I went down to San Diego on Tuesday night to do the Sony gamers day event and chat a bit about God of War: Chains of Olympus. Seems like everyone is pretty excited about the game, which is good since I am busting at the freaking seams about this game. I really think it is coming along beautifully. As is par for the course for me, I ended up hanging out Tuesday night and kicking a few back with some friends I don’t get to see too often, leaving me wrecked for the next day. But since I normally look like I haven’t slept in days, it was hardly noticeable.
I also go to check out this Game Deconstruction Group last night. This is where a group of USC game development student’s breakdown different games and everyone chats about various aspects of the game. There were a bunch of people from the development community there as well so it was nice to get to meet and chat with everyone; it’s always good to hear about what everyone is working on. (Plus I got a free copy of F.E.A.R. for ps3..sweet! Thanks again for that!) I wanted to go to the last one they did about Gears of War, but I was working. They were doing God of War 2 last night so it was good to get for that one. These guys that broke the game down were pretty freaking sharp too! Three of them had come in for focus tests of God of War. It was pretty cool to see someone really break down the game in detail and hear what others had to say about it. I think they are going to do a deconstruction of flOw next time since the GOW2 thing went longer than they expected. Hopefully I will have the time to go back to check that one out.
I have a story meeting to get to, so I am going to cut this short.
Now to read it...
Nice Read.
The story of God of War 3, I imagine. Or am I jumping the gun?
You know, some people call Heavenly Sword a GOW rip-off.. I don't understand that. I mean, if it plays the same, that's just awesome. If it looks better (OBVIOUSLY!), more power to it! If it has a better story (Doubt it though) or at least on par, GREAT! so... maybe the word rip-off is actually a good thing? Why are people complaining FFS?!
Isn't Halo a rip-off of... EVERY OTHER FPS OUT THERE?!
Just a thought...
Oh, and I wish you guys would 'rip-off' some ideas from HS for GoW3 too.. like big-ass envirnoments for one.
Come to think about it... All you need to do is just one up the graphics, and ofcourse add some small stuff to the gameplay (mainly combat) to make it really mind blowing.
GoW2 from GoW was amazing. I just loved the new additions. I hope GoW3 will do the same.
God of War 3 will be great! Don't worry Cory, you'll be fine. If you get a chance tonight or tomorrow. Check your Myspace inbox for a message from Justin. Thanks man!!!
I'm extremely excited about the PSP game and I'm glad you're back on the horse, so to speak, Cory. Best of luck.
-Devin Greer
I hope to be apart of a focus test group so I can ask you the challenging questions. Would be awesome to be there. :D
Anywho got the email this morning from Sony about the new GoW PSP game, was very excited to hear the news from every direction on the planet.
I wouldn't say that Heavenly Sword is a direct ripoff of GoW. I mean it does has some things that make it similar hence it being called "goddess of war" (lol) but from what is up, the possibility to change weapons on the fly sounds like fun. From sword to hammer, in real time too.
I think people just automatically say ripoff just because it comes mind quickly. I can say Doom is a ripoff of Wolfenstein, same thing just new weapons and enemies. Halo 3's HUD display is similar to Metroid Prime 2's HUD in all its curvyness.
I mean one can say Halo is a ripoff of Counterstrike which is a ripoff of Doom which is a ripoff of Wolfenstein which is a ripoff of...so on and so forth. It would just go on and on and never stop...maybe destroy the universe I dunno. :\
Ripoffs? nah. A word that does come to mind is homage.
Chains of Olympus is looking to be the sickest PSP game ever. Which isn't really saying that much, but still. It's GOW. On PSP.
Man I wish I could work on video games with you guys. I think that's what I'm going to do after college. Any schools you would recommend Cory?
Glad you're in better Spirits. All work and no play...
Personally I missed:
-Satyr (w/ ALL GoW1 moves/specials)
-Centaur (why was this gone?)
