOw, im working on finishing Okami (gorgeous game)
Awesome, thanks, Cory.
You should come visit Gamespot forums more often! =D
well since you BLATENTLY dissed my and said I wasn't going to get a demo. (jk. im not really upset haha.) I went to my local Gamestop and hoped that they had demos and luckily they just got them in that day.
So I bought God of War 2. Bought Ratchet and Clank Size Matters (God I love those Ratchet and Clank games..)
Went home. And beat the demo. I must say that my favorite move is the L1 + O. Obviously I don't know the name but it is just fucking sick.
Also. If you are indeed working on a God of War 3 I suggest maybe being able to change Kratos run style. I thought it he ran really awesome after using the Run + Hold Square move. It seems so intimidating.
Anyhow. Can't wait for March 13 so I can go bust into Gamestop.
Sorry to hear about your WII troubles. People really take their consoles seriously eh.
- Zach (achmetha)
oh, cory. me thinks you've abandoned myspace forever.
DOOD! lisa's bro-law killed her?
they were having an AFFAIR????!!!!
(at one point at least)
dood, dood, dood.
he just whipped out a gun and pow!
six feet under is CRAZY.
played the demo (don't ask, won't tell), but I gotta know, am I missing the sex mini-game? Or is it available only in the full version?
Say, Cory how did you mail the demos?? I mean, did you use Fed-ex or DHL or any other delivery company of the sort?
I would guess it is coming thru standard mail.
I was affraid of that.. Now I know it's gonna take weeks to get here.... Bummer.
new video of the bonus dvd:
sorry i gave the wrong link before
new issue
What do you mean when you say "homerun effect"?
6th post.
Good news about the demos being (hopefully) sent out Saturday. Being in Ohio, it'll probably take 3 days or so to get here. Can't wait to check it out. BTW, the interview with 1UP was hilarious.
Yup they all went out on satruday...I did not do the actual mailing so I do not know the details of exactly how they were sent, but I think most will arrive by the end of this week.
Even to Israel?
yo cory
i got a weird question? here in the netherlands it's 18:30 pm what time is it there? :)
oh and cory i saw a piece of the bonus dvd on gamespot... really cool :) big plus for you man
oh and no need to answer my time question :) i think i need some glasses hahaha
funny video of the perseus battle
ps. i thougt that dude was hercules though :( i hope he will be in the game
stuppid of me to think he was hercules though. cause he is very clearly perseus, with his sword of hermes/shield of athena/and helmet of hades. :)
Clash of titans.va
what about clash of titans?
Clash of the Titans.
Great movie,good reference.
i feel like an idiot here hahaha yes now i know. clash of the titans, perseus looks axactly like the god of war perseus :)
Hey, Cory. Do you know if there is any other way to get the demo in Europe other than have it mailed? Like in a magazine or something? I haven't seen anything "pre-order - get a demo" at ebgames here.
Cool, can't wait to get the demo and check it out.
Please post when your demo arrives if you are in PAL territories, so I can know if mine comes on time.
cory , is it treu that the european release is 13 april??
no april 20th
Finally, the signed demo is mine.
~My review of the demo is up on TUGOWU if you have the time to read it *it is rather lengthy*
You got it GMG?? I'll be getting mine next week, apparently...
common cory!!! updates!!
I live in NY, still no demo, though i think i had it sent to my college mailbox so i will check that in roughly 30 minutes :)
too many spoilers don't go to this site if you want to spoil yourself on parts of the game. damn I shouldn't even look at these http://www.games.net/video/bts/
anonymous is it really a very big spoiler??? cause i'm burning to see that link but if it's really that bad i'm staying away :)
wow it is really a big part story i didn't watch it completly cause it is indeed a big spoiler but wat i have seen was super
Soul taker is impressive!
I wait march 13th.
Well its really a big spoiler, so far they are two videos that show not only the cutscene but one show actual gameplay of getting a particular item. I dont want to say it because I watch both and spoil some interesting facts. I knew I shouldn't watch them but it was to hard not to. Other on here might just say what it is.
I forgot to give credit to the creeper at the god of war union for providing the first video.
Hey GMG u got the demo? where do you live wat type of postage was it? regular mail? or UPS or wat?? i live in oregon wich is Right above california and i still dont have one! i might be getting it today gotta check the mail.
