This week has actually been one of the more hectic weeks as I am preparing for a nice little vacation. I hadn’t planned on it, but I am so very thankful it is happening. Since I spent a large portion of my break prepping for the current game I am working on I am not going to do any work, or even think about anything work related on this one for a full two weeks. (maybe I will take some time to play through some of the games that Totilo reccomended as well as my newly acquired copy of Planescape:Torment. Sweet) My god my brain really needs this. Lately I have been feeling like everything is moving in fast forward…like one of those old keystone cops movies. It will be good to slow the ride down for a bit and catch my breath so I can come back and make the push I know is coming.
Today Mark Ryden put up one of his prints for sale, an event I have been looking forward to for some time. He usually only puts out one print a year with a very limited number (500) so they are very hard to get. I got lucky last year and picked one up, a cool print called Rosie’s Tea Party.(pictured above) This year he was releasing one to promote his Tree show he has going around galleries. I was up at like 6:30 this morning refreshing his webpage like crazy hoping to catch the buy button the first moment it came up. I even had my mom (down in San Diego) working on this one. The button came up around 8:45 this morning, but the traffic quickly crashed the servers several times. Neither of us made it past the “add to cart” page. After about an hour or so the site went down completely and I had to get to work. So my mom took the reigns and kept an eye on the site. IT came up a few times over the next few hours but always quickly crashed. It seemed all hope was lost and that it was not meant to be. I was getting ready fro lunch when I decided to open the page up to see what it said, and in place of the buy button was a message apologizing for the bum servers and saying to send an email to the store with your info and they will take them on a first come first serve basis. I guess they still had a few hundred of the 500 left, so both of us sent an email in hopes of getting one of the last few. About two minutes after we sent them in the page refreshed with a “Thank you, this edition is sold out.”
Damn, no such luck I guess. They said they would call people today to let them know if they got it. By 6pm I had no call, so I was pretty much resolved that I got no love. But then an email shows up in my inbox like mana from heaven saying I got a print. Sweet…that was a nice way to cap off the day. Plus, my mom was able to get one as well…so we are both happy.
After that sweet victory it would have been nice to just call it a day and go home, but I still had a bunch of script notes to take care of so it was back to the grind for me. But I still got out of work at around 8:15 tonight, so I can’t really complain too much.
God of War II sold like 833 thousand units in the first month…good god that is crazy. That is like more than three of my previous games lifetime sales combined. Thank you all so much for supporting this game!!! I hope we can keep it up…then maybe we will get to make another one!
Let’s see…what else is new…I am going to go speak at CSU in early may. That should be fun. I got to go talk with a few classes at USC over the last few months and that was a blast. I always have a good time doing that kind of stuff. It gives me a chance chat with people without the fear of something I said ending up as a negative punch line on Kotaku.
Ok…I am going to watch a movie now.
wii first comment, second time;)
cory, do u know anything about the european lanch of gow 2??
i want to play it!!
not too much, I thought it was already out, but honestly I have been so out of what is going on in the world outside of the office that I am the worst person to ask.
sweet, thanks for the update man.
May I make a suggestion about the next God of War?
I said this on Tim's blog too, but could you guys make it so Kratos can block in the middle of combo's next time?
One of the main problems I had w/ GoW 2 was that when I'd get into one of those long, automatic combos (like the one where he thrusts his blades at the enemy a few times, or the one where he swings his blades around his head a few circles like a helicopter), Kratos wouldn't be able to block until the combo finished, and he'd usually get hit a bunch of times while he was doing them.
That was a real downer, because the combos were so cool-looking, but every time I used them I got punished for it. Plus it didn't make much sense to me why Kratos can't stop to block in the middle of a combo.
So if you guys would consider implementing my suggestion in the next game, it'd be much appreciated.
Noticed you said you were going to watch a movie. A lot of people are wondering if you've seen 300, and if so, your thoughts?
PS, congrats at getting the print.
omg, the man himself answerd me, hah i feel special now;)
To bad u didnt know when:(
btw have the pal demos been sent?
Thank you yo
hey cory..just wanna say that im reading the book The Lusiad, a book about a great people, the portuguese, and it tells about the collossu in island of rhodes...its really great..on the book is like this : his arms were soo big making him the second collosu besides the one of rhodes now a wonder of the worlds....NICEEEE
Yo what up Cory,
I always wondering why Kratos can't move at all while using the L1 block thing? When you get a chance try to make Kratos move while he's blocking just like he's moving when he's using the Wind Bow and Arrows and maybe it's a good idea for GOW3 or you can try it for the PSP version as well.