NOTE: I didn't mind the loss of Undead Shieldman
-Artemis (Urn of Artemis FGJ)
-"Homerun techniques"
-"High Jump"
I'd like to hear MOAR about "Betrayal"..specifically the story.
With "Chains of Olympus" I feel we have plenty of knowledge of the basic story and wouldn't mind actually waiting for the game's release to learn the rest this time. That creature was reported as a Basilisk on 1UP if memory serves..is that accurate Cory?
Another claimed that it was the ultimate weapon of the Persian invaders..this makes me think Kratos would be fighting a number of other creatures known in Greek Mythology but based more in Persia.
When I originally saw the screens I thought it was Kratos at Troy. I thought it was an interesting idea as that would give him a chance run-in with a number of heroes and he would encounter Ares on the oppossing side (Aphrodite's fault if I recall right)..it would be funny if we were the warrior (w/ Athena's aid) who managed to wound Ares there.
With 10 years of time to cover, Kratos could to A LOT of campaigns for the gods.
Well, i finally played Gears of War on the 360 and...it looks amazing. Sadly, i don't find myself playing this online but the story seems really good. Short so far though. I'm on pace to beat the game in like less than 6 hours which is pretty lame.
Glad you enjoyed your vacation, i was checking out the screens for God of War on the PSP and it looks pretty damn good!
vitalia ur a fukin loser ur always posting ALL THE FUCVKING TIME on here get a life loser how many timesa do you visit this site a day 9 ur sad pls die k thx
Glad to hear you're back with the an't wait to batteries recharged.
Can't wait to get GOW on my PSP 'cause you can't really have enough Kratos.
Have you playe FEAR for PS3 yet? I was very dissapointed. It was much better on the Xbox 360.
I can't wait to get Kratos on the PS3. Now a title worth having the console for!
go drink krap.
we talk to eachother here a lot so you will see our names more then ones!!! that does not mean people don't have a life. each his own hobby.
Heavenly Sword, GoW3 (YEAH, CORY, WE KNOW!!), Lair, MGS4, FFXIII, LBP, AC (probably gonna get tuned down for the 360, Ubisoft you bastards), Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank... and many more new franchises EXCLUSIVE to the PS3. These are all PS3 worthy titles... Gotta love them all, gotta get 'em all.
Oh and Mike, I think he was just jealous that I got first comment. lol
!!! []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[] !!!
Is that going to be the new cover image for the new upcoming GOW:COO or what? I don't understand why they be showing Kratos back holdind 2 fucking blades in front of something all the damn time, couldn't they come out with something fresh or they must be running out of new ideas?
With all the artworks that the artists have been doing/working their asses off on, is this the best they could have come out with?
Is there going to be a "Super Hard Titan Mode" impossible to beat again? Is Kratos going to protect some stupid ass old Translator again or what? Where are the Minotaurs? Where are the Fat Minotaurs? Where are the Medusas? Where are the Cyclops?
They don't seem to be in GOW:COO at all and Cory "The Balrog" Barlog already pulled his pants down and pooped on GOW2 for us and now he's coming out with this and another one for cell phone.
Come on!! Sometimes you got to know when enough is enough man. Since GOW3 is going to be on PS3, I hope it'll save the image of the whole series that we love so much.
STFU TROLL.. GTFO and EABOD please...
i came across some very cool karakters in myth:
cycnus son of ares.
achilles, one of the best warriors in greece.
achilles, greatest warrior in greece.
ps. can't wait for ninja gaiden sigma still 6 weeks.
Nervous about Heavenly Sword?(he's a traitor to the sony fan the person who making HS rather microsoft FUCK HIM he better not mess HS)
May 19th, 2007, 27 Comments
I’ve been reading the blog of the lead programmer for Heavenly Sword.