OMG i couldnt stop myself from watching those spoilers and I am FUCKING SPEACHLESS. THIS GAME IS THE SEX!!!!!!!@####$%@ CANT WAIT 14 MORE DAYS NIGGAS!
Missouri, USA *normal Mail*
~Now I have one to play and one to gawk at/admire
They are really starting to whore out GOW2 Cory; they've shown way too much of the game and I can't stop watching because I love God of War. For the love of god... make them stop... because I can't!
well guys i just got a beautiful advice: NEVER SMACK YOUR PS2 CONTROLLER TO THE GROUND. cause if you have to open that controller to fix the rumble and then close it again....... well i will just say it's not very fun. it started all when i was playing the god of disaster in this case. i was trying to get those chests in athens, you know those anoying ones where you have to jump off the ledge and then turn around and make a double jump. well normally i always suceed..... but this time around i fell of more then a FUCKING 15 TIMES. well lady's and gentlemen i tried to whoosa a couple of times ( martin lawrence ) but believe me that did not work. steam was coming out of my ears and nose and all other parts, i became even more aggresive then kratos himself. and bam SMACKED THE CONTROLLER. well thats where my rumble was broke. and from there oh boy it was a lot of fun. opened the controller and fixed the rumble :) but then the real trouble kicked in YES it was a disaster. as i tried clossing it all buttons fell out and i had to remove the fucking refrigerator cause the buttons fell underneath that heavy ass thing. well after that was done i tried clossing that bitch again...... wel as you can guess BADLUCK it did not work buttons kept falling out. pfffff whooooosa, but hey to finish the story after more then a hour i closed it and fixed it :) YES. but for today i want to kill kratos in the worse way believe that.
lmao nice mike.
hahahaha yeah real nice haha
wow I didn't expect to get a demo from you in the mail! I am so happy. Thanks a lot man!!!
Now I have two! I will introduce a copy to my friends.
damn. i guess im the only one who hasnt gotten a demo. i live so close to cali.. hmm i guess im not getting one. oh wells. the game comes out in 13 days so i guess i can wait. oh guys did it come in a package or wat?
I didn't get mine yet either, but I live on the east coast. So it will probably be a few days before I get it. I can't wait!
Got the demo, love it Cory, FUCKING LOVE IT!!!
I just wanted to thank you for the signed Demo. That was a real class act to do. I appreciate the effort and time you spent on getting the demos to us. (even late, doesn't matter)The gesture was awesome. The letter was a nice touch as well.
The game is fantastic and I can't wait for March 13th. I've passed around the demo and a few of my friends rushed out to get a pre-order. Thanks again.
Cory! Thanks so much for the demo and actually getting it to the east coast! This proves why God of War is one of the best gaming franchises in existence. Keep up the great work, the demo only makes me want the game more.
It seems like this is the month of the Spartan, what with 300 and GOW2 coming out.
yo cory
congratulations i just readed the news and god of war 2 already has over 1 million pre-orders. thats a big number :)
greetings mike
seems people are getting the demos :) If someone in Europe receives the demo, please post about it.
guys, load some vids on youtube plz, get in some nice moves too!!
link the vid here plz, ty.
I got the demo today! But i have one more class left (5:30-8 PM) which is pretty lame. Can't wait to play through it though :) Thanks again!
Got the demo and I hate when it just cuts right to the good part. I think that battle is an amazing piece of work, giving it beauty scars from Kratos's blades....fantastic!
Plus the statue's foot crashing onto the user thus pressing circle like a fiend was a great part.
I think I'll spend my money on it when it comes out,no need to wait for such a masterpiece.
So thanks for the demo and the time to sign it, enjoy your champagne cause ya earned it.
i got my demo cory!
and it kicked me in the ass right out of the mail box.
why do i gotta suck so bad at video games?
c'est la vie.
there's a small glich on in the god of god 2 demo. At the begining where the you kill all those souldiers to open the gate if you kill everyone except one then go close to the gate and let him follow you press one to smash him to pieces then press R1 n then O and kratos will start open the gate before the gaurds release it and if you hold on the analog stick(hint) and keep pressing [] you can roll continuously while you do this keep rolling to the end until the colossus punch the wall and grab the soldier he only grab one and the 2 remaining soldier cant be kill or harm even with the magic. Then you kill the rest of the soldier go back to the entrance of the gate you c 2 guards who will never attack you no matter what. I fight the colossus without taking any damages
But Congrats Cory i want to become a game designer too
Hey Paul, where are you on the east coast? I live in Tn, but still haven't recieved mine.