If you want GOW: Chain of Olympus to be succesfull, do not post any video clips, do not broadcast any interviews, do not tell any of the story at all and that was a let down for GOW2 there were too many spoilers and too many leaks over the internet that ruined the feeling out of the game for us.
One more thing, I don't like the PSP console and I don't have it. Since most PSP games are copies of the PS2, is there any way to make a PS2 version of GOW: COO? Or do I have to buy a PSP system just to play it or what? And I heard there's going to be a GOW2 Special Edition with the lost levels add-on for the US only and I don't know if it's a rumor or not and by doing that you can redeem yourself to the loyal hard core fans outhere for the shit they be saying about you for fucking up GOW2 because they feel like they did not get enough out of it for what it's worth.
Any confirmations about that from you Cory or any ones outhere would gladly be appreacited.
NYC Represents.
bah finally found the release daate and its not tomorrow, its in 6 days !! fuck..
Cory - 800K Copies of GoW2 in the first month, way to go. Overall you improved the game, I kinda missed the Twisted Metal II style cut scenes, but with a bigger budget comes the better presentation. The animation was top notch (you do excellent work in that regard). I am still playing the game even after I beat it.
So when will you be confirming your new project is indeed God Of War 3 and not something involving the Cast of Facts of Life?
I was confused by this screenshot....
So so what are the chances of GoW 1 and 2 remake for PS3? (one could wish).
Ken - yeah the block mechanism changed a little bit, but blocking in the middle of some of those combos would have made the game much easier. If you are having problems scale back the difficulty, I got used to the new way it worked.
Jeano - GoW COO will probably be PSP only. Sony is trying to create games specifically for that platform and this will be a system seller for them. PSP is a great system if you enjoy PS2 games there is no reason why you wouldn't like PSP. It's basically the living room in your pocket.
So glad you got some time to stop in and give us an update.
Should be no surprise how well GOW 2 is doing. EVERYONE I know has bought copies and I bought an extra 10 myself to send overseas. The game is fantastic and I can't wit to see what the PS3 version is gonna look like. Guess you guys won't be able to do it in 1080P?
Are you guys gonna do any GOW contests for cool stuff?
Cory, congratulations on getting PLANESCAPE: TORMENT! This is my NUMBER 1 GAME of all times. Play it, you won't regret it, I promise. What's more, you'll get many precious ideas about how a really good story should be developed and concluded! You don't really need to press out yourself for an appropriate plot- it will come to you if you know how, when and where to look for it- trust me.
And here I want to say this: EVERY BIT of God of War 2 was full of your and your team's wonderful creative effort. And YOURS was most visible, in every situation, in every idea. There are pieces of your own PERSONALITY you've left in the whole picture. This game is a puzzle of eagerness and passion, a journey to the very foundations of entertainment. (a raw version on what should be written on the cover). I reviewed GoWII and gave it a 5/5. Many people will buy this game for various reasons, but the fun they'll have after they buy it is because of all these ideas... Because all of the game's elements are of such a high quality and so well related. Thank you for this amazing experience. Say "hi" to Fumi if you see him from me.
i have the european god of war 2 now. i will let you guys know the diffrence if they are there :)
All i have to say is God of War 2 is amazing. I finally got to play a few hours worth at a friends and it was great. He even had a save right before the Pegasus sequence and it was amazing getting to go through that.
But i am now the proud owner of a 360 and soon enough the Elite (thanks to WalMart's 90 return policy, i can bring back my premium :P) so if you don't mind me asking, whats your gametag on XBL?
Anyway, woot off is still going, can't wait to hear more about GoW: CoO :) And 833,000 units...thats amazing considering the PS2 has to compete with the PS3, 360, and Wii!
cory...if u dont mind.. i would like to know what were the books that ur team study to create such a u know the titles of the book ´s about greek mytology? i really need to know
Cory, Is the "Den of the Moirae" another riddle? Or is it the end of the site?
i have the game , i have it 2 days now. one of the best games ever released! cory , you have done a great job.
Vitali, it's another riddle. Try clicking Lakeshis, Atropos, Lakeshis and Clotho to solve.
By the way, looks like IGN liked Jaffe's Calling All Cars, they rated it a 8.5.
I found this glitch inside GOW2 challenge of the fates.
Kind of a Cheat Glitch on the last challenge.