He’s doing tons of Microsoft XNA programming, .NET Forms GUI development, Xbox 360 benchmarks, Microsoft Visual Studio work, 360 Lua integration (Lua is a popular lightweight language used in many video games in addition to a core language which is often C++), Microsoft .NET CLR internals investigations, Xbox 360 integration with Managed C++ (a Microsoft specific .NET version of C++), C# work, and miscellaneous other Xbox 360 development.
The PS3 is supposed to be getting Heavenly Sword as well, right?
However, there is very little mention of the PS3 or Sony on his site, and what is there has a somewhat negative tone. Contrast that with the Xbox 360 and Microsoft technology posts were he is full of excitement, enthusiasm, and even evangelism.
Just to be clear: PS3 developers definitely don’t need to be Sony cheerleaders. They have every right to their own opinion and that fully includes having a preference for the Xbox 360 or the Wii over the PS3 or preferring Microsoft-centric technology over alternatives. For example, the Warhawk guys can be seen using Microsoft Visual Studio on Windows PCs in interview videos and their website is developed in Microsoft ASP.NET. As a PS3 consumer, I don’t care because I still get a clear impression that the Warhawk team is giving the project their all.
With this Heavenly Sword lead programmer, I get the strong impression that he can’t stand working on the PS3 and isn’t giving it his full effort. He clearly spends lots of effort trying to incorporate as much Microsoft centric technology into his day as is possible. He’s added as much Microsoft tech to the Heavenly Sword tool chain as possible and even works on lots of side projects so that he can take a completely Microsoft centric focus.
He’s probably very bitter that his job carried him in a PS3 centric direction and tries very hard to cleanse himself of the feel of programming on a PS3. Unfortunately, this probably means that Heavenly Sword will not be the best showcase of PS3 technology. The best work in this world is done by people who love what they do, not by people who bitterly wish they were doing something else.
On the other hand, this is just one person. I suspect that many other staff particularly those doing art, production, sound, and managerial duties are much less opinionated on Sony/Microsoft technology and platform issues and are much more likely to be giving this project their full attention. However, he is the lead programmer which is a very significant role.
So, what do you think? Am I overreacting? Can PS3 exclusive developers be huge Microsoft fanatics or can Xbox 360 exclusive developers be fanatical about PS3, NetBeans, Java, ODF, and other distinctively non-Microsoft technologies and still deliver 110% as cutting edge lead game programmer typically do?
So Cory...whats up? Amusing little argument we have going here. I'm gone a few days and we got a flame/troll war galore :P
Hey Anonymous, where'd you read that?
After 4 weeks of playing GOW2 on and off, after a lot of pain, suffering, anger, frustration, try and re-try, slamming the controller on the floor. I finally passed the 1st Translator and I took down the Krakken Boss on Titan Mode as well.
Now, I'm fighting the Bitches of Fates and I'm telling you peoples they're really B I T C H E S and I can already imagine how hard the Zeus fight is going to be. I'm getting close on beating GOW2 on Titan Mode and I feel damn good about it.
Also, I'm playing Challenge of the Titans to obtain the last 2 Urns and the GOW costume and I'm at the 4th Challenge where you must protect the stupid damn Translator at all cost.
I would like to know how to get the bonus point without losing 50% of the Translator life bar at all and I would like to know what do I do to pass that level with all the tricks? What weapons do I need to beat that level?. Any help, any advice would be appreciated.
NYC Represents.
Heavenly Sword Lead Programmer is Great
May 21st, 2007, 6 Comments
OK, I’m wrong. I recently criticized Heavenly Sword programmer Dean Calver for being a Microsoft evangelist and possibly half-assing his Heavenly Sword work. I apologize for that and I was wrong. He is clearly a very knowledgeable programmer and takes Heavenly Sword and programming as a whole very seriously. The demos of Heavenly Sword speak for themselves as to the game’s quality.
Thanks to Dean Calver, for responding, and clearing up the confusion. Check out his blog, as he has updated it with a post on the PS3 CPU cache structure.
there is going to be a UMD special edition demo, but i think you should also make it a download via the psp store so that everyone can enjoy it.