Hey Cory, nice work on the demo, plus i really enjoyed the "road to E3" clip.
I actually wanted to ask you a couple of things about stuff i see in that clip:
There's a bit when you say "this ending is really low-budget" or something. Were you referring to the game ending? Was it altered since then?
About the pegasus bit, you and the rest of the staff didn't seem too convinced about it. Was that an early stage? Are you happy with the final result? Or did time pressures force you to release the game before it got to whatever you wanted it to be?
Enjoy your holidays and keep up the good work
Just got the demo. Thanks Cory! The demo was awesome! Can't wait to get the game.
Hey Cory,
This is Barry from Crystal D. Thanks for the demo discs! I will be sure to pass them along to some deserving God of War fans.
I had another question for you regarding sony santa monica, and was hoping you could contact me through e-mail. My address is: barrynardone@hotmail.com
I Cant Wait 12 DAYS AHHHH!!!
just got my demo.
Thanks Cory
Gahh! This is getting ridiculous!
More and more sites are uploading more and more spoiler-ridden God of War II videos! One of them has the confrontation with Atlas, and the other one shows the entire Icarus scene. I'm tempted to check them out but I just can't! Why must they taunt us?!?!?
Speaking of which, GameTrailers posted their Video Review of the game. They gave it a 9.5/10, and said that the story, gameplay, and design all surpassed those of the first game.
Anyone who wants to check out the video, go here:
Congratulations, Cory!
kinda off topic but i hope that playstation home thing is true. imagine when god of war 3 comes out and we can have blades of athena hanging on the wall. or a cyclops eye in a jar.or medusa people head on sitting some where that would be sick.
earlier on you said you also want to hear the bad things and not only the good things. well i can name 1 bad thing. and thats the voice of zeus it just sounds weird. i mean from zeus i would have expected a more heavy and darker vioce. like in god of war 1 the voice of zeus was perfect and also when he spoke from olympus his vioce echoed that really was bueatiful. i hope you appriciate my oppinion.
best regards mike
ps. to the fans: please do not go and bash me arround for my oppinion.
i heard the voice of zeus in a other movie and now it sounds good so i will drop my first oppinion. i will just give my final thougts when i played the game :)
best regards mike
I received the demo Cory, thanks alot!!
Here is a pic.
I live right near Washington, DC. Don't know why the demo hasn't made it to you yet, but patience is a virtue.
Me Wants DEMO!
Get here faster, stupid mail guys...
Oh man, the demo is great! Way too short though! Thanks again. Oh, and i live in upstate NY and i received the demo yesterday.
so did anyone from europe allready get the demo? i hope i get myn monday
"...maybe in god of war 3..."
Ha I got my demo in the mail in the mail today(March 2nd) and I live in Texas...
Thanks Cory for sending it, I played through it twice and enjoyed some of the twists you guys put on Athena's Blades.
I"ll pick it up on March 13th, hopefully the game arrives in stores that day instead of being "shipped"
hey guys
i know how much you all liked the FISH suit, you where all crazy about it and you could not wait to see that in action hahahaha :)
best regards mike
ps. no need to thank me guys i know you all love it hahaha
new IGN interview???
hey cory, so tell me,
are the PAL demos sent yet?
How can Kratos be responsible for Atlas enprisionement when that happened long before Krato's birth?
where the hell are you cory?
hey vitali
and rest of you guys i'm from europe and i got my demo
greetings mike
I watched some video reviews, and am confused by something.
In GOW1, Kronos was mentioned to be the last of the titans. So what's with all these others in GOW2?
kronos whas the last of the titans who whasnt captured , he had to carry pandoras temple. the others are imprisoned by zeus
10 days left untill god of war 2 is released in the us , but is the game gold yet? i still havent seen a post about :s
That means.. My demo will arrive soon!!
Way to go, Mike!!