If anyone interested to know you can email me at
Thanks for GOW2, I beaten in Titan mode which had been a killer.
What are you talking about, Jeano? What hardcore fans bashing GOW2? Who????!!! Hey Ken, like the other guy said. The L1 combos are a little bit harder to pull off but I like it that way. It makes it more challenging. However everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Hey Cory,
This is my first comment on your Blog but I read your blogs regularly and like them very much. The GOW 2 game is awesome and by far the best action/adventure game ever created. I just wanted to bring up one point about GOW combat mechanics which keeps bothering me. The issue is that we use L1 for blocking and L1 is also used as a modifier to launch specila moves like L1+[], L1+O, L1+/\ etc. What happens at times is in a critical situation while blocking people accidentally hit a [],O or /\ and Kratos starts doing the special move and becomes vulnerable to enemy attack. I was thinking about this and thought this setup might be able to solve the issue:
The easiest method of solving the Block/Modifier issue would be to make L2 the main modifier and tie use of magic to L2+R2 (pressed together). So in this case you will use L2+[], L2+/\, L2+O etc. for special attacks, R2 alone for changing weapons and L2+R2 for invoking magic. So L1 will be just for blocking and will not cause the accidental special attack. And using L2+R2 together is not that diffcult either.
Pls check if this could be implemented in future GOW games. Thanks for creating such a gr8 game for us fans to enjoy.
-- KC
Awesome, can't wait to see what this PSP game is going to be like... I won't bother you with thousands of questions and comments of what I think or try to tell you what to do with the next game. I know whatever you do with it, it'll be good, if not great or fantastically amazing.
-Devin Greer
so cory when are you going to tell us that the next game you are working on is indeed gow3?? oh well i guess i can wait i already know it is...(hopes)
Announce GoW3 already so I can pre-order it, Cory!
But SRSLY... EVERYBODY knows it's GoW3.
I sure hope his new game for PS3 is the Facts of Life. Blair was a hottie.
cant wait for gow 3. game of the year for 2009. or maybe we will get a fall 08 game but i doubt it.
Excellent seeing a GoW for the PSP! That one's a definite buy for me already lol. Good to see you are still posting on the blog :)
dunno if that's real or not, but those Euros at Sony are pretty insane. I dunno Cory they aren't all teddy bears and flowers over there!
I am glad to have played X-men: Mutant Academy, in 1 day. Thought that game was entertaining seeing there wasen't many X-Men game out that time until X-Men Legends.
Enjoy watching the Queen, Cory. That movie is sooo you. :p
Hey Cory, how would I go about getting some of those paintings? I couldn't find anything for sale on the site except for a couple of things. Are any of them still available or are they just strictly gone once they're gone?
Awesome!! Sony's really pushing that "Something for everyone" idea!!
A chance for a free PS3 if you eat some of the goat, that is RAD! I would do it!!! Even though I already have one!
KC and Ken,
Thanks for the comment man. The L1 specials were intentionally set up to not allow block or roll cancel until near the end of the move for balancing purposes. If we let you can out of those moves at any time they would become too powerful. But after making two game with that system, if we do get a chance to make another one I think we will be looking a lot harder at those choices and seeing if there are ways to improve it.
Ryden only releases a print about once or twice a year. He does a very limited run of 500, so when it is gone the only way to get it is through ebay or some other reseller. The cool thing is he never reprints a painting when he does this, at least I don't think he does. So the best thing to do is to sign up at his site and you will get an email letting you know when the next one is going on sale.
It is a hassle to get one due to thier internet only ordering and horrible servers, but it is well worth it.
Sony's slaughtering animals to celebrate premiere's now?
what the fuck have you guys done with that goat. well now i'm sertain god of war will make it to the politicians and shit.
ps. i was already wondering why there are no complaints about the violence :) GTA is always under fire.
^ Just because he's the game director, doesn't mean he knows what a bunch of people from Sony did. And it was taken place in EUROPE. Not america, where he lives.
Yo what up Mike,
from what you're saying "What the fuck have you guys done with that goat? Well now I'm certain God of War will make it to the politicians and shit."
P.S: I was already wondering why there were no complaints about the violence :) GTA is always under fire."
It looks like they fucked up GOW2 for you guys in Europe, eh.....
since you played both version of GOW2 can you tell us what are the differences? Can you tell us what did you like and what you did not like in the both versions?
NYC Represents.
Hey yo Mike,
what're you trying to say when you mentioned "What the fuck have you guys done with that goat?" I don't remember seeing any goat in GOW2 unless you're talking about those grayish looking undead soldiers.