Great idea. I think it's unfair that only USers get the demo, so release it on the Store as well.. It doesn't cost you money for every demo downloaded, does it? I think it's a much better deal.
God of War III ftw!
And jeano, check gamefaqs.com for all your questions. Or ask the people who hang out on the gamefaqs forums, they should help.
yes it's a good idea :) but there is a big chance it will not happen. but i think they should do it cause the download section is horrible, and also is the european ps3 store. NO NINJA GAIDEN SIGMA!!! i mean why are they doing that :( and the prepaid cards!!! hurry the fuck up with those. i chose ps3 cause of the titels!!! but not because of the great service. microsoft really is doing a better job at that!!! also if you buy a ps3, only a year of garantee. xbox360 offers 2 YEARS. ahh well thats just how it is :( but i'm not to happy about it!!!
a ps3 is like a toyota. a 360 is like a bug. you always gotta fix the fucker
but on the other hand i know sony will better it's service trough time. and i know for sure that the prepaid cards will go worldwide, but why keep silent about that!!! i don't get it. just please the fans and say hey it's coming!!! just be patiance. and cory i know your working on god of war 3!!! why work on another ps3 title that takes 3 years of development!!! no i'm sertain they are not doing that, cause they want god of war 3 out there as fast as they can. so if cory is working on a ps3 title it's god of war 3. my point is..... WHY ALWAYS KEEP THINGS SECRET!!! just listen to the fans and tell them what they want to hear!!!
man i know sony has the better machine, but i'm talking about the S E R V I C E!!!!!!!!!!
i get what you sayin. i just think microsoft fucked up with the 360 elite. i dont understand why they didnt add an hd-dvd player that they would be able to develop for and give the 360 a true upgrade that could compete with the ps3 for a longer period of time. i mean face it 9 gb is not gonna be able to hold true next gen games. all due respect to david jaffe i believe that blu-ray was nesacary and will give sony the ten year run they are looking for. oh and if 360 would have included the hd-dvd who could have been winning the format race. all respect to sony for taking chances. and hopefully micosoft thinks a little harder before rushing out a system.
oké you have a good point in your last post :) thats true microsoft also got some holes in their service!!! now that i think of it. maybe NINTENDO is doing the best job!!! but their are a lot of things that need to change, i think you can agree with that.
but i can't wait for HOME tough :)
did you lose some weight??
360 now has a 2 year warranty because of the problems!! It was 1 year in launch!! PS3 doesn't have any problems so you don't need more than a one year warranty!! Plus, you can rebuy one!! I think!!
Excalamation marks? I was just imitating you... lol
I agree, though, that Cory shuold fucking at least tell US, his faithful blog readers, that he HIS working on GoW3!! DO IT FOR GREAT JUSTICE CORY!!
Priceless, especially the end.
your right i don't hear any complaints about the ps3. it has no bugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha and xbox360 sratches disks, that was big news here in holland. microsoft refused to acknowledge the problem. until a tv program with loyers came in action :) now they cleared the problem on the 360, but no refunds for the games. so i was wrong about their service :) but it was more the service of giving fans what they want, that i talked about. i mean damn we want a better store in europe!!! i want NINJA GAIDEN SIGMA without making a stupid fake american account. I WANT PREPAID CARDS!!!!!!! so that i can download blast factor.
i definitly agree with you that alot of things need to change. and yes nintendo is probably doing the best job. more for themselves though. i think they realized that most of the games they put out do not need the graphics of the 360 and ps3. it seems they found a goldmine in the ds. and went the same route with the wii.
one thing i cant understand though is how more people want the ds ($129) over the psp which is 40 dollars more and allows you to watch movies(im not talking umds) and listen to music. the list goes on. im not bashing the ds its just not my cup of tea. the more i look at my nintendo power magazines is the more i dont want to get a wii. got zelda on gamecube so to me whats the point.