Got my demo, i live in norway, to bad is NTSC:(
...But at least its signed, ty cory you rule man
well i went to my friend who has a american ps2 and played the demo there. and now i left the demo in my favorite gamestore ( they also have an american ps2 ) to hype it up. it really is super awesome way more beuatiful then the first god of war and also more beuatiful then the movie's shown on internet :) oh and there where a lot of people who did not seen the colossus demo on the internet, so the element of surprice was still there for them and just went plain nuts haha they pre-orderd right away haha. well anyway it will 100% sure become a succesfull game. well anyway thanks for the demo cory :) and you got a lot of comliments from holland and the people i know, they found it super that you gave us fans the chanse to talk to you. well thanks again.
best regards mike
ps. yes i think you will get your demo fast vitali.
Thank you very much for the demo Cory,he's arrived today.
I bought gow2 on ebay.
i have to give you the regards cory..one million "orders" already.....very nice...
i have to give you the regards cory..one million "orders" already.....very nice...
yes, it is over one million per-orders and those who will go and buy it????????:D it is so many people also:D:D:D
good work on the second sequel and I hope on the third also!!!
Yo what up Cory,
we know for sure the GOW2 project is done and is in print at the Chinese factory, you should've some free times to answer some questions by now and you're no where to be found. Are you partying, getting drunk, getting laid or what? Where the hell are you at man? You've some BIG MAJOR EXPLANATIONS to do pal and clear out some MAJOR CONFUSIONS for us as well man:
1- What's up with the stupid FISH outfit man? Wouldn't it be better to have a Barbarian/Conan or a He-Man outfit for Kratos? What's the meaning of the fish outfit anyway? Does it help him swim better or what? I do hope there are other better outfits than that in the game. Come on Cory!! a FUCKING FISH, like the COW, the CHEF, the TUXEDO outfits weren't bad enough in the first GOW.
2- We would like to know what's the deal with Zeus and all them Titans? I've watched some of the video reviews and I'm confused. In GOW1, I thought Kronos was the last of the titans, right? So what's with all those others in GOW2? How the hell the Titans were so weak? Couldn't they defend themselves by grabbing those iron masked guys and sqeezed'em til they popped, crush them like ants or something? Who's the other Olympian guy with the long black hair? Is it Heracles or Hercules or Thor or Perseus?
3- How the hell the Titans were so easily defeated? We know it's just a video game, but in order to follow the game's story and to understand it things must make sense to us the gamers/players. How the hell in the world can Kratos be responsible for Atlas's enprisonment? Did that happen long before Kratos's birth or what? We thought Kratos was Ares little pet or something and how could Kratos tied Atlas with those BIG ASS CHAINS anyway?
4- To tell you the truth we don't see what's the connection between GOW1 and GOW2. We thought GOW2 was supposed to be connected to GOW1, right? From what we've seen so far it looks like Zeus is the last boss in the game and if he's the last boss battle in GOW2 what's going to happened in GOW3 then?
5- I remember you said in a recent interview that GOW3 will depend on how well GOW2 is selling and from what I was reading online, they said there were at least 1,500,000 already pre-ordered GOW2 copies and the game is not even out yet, does that mean there's a good chance of making GOW3 or what? To me, the world of God of War is just too BIG for a trilogy and since the PS3 hardware is a BEAST MACHINE. I guess it can handle it, eh... and even if there will be a future GOW3, how long will it take before the game would be out? How big GOW3 would be on the PS3? How're you going to handle it and how're you going to make it possible to happen? How's the story is going to fit in the God of War series? Is it going to connect GOW1 and GOW2 as well? How do you plan on doing it? If indeed there shall be a GOW3 please do take all the time in the world and no RUSH at all.
I wasn't intending to ask here Cory
I asked Derek and Eric about the inclusion of "Blue Kratos" and they confirmed what I had been so certain about *sadly*..however it was said:
Eric Williams
"Blue Kratos will not appear and I am not sure if I am even allowed to get into the details of why he will not appear…"
My question is "why" this topic was made out as 'taboo'..what sort of ordeal am I in the dark about? Can you even tell me?