Have you play GOW2 and beat it on Titan Mode? I'm playing it on Titan Mode for the past weeks by now and I can't beat the barbarian King at all, do you've a special trick on how to beat him or what?
P.S: Did any body outhere beat the Barbarian King on Titan Mode and any tricks, any strategies or any codes would be gladly appreciated?
Thank you.
Jeano, he was talking about this -
Check it Out!
Hi Cory,
Thanks for the reply. Ken has a different point than mine. I do not wish the L1+ special moves to be block or roll cancellable as Ken wants coz. I understand that it will be very advantageous for Kratos and will make the game much more easy. My suggestions was to eliminate the accidental situation of getting into the L1+ special move since L1 is used for both blocking and special moves. Its not much of an issue though as an experienced player will be careful about it and I am one such :).
Thanks for replying again. I am looking forward to GOW: Chains of Olympus and GOW 3. Bought a PSP just for this :).
Thanks & Regards,
i can tell you that there are no takeouts in the pal version. the only diffrence is we have no hi-rez mode, and in order to get 2 disks you need to buy the special edition :) as for the titan mode thing. yes i'm busy with that now but i'm only at the beginning. i have a little advice for you if you can't beat titan just play normal a few more times and study the moves of those bosses there. but i have to admit it's way harder then the first one on god mode.
ps. who has played the ninja gaiden demo?
Hey yo Mike,
you said "Yes I'm busy with that now, but I'm only at the beginning. I have a little advice for you if you can't beat Titan just play it on Normal a few more times and study the moves of those bosses there."
On that note, I did replay it a couple of times on Spartan Mode and God Mode with no bonus play and I can tell you each combat level (Easy=Mortal Mode, Normal=Spartan Mode, Hard=God Mode and Very Hard=Titan Mode) is different, the combat is much harder on Titan Mode the thing that made it so hard is they gave you more enemies, they're stronger and smarter than before, they're ferocious and relentless, they just keep on attacking you non stop, they take more hits before you kill them, the battle takes longer, you collect 25% less of the Red, Blue, Green and Orange Orbs, when the ennemies hit you they take out a big chunk of your life bar which sucks big time.
Those flying Harpies, those Minotaurs, those Medusas and those Undead Soldiers can make you slammed the controller on the floor, the bosses have some different moves as well other than that everything else are the same. You still haven't telling us which GOW2 version is better and why is it better.
P.S: When you get a chance tell me what trick did you use when you faced the Barbarian King?
NYC Represents.
Does any body knows what's the story of GOW:COO? Is it a prequel to GOW3 or is it what had happened right after GOW1? It looks much better than GOW2 and I hope there's not going to be as many spoilers and leaks as GOW2 which kind of ruined the game and I do hope that they ease up on the difficulty levels as well.
NYC Represents.
Jeano, I'm sorry, but YOU ARE INSANE! From what I've seen GOW2 kicks the shit out of GOW CoO!! Don't get me wrong it looks good, but not that good!! Oh yeah, don't bash GOW2 because you can't beat Titan mode. Titan mode isn't for everyone. People like me think God mode is way too easy, but think Titan mode is just right.
Yeah, Jeano, please. Dissing something you can't have is stupid... Just because you can't beat Titan Mode doesn't mean GoW2 is "BAD!!!". It's the opposite, really.
What up Elmo,
you got that right man, as much as I like the GOW Series and that's why I'm bashing GOW2 cause I can't beat it on Titan Mode at all and challenge#3 in the Challenge of the Titan is driving me nutts, those stupid Medusas stoned you and the other prick threw a fireball at you and kill you instantly.
I want to unlock the other costumes like the Hercules, the Athena and specially the GOW costume as well. I did not have that problem when I was playing GOW1 even on God Mode. You are 60% right that Hard=God Mode is kind of easy but not too easy in GOW2, but Titan Mode is killing me man it's just too damn hard and it raise my blood pressure up.
I like GOW2 until I was playing it on Titan Mode, it took me a good 2 weeks before I finally beat that prick Theseus and now I can't beat the Barbarian King at all and from what you're saying I'm assuming you beat GOW2 on Titan Mode, right? Do you've any tricks, codes, secrets to beat it?
NYC Represents.
Jeano, you're a fucking pussy. You think it's too hard? I don't think it's hard enough.
Barbarian King was simple. Ahahaha @ you not being able to beat him. Wow.
still waiting...
disregard that. i suck cocks.