i also imagine that sony probably wont allow cory to say anything on gow 3 yet. i am pretty sure we will have to wait till chains of olympus is in full swing.
i own a psp & playstation 3, and your defentely right about the handhelds. oké umd fails a little on the movie part, but i do think it's good for games. as for the ds, it's not my cup of tea either. nintendo just is not my thing, exept for zelda. playstation is really my thing they have great games. and i really choose a console for the games they got. like halo it's a great game from the publics perspective. i don't like that game, i do like gears of war however, to bad it isn't coming to ps3. and i really really hope they bring CRYSIS to the ps3.
i gree with you that the umds are good for games. and home is definitly something im looking foward to. oh and im gettin sick of people bashing the psn. talking about how it doesnt compare to xbox live. if those xbox live customers could only imagine that sony is actually going to be saving them money when live has to compete with a free network. could this mean cheaper live or maby even free. they need to think about that.
haze looks awesome. also looking foward to end war.
Gears of War and Gears of War 2 were sealed for the 360 BUT there was nothing about Gears of War 3 and who knows, it might come to the PS3.. Hell, with the 360's poor sales (Less than 10 million after more than 18 months is BAD, and it's right around the same pace the original Xbox sold) Epic might jump ship to the PS3with Gears 2. Contract Shmontract have no meaning anymore. Everything is possible with 3rd party devs these days.
well the thing i really want the most, is that they bring crysis to the ps3.
and since it's an EA & crytek game it's very much possible.
I've heard that there is a DVD with 1TB of capacity...God... they write the data in one hundred of layers.
this thing will not be cheap, thats for sure...
well if that news is true then say goodbye to hd-dvd & blu ray cause everybody already owns a normal dvd player.
"The technique developed by the Imperial College team could offer much more on a disc. Researchers believe they can create a disc that has four layers, each holding a massive 250GB of data (equivalent of 118 hours of video). The Mods technique is laser-based like existing DVD and CD technology. A disc is made up of tiny grooves filled with pits that reflect the laser as a series of ones and zeroes."
That right there, is the reason why Sony shouldn't be worried.
Some college team THINKS IT'S POSSIBLE doesn't make it so. "I think I stop world hunger!"
And the DVD recorders?? What does that even mean??
Dude, that article was posted more than 2 years ago!
Where is that 1TB DVD?!
sorry for this shit that I post before. I was just trying to find in a hurry some link. :P
The one from bellow explains something about the thing that I was mentioning before:
this is the shit: "http://news.softpedia.com/news/Hitachi-Launches-the-"
sorry again... I need some sleep
can anyone tell me which of these options God of War II looks better
Useing the PS3
1)the games own "HD mode" or
2)upscaled to 720p/1080i
Dude, the first word in that article warmed my heart.. lol
This shouldn't really bother Sony, though.
These discs will not be used by any console this generation and HD movies will not be released on these discs because they will most likely require a seperate more-expensive player. And HD discs don't really need 1000 gigs so... the only use for these discs will be data storage.
If only there was a Sony Israel... everything would be so much better here. Proud to be Israeli! Proud to be an owner of the PS3!
About GOWII;
I have no idea which of the two modes is better.. ask Tim Moss.
I don't believe that Sony will be harmed by this either, I think this thing will be used for videogames and movies storage only in the future when the HHD ( Higher High Definition ) becomes a standard, lol... ^^
And yeah, I love Sony consoles ever since the first version of the PS!! They sure know the mean of the word quality.
wow busy summer!
have fun
It's time for my greatness to be seen in crap quality vids again:
Comp 1
Comp 2
High Jumps
For GREAT JUSTICE I'll also link to a vid of Shinobier using my "Homerun" techinues..to be specific he is using "Punt" on the 11 Hades Satyrs
~I still haven't done vids for CotG2 and CotG8 though
NOTE: Anoymous' knows that GodModeGOD is WIN incarnate and bows before my might
those video's are bad as a motherfucker. but skilled you are :)
Man I'm the Shit! I mean, I really can't believe how fucking great I am!! Everybody should just bow down to me right now. Come on, you know you want to!! Because I'm the shit!!