~Thanks for your time
--Also the their are a few user 'opinons' and 'reviews' at TUGOWU if you wish to read them
i shall try to explain it as good as i can. in the original greek mythologie it where zeus/poseidon/hades who defeated the titans. so the one with the helmet and chains is hades and the one with the black hair is poseidon. as for the titans still alive are kronos/thypon/atlas/prometheus. they where all imprisoned by zeus and the rest where slain.
greetings mike
i do believe cory will have a logical explanation for everything in god of war 2 :)
oh and thor is not from greek mythologie. he is from norse mythologie
oh and sorry guys but i like a little humor like the fish costume :) altough i agree with you that their also should be some serieus looking suits in god of war 2.
Thank you for the info man. I was confused when I saw that video, now that you explained it, it kind of makes sense to me.
But still, there's something that I don't quite understand, I know Zeus is the king of the gods, why is everything focusing on him and not all three that slain the Titans? Is Kratos going to fight with Poseidon and Hades or what?
Hey Mike,
Did you see the Perseus fight? I thought he was one of Zeus' sons and so was Kratos, right? Kratos bitch slapped Perseus, broke his invisible making helmet, killed him, and the Perseus in GOW2 looks pretty much like the same one in the movie "Clash of the Titans". There are alot of twists and turns that needs to be covered and I hope that we will find out in 2 weeeks.
Less than 10 days, motherfuckers!
Hey Jeano, the fish costume wasn't Corys' idea. And as far as the stories of GOW1 and GOW2 being connected. I don't think they could be any more connected. It's just that in GOW2 you get to learn not only about Kratos' journey, but all of his enemies and allies as well. Which is pretty fucking awsome in my opinion. I'm not attacking you or anything. I just thought I'd bring that to light. Later!! By the way I have never used that line to pick up girls. But hey, maybe it's worth a shot.
Not to sound like a party popper but, why is Icarus so old? He looks more like Daedalus (his father) than Icarus...
Cat's out of the bag!
My PSP's been collecting dust lately. Time to dig that thing up!
thanks for that psp photo. i really am hoping for a psp game of god of war. but i hope it's not some kind a weak ass port.
glad i was able to help you. if you want to learn more about greek mythologie you should visit: www.wikipedia.com
as for perseus he is indeed the son of zeus and danae. and kratos is also a son of zeus yes but also is hercules. and yes he looks just like the perseus from clash of the titans. but corry and jaffe atmitted that they take a lot of inspiration from those movie's. and i hope kratos fights hades. and i know for sure we will see more of hades/poseidon/titans. it's about perspective as gametrailers said. it's not all black and white so you will learn about everyone and why they do the things they do.
and you damn americans are so lucky haha i have to wait 7 more weeks
if you read this i hope you are going to sign the pal demo's as well?. if not it does not really matter cause i can put the pal disk in the ntsc cover. but can you please give us a sign when the pal disks go out?
thanks mike
Can anyone tell me if PS3 games are region locked?? Do NTSC/PAL games still exist? (On the PS3, I mean)
as i heard dvd's are region free. the only thing thats region locked are the games
but i could be wrong
did you already get your demo vitali?
I actually read that the games are region free but anything else isn't.
"did you already get your demo vitali?"
No... Tomorrow, I hope.
oh and cory
i got a big question? on the envolope of the demo i saw it cost sony $ 17.50 to sent the demo to europe :o is that really the price? i mean wow it's a expencive demo that way haha but thanks
Oh and you might say "Then why did you ask!?!".. I asked to be sure.
oh yes i do that often :) a little confirmation is great some times. but hey vitali did you know it cost's sony $ 17.50 to send us that demo to europe and they gonna do it again with our pal demo :o so i got to hand it to them GREAT SERVICE.
guys this is just in:
god of war psp is confirmed :)
the news is in my language but it says that the back of the god of war 2 manual contains some info on the psp god of war.
17.50$ is a lot!
That's why I love Sony, and never turn on them like some people I know.
