First I want to encourage everyone to stop by the G4 website and vote for the game awards…we were lucky enough to get 4 nominations!!! That is pretty freaking sweet. I really was not expecting to get any love next to all these slick next-gen games. It also is funny that there are two GOW games up for awards. I am thinking of officially changing my name to coryB beforehand...that or Jade Raymond. Here's the links...even if you don't vote for us, you should stop by and vote.
Main link
Game of the Year
Best Action Game
Best Voiceover
Best soundtrack
The ‘not so E3’ E3 just finished up, which was pretty so-so. I think Sony had a really good show, that Killzone 2 footage was a sweet ending to the press conference. I really want to play that game now. I was not all that excited about the game, mostly because I wasn't seeing or hearing much about it, but after that...I want it now! It’s a bummer all that price cut stuff seemed to be the only thing people wanted to talk about. We showed Chains of Olympus to everyone and gave the press some hands on time with it. People seem to be really digging on it, which was nice. I also got to play Rock Band several times…which was probably the highlight of the ‘not so’ show for me. I can’t see myself playing that game in my living room unless I have a big party going, but in that kind of atmosphere that freaking game rocks!!! It was waaaaay harder than Guitar Hero or Guitar Hero II though. They said they were still tuning it so that is good...I just hope to god they keep that level of 'forgivness' that the other two games had. That way you don't have to be a freaking badass to still feel like you are rocking. The notes in Rock Band seem smaller, and you have to hit them dead on. Needless to say I was taking advantage of the "get your bandmates back in by playing well" feature quite alot cause I was failing out like a mutha'.
I also got to go to some EA gathering for the Sims: Castaway where they had a monkey you could take photos with. I guess it was actually a chimp, but whatever, I got to take a picture with a chimp. That was pretty cool, in fact I think it was even cooler than Rock Band. How sad is my life when getting a picture with a chimp is the highlight of my day? E3 kind of sucked, but the chimp rocked.
I got to hang out with some people I hadn’t seen in some time in my brief one day at the show, but I missed out on hanging with my old high school friend who works for Konami. Sorry Jason, we need to hook up when you come back into town again…or if I ever get time to go up north.
I still wish I was showing the game I am currently directing, ****************, but it is pretty far off from being ready to ‘wow’ people. I had a meeting with some Sony execs last Friday…one of them was a freaking Bitmap Brother…how awesome is that! Xenon and Speedball ruled. I tried very hard not to get all fanboy…you know…playing it cool. It was a trip to be breaking my game down to him and seeing him get excited. That was a good day. It was a good week I guess…Got to play rock band, got a picture with a chimp, and hung out with one of the Bitmap Brothers. It’s weeks like that that make the months of lost sleep worth it. Well kind of.
I also got to go hang out with the fine folks over at Insomniac games and check out the latest stuff they are doing with Ratchet and Clank Future. The game looks and plays pretty great. That type of game, the Racthet and Jak and Sly's, have never been my cup of tea but there is no doubt those guys know how to make a great freaking game. After seeing that stuff I think I am going to pick that one up when it comes out and give it another go...since I am out of games that I want to play on my ps3. It was also cool to be able to have two groups of developers sit down together and chat about the whole game making process. I wish our industry was more condusive to that kind of thing. It used to be, but that was waaay before my time. I thnk games would be better as a whole if we all did that more. Though I think the suits would disagree with me on that.
How about that crazy news about Peter Moore today? I can’t believe his salary and deal points were made into a news story. That kind of sucks for him a little…but whatever I guess it won’t faze him much. Seems like a lot of people are making moves these days, maybe it is something in the air?
I watched that freaking hilarious ‘translation’ video about the lyrics in the GOW theme. That thing has been passed around quite a bit at the office. So whoever did that…great freaking job…the Mulan thing still makes me laugh.
Wow...look at the big brain on brad with the bitmap bros street cred. I'm quite impressed.
Let's hook for lunch or dinner sometime
Good to have you back. Sony did have a pretty good lineup at the reborn E3, but seeing (strikeout) God of War 3(endstrikeout) that new game you're directing would have really knocked it out of the park for me. As a Guitar Hero fan though, I gotta know, was Rock Band harder on average, or was it harder in the sense that the hard songs were a lot harder? While you try to wrap your head around that incredibly redundant sentence, allow me to explain. If they put out something that tops Buckethead's Jordan in terms of difficulty, I'm committing suicide.
Daniels you can take that lunch or dinner invite and shove it up your ass... you left the band so SUCK IT DOWN BITCH!
Honestly if you do go gimme a call too! Use that fancy new iPhone thingee of your's which contains a stolen piece of my grumpy soul.
As for you CoryB, that is totally sticking I am buying you the match box Lambo so you can be the legit little brother of CliffyB...
p.s. add pop up comments to this damn blog already, please and thank you!
Sony owned at E3. MGS4!!!!
Sony did awesome at E3, they have been on a steady momentum since the introduction of Home.
BTW: Your video link isn't working.
If you've run out of games to play on PS3, you have to check out Super Stardust HD, if you haven't already. That is the best $7.99 (or whatever it was) that I've spent since Calling All Cars came out. I've heard Ninja Gaiden Sigma is really good too, but I don't have the money to get that yet. Lair is going to be my next purchase.
So glad to see you're back and blogging. Was wondering what had happened to you.
I didn't get to go to E3 or at least what's being called E3 this year (first time in the last 5 years!) but to be honest I don't think I missed much. And well it was nice to not have to sit in a booth all day. I did miss not being able to attend the Sony party. They're always a good time.
As for the the price cut for the PS3. It is big news because early adopters like myself feel butt hurt that I spent all that money for the PS3, got crap for games/contect and now its dropped $100. I am JUST now starting to get excited about the upcoming game line-up games!!
When can we hear about your new game?
Derek and Eric appearing at once. Not entirely suprising given the cirumstances.
Voted at G4. Found it amusing that they put Athena's pic *as nice as it is* next to Linda in place of Gaia.
The whole "sing at a bee" thing during the lyrics was especially funny..more absurd was the Milkshake bit. Very nice.
As a favor to a friend I'd like to ask about the dropped Ice Spell of GoWII. Specifically speaking, "What would the lvl3 powers of the spell have been?"
~I'd love to know MOAR about why Blue Kratos couldn't/can't be included..or at least something to the effect of why it cannot be discussed as I keep hearing. If that is indeed too much to ask from you Cory..I'd like to submit this question:
"I had early metioned some techniques I used in GoW1 to cause enemies to fly up and over invisible walls by basically stacking launchs in a way that knocks them WAY up and away. I have been unable to find a way to harnass them in GoWII after all this time. I'd greatly appreciate the knowledge of whether or not something to the effect of "Homerun" can be done in GoWII. If so, HOW?"
^I've tried my hardest but cannot find a way to use it on command as I used to be able to.
i want to vote for god of war 2 but im to lazy to make an account. cause ill never use it again. that site seems like a bunch of 360 fanboys anyway so it probably wont even matter. cant wait to see your game. hopefully we will get to see atleast a screenshot by the end of the year. or even just you being able to talk about 1 little thing lol
cool man, you're posting again.
can't wait to see your game when you reveal it.
super stardust hd is a great game!
Yeah the "translation" video was funny. I think it originally cam from Newgrounds.
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