YEAH RIGHT!!! :) your good but nothing to bow for hahaha just wait until NINJA GAIDEN SIGMA! they have online score system :) so there you can prove yourself.
I'm 18 today!
And that's it.. lol
Happy birthday proud one!! lol :)
Although I don't know you very well I hope you succeed in anything you're planing to do in this new year of your life. cliche huh?
It's a shame that GoW:CoO is the only game on PSP I want to play. I just can't warrant spending $170 on a portable for one single game. :(
hm... It's not the only one for me, that's for sure! I almost can't wait for the release of:
-Silent Hill: Origins,
-Tales of the World
-Star Ocean: The First Departure and The Second Evolution
-Tales of Eternia
-Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
-Manhunt 2
-Tenchu: Time of The Assassins
Cory, you're loosing your following!!! It's been almost half a month and you have less than 70 comments... Haha, that's a joke for you people who don't get it... Anyway... Tomorrow's my last day of school, I know none of you bitches care!!! Oh, huh, anyway, I'm kind of bored... *twitch* Whatever...
will you be at E3 this year announcing your new game(better be god of war3)?
My penis smells like strawberry icecream.
Anonymous: Noted
Mike: Did you actually mistake the fool "TitanModeGOD" for myself.. GodModeGOD. My name is for more then GoW. Besides..Titan lacks balance in the name.
Also note that Ninja Gaiden skill won't exactly improve your skill in GoW which is my game of choice. I'll leave DMC to Yuri and NG to Shinobier. Neither game suits me nearly as much as GoW.
You may still "bow" to me though despite the orignal demand being no doubt from those as witless as Tad *it isn't important that you recall who that is*
~Cory..I've been trying for a long time to find out why Blue Kratos was reportedly not "possible" to put in GoWII as an extra costume.. Is there nothing you can tell me of the situation that kept him from being my favored appearance of GoWII?
This is my actual acount here. There can be only one GodModeGOD.
~Anyone foolish enough to make a name like TitanModeGOD is either Soul (in a poor joke) or a fool like many anonymous here (that do not reflect the will of LEGION)
hahaha i bow for no one ;) and my skills in god of war, are great to. only if i could record that. ah well in the future maybe. now i'm waiting for ninja gaiden.
and yes i thought you changed your name :) well i must say hahaha TITANMODE IS ABOVE GODMODE :)
A poor joke?!
I say, fuck you buddy!
Also Both - GOW next & SOCOM 4 will available for ps2!!!!!
Quote from CVG:You want more PS3 loving? Well, you'll get it in the form of a newly confirmed PS3 God of War title, which we have to say has us salivating in utter delight because its PS2 debut was absolutely cracking - we can't wait to swing Kratos' chains in anger all over again on Sony's next-gen machine. God of War PS3 may not actually make it to E3, but is apparently well into development; and interestingly, both it and SOCOM 4 will also be appearing on PS2, underlining Sony's commitment to its favoured current-gen son for the next few years.
CORY?? IS THAT TRUE?? WHY?!?! You must make it a PS3 experience!! C'mon man! Give those with a PS2 and God of War 1/2 a reason to buy a PS3!!
Altough it certainly will show them loyalty and Sony will come out as a good company that cares for it's Playstation brand... Hmmm I LUV SONY EITHER WAY.
Mike: Bow to me mortal
If memory serves..you still haven't done a Titan Mode NUR/NUR+ let alone a GK:TM:NUR. Videos or not you should know better then to oppose a god *kekeke*
Soul: A poor joke indeed. Not tasteful at all..you should probably LURK MOAR
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