I'd be proud to own a PS3.
well i hope it will be a entirely new game i really hope. i mean it would be cool if they did a prequal and show some more of the time when kratos served the gods for 10 years.
ps. i really do not hope it's a remake. then it would be more cool to do a god of war: challenge of the gods :) with a lots of challenge levels
i really love the idea of god of war on psp filled only with those kind of challenge's :)
Holy shit... I hope this is true... Cory, any words?
well if it's treu :) then the psp will sell better thats for sure. altough sega is also working on a super title CRUSH.
for psp would be great :)
$17,50, that is good service, but sony will get it back because the ps3 is alot more expensive here in europe:(
...and i am getting a ps3 for sure!
i just readed some news that a insider at ready at dawn said god of war psp would be a entirely new game and no port :) the real source of this news was meristation a spanish gamesite.
hey can u repost a new link to that psp gow stuff some reason its not showing up for me
here a few links altough it's all in my language.
it's all over the web so i think you should be able to find it also in your language tough.
hope this helps you mike.
I received the demo yesterday. I tell people, "Yeah, I just got a signed copy of the GOW2 demo in the mail. I'm just that cool." Many thanks, dude, I really appreciate it (and the accompanying note). Only 10 more days!
Hey Cory, I just wanted to check and make sure you have sent my demo out. It was to be mailed to Justin Patrick. I'm just starting to get a little worried because people in europe have gotten theirs but I haven't. It could be that the mail around here is super slow. If you could let me know that would be really cool.
I have completed the game...
won't say much except for thank you, thank you.
loved the puzzles, the over-the-top action, and a story that continues to amaze and intrigue me.
P.S. I will be working @ the PSstore all week Tues/WEd 12pm - 9pm and Thur/Fri 10am - 6pm, if you take a break from GDC.
I just seen the god of war2 commercial. (during family guy) it was fucking awesome.
me too
thanks mike for the links
I got my demo like 3 days ago. I didn't even wanna play it because I knew it would be a gift and a curse. I played it today. O-M-G! I gotta have it NOW! Stupid Giant Blue Eye looking at me through that window! I wanna finish him! Not Fair! I can't wait for it to be released. Cory, Thanks again for the demo. You are truly awesome. This will be the only game to force me to take Guitar Hero 2 out of my PS2. Only thing that will push this game over the top is if having a save file present on your memory card from GOW 1 unlocked something in GOW 2. That'd be fantastic. If the whole game is any where as good as the demo (which I know it is), Cory, you should lead more games. At this point if you headed a Teletubbies video game, I'd buy it. LOL! Thanks again. L1+Circle All in ya grill!
hey, as you know, I'm from Israel tooo, and, I got my demo today!!!
too bad its a NTCS demo, my PS2 cant play it.
THANK YOU CORY BARLOG! I'm gona frame the disc and put it on my wall! till the final game, I'll be waiting for the PAL demo, if you could send me another one, Cory.
and even if you cant, YOU ROCK!
I didn't get it yet!!! AHHHH!!
Should I check the mailbox again?? SHOULD I?? SHOULD I??
Thanks, Cory!!!
WOOT!!! i got the demo today , the ntsc version though.. soon i will get the pal demo :D , thanks cory. seriously , you are the best!! i love the cover
oké vitali and the rest
luckely my buddy and a gameshop i know has ntsc ps2 :) so i was able to play it :) it really rocks now it's waiting for our pal demo.
Hey yo Mike,
are you from Israel man? what the FUCK is going on like that in the HOLY LAND? Them Palestinians are crazy insane, SSHHHIIIITTTTT!!
I hope that you're not religious pal because Jesus is not happy at all where he's at man. I'm not bashing you or anything like that at all, but man I thought living here in New York City was bad enough and let me know when you're planning to visit the USA and I'll hook you up with some "HOT ASS PUERTO RICAN BITCHES"
Those peoples couldn't pay me enough to put a ((( B O M B ))) on me to blow shit up even with cold blooded CA$H money and a 1,000 BITCHES wouldn't be enough and from what we know and what we saw ovethere you better stay the fuck alive if you want to play GOW2.
P.S: Are there any hot chicks overthere or they're all dressed up like ninjas?
Jeano, you were talking to Michael, I assume?
I'm from Israel too, btw.
I think it's best if we leave politics to.. politicians.
Yo Vitali,
what up man? I didn't know that you and Mike knew eachother though, how're things going on overthere in "The Holy Land"?
Do you guys have any new updates on GOW2? From what you wrote, I guess you finally got a GOW2 demo, right? Have you played it yet? do you like it? I don't even know how I'm going to beat the Colossus yet. I would like to see a GOW3 but it would take at least a good 5yrs+ before it be out. By playing those games, MGS3, GOW2, FFXII, Rogue Galaxy, Splinter Cell.....
I think the PS2 still have a lot life left in it and a lot to give,
I guess we'll know in 9 days.
NOPE i'm not from israel hommie and i also got a PUERTO RICAN friend over there in brooklyn :). as for the FINE ASS BITCHES, believe me hommie it's all good. as for where am from. it's the land of CRONIC & HO'S.
so no (( bombs )) or ninja's here. i really think people should stop waging war on each other there. people should start to respect each other, dispite collors or believes. but thats just the way it is :( i just hope for vitali he never has to see all that killing. WELL ONLY IN GOD OF WAR 2 HAHA.
greetings mike.
jeano why do you think i'm from israel? hahaha
jeano yes i played the demo and beated the shit out of the colossus :) but no updates from me sorry.
Hey Cory,
Its Will,
I recieved my demo from you (Number 1 fan in UK)
Thank You Very Much and i appreciate this and good to hear that YOU "I am a big fan of keeping fans involved in the process of the game".
See and hear from u soon
Yo Mike,
my bad man, since Vitali knew you I thought you were from there too, once again I'm sorry pal.
you're from "The Free Land" are you a Free Lander? You're in the only place in the world where every SHIT is legal, right? and that's my dream to go to Amsterdam and Sweden. How's the HIV/AIDS rate overthere in The Netherlands? Because I would like to go there and hook up with them hot blonde blue eyes bitches and make them suck my DICK too.
P.S: What's the difference between Holland and The Netherlands? Why they called'em German/Dutch? Why do the Germans called peoples from The Netherlands inferior to them? How do you feel about that?
Has anyone else from the US not received their demo from Cory?
well yes a lot of things are legal :) like weed & prostitution but i don't know about the hiv/aids but it's not that bad. about holland/netherlands it is the same, but holland is more of our soccer name :) and i have never heard that the germans called us inferior? maybe it's a world war 2 thing??? and about the blonde bleu eyed bitches, THEY ARE REALLY HORNY believe that. and they got the hots for americans. especially if you are a good looking ghetto homeboy, like my PUERTO RICAN friend. but i'm not doing bad myself as well ;) haha but where are you from then? and are you puerto rican? well i myself like to go to america some day. how about the ladies in america? are they fuckable?
oh an jeano whats your age? i'm 24
i really love the latino girls homie. if i ever come to the states i want one haha ALL NIGHT LONG DAMN.
WE MISS YOU DAMN. i mean you don't have to talk about god of war all the time :) just say something. or are you doing your big ass winter sleep like the bears do? haha
On 1UP the Release Date is:03/07/2007
This is true?
oh and for the european's
april 18th it has been confirmed
hey mike... most american girls are FUCKEN HOTT!! kk yea.
Finally got the demo today and it's freakin sweet. Thanks for sending them and take it easy.
*watching extraordinarily bad movies*
yo mike, if you've never been to the u.s. i suggest you visit colleges. that's where the women are. tell us more about amsterdam! i can't really assume anything, but is it like how the movie eurotrip portrayed it?
I bet Cory's going to get a cheap laugh when he realizes the subject changed from God Of War to bitches.
Why not debate left hand verses right hand masturbation next?
whahahaha ADAM great comment haha. as for WOOT & JOSIAH yes it's like the movie eurotrip :) if you bring cash you have it all here. like in eurotrip we indeed have cake with weed in it, but believe me if you eat too much of that......... haha. as for the ladies, their not gonna jump in to bed as easy as it is portayed in movie's. altough you can fuck as much as you want here ( redlight district ). hahaha but about your college girls do they really were those uniforms? :) ohhhh man i want a chearleader haha. and ADAM i have seen cory on those interviews, and i do believe he also love's the girls and party's. he looks like that type of guy to me :) like jaffe at the mansion haha.
Whaoooo gow2 on GameOne it's amazing merci GameTrailers!
J'espére que GameOne redeviendra comme ça!!!
hey give us the link then?
It is a criticism for GameOne,video game tv now is very change.
i found it :)
and i think that man kratos stabs and steals his bracelet is hercules. i readed somwhere hercules also weares a bracelet that looks axactly like the bracelets of zeus.
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