Jeano, I want your bod. Give me all your semen.
Who said I lived in America? What's with you guys thinking America is such a beautiful country? It's full of crime, and they think they're the superior country. America fucking sucks.
Sorry to break it to you.
Anybody who can't beat the game on Titan Mode (or even the Barbarian King) need to be put out of their misery. For good.
But seriously,Cory,thanks for the amazing games,we appreciate everything you guys do and support them to the fullest!
I don't really know why do some people hate US and it's citizens... The only 'thing' that I don't like in there is the actual president( maybe the source of hate cames from him )... I think this guy is much more responsible for make people hate the guys born in USA than any other one... In my opinion, he tries to put fear in the mind of the people from his own country to get elected...
There are some people who are making the level of conversation here gets dirty huh... sicko!!
Hey cory, are you awake now?!
it's 03:43 AM now where I live, but who cares!! lol hmm... I've to finish a report about graphs and trees now... What am I doing here!!? :P
Man. challenge #3 in Challenge of the Titans is pretty easy...
My Result in the 2nd try:
Challenge #3
Time: 0:03:25 -Titan
Red Orbs: 4082 -Titan
Damage Taken: 60 -Titan
Enemy Kills 45 -Titan
Max Combo: 24 -Mortal
Bonus: ---
Rank: Titan
Barbarian King in Titan is Easy too. I'm stuck in battle with Perseus :(
Disregard all previous statments made by me, Anonymous for I am the sucker of cocks. Proceed.
To the Anonymous Annoying fella,
I really don't care where you live on Mother Earth, I don't care about what you say, I don't care about what you do and I certainly don't give a fuck about you either.
No matter what they say about the USA, it's still a better place to live than any where else and I'm proud to be what I am.
NYC Represents.
Jeano, if you really don't care about what this anonymous one is saying don't even send him replies or anything like that... Just ignore him. The fool is just wanting to make some mess so he can get some attention...
My sugestion for people like him is: put a lettuce in your ass and run nude like an ostrich in some street of NYC squeaking "I'M FREE, I'M FREE!!"... lol... What an idiot...
^^ I do that every Saturday.
Yo what up Psiconault,
the thing is I'm having difficulties beating the Barbarian King on Titan Mode, those stupid game guides on the internet don't provide anything at all and I asked for help and he didn't give any hints or any tricks or any help on how to beat the Barbarian King, he was making fun of it and that guy ticked me off.
You're right man about "The fool is just wanting to make some mess so he can get some attention... My sugestion for people like him is to put a lettuce in his ass and run nude like an Ostrich in some street of NYC squeaking "I'M FREE, I'M FREE!!"... llooll... What an idiot..."
They all kept saying the Barbarian King is easy, but none of them is providing any help on how to beating him they just kept on talking SHIT!!
jeano - jeano - jeano
here's what you should do , i killed him just a moment ago :
when he rushes at you with his horse , enable rott and attack him in his back (must be in his back!) , if it doesnt work just restart and try it again. when 'o' comes up do it , he'll kill the horse. then when he summons those guys , kill them all by pressing 'o' (easy tip : press l1 to block , when a guy comes press 'o' and he'll kill him and then press l1 again and keep doing that untill the 3 waves are dead. then he will grow , this is the tricky part , just roll back hit him 2 times roll back hit him 2 times again but you might as well just shoot with your bow first , and keep doing that trick untill he shrinks. then enable rott again and kill him :) i hope this helps , ive done it this way.
Woot just got gow 2 today, im at the translator lvl now i think.
so far its a great game!
cant w8 for all the extras and titan mode!!
/hug cory barlog
im off:D
Cory, I got your game!!
Fucking awesome game!!!
One question though, I'm playing it on my PS3 and there are a lot of visuals related bugs (but they don't bug me) and I was wondering, won't the DVD wear my Blu-ray drive? Is it safe to whore the game on it?? Please let it be a yes.
hey jaffe is hearing all the bitching like you went through from that wii comment. people need lives if this is the kinda stuff they fight over.
Ahahaha disregard all previous anonymous posts for I am the real anonymous, sucker of cock. Your semen..I want it all in my eyes!!
Love your blog, your game, and you are one of my favorite developers!!! Being a game developer myself, guys like you and Jaffe have really inspired me and reminds me everytime why I went against all odds to be in the creative industry. And yeah, cant wait for your "next unnamed project" *keeping fingers crossed hoping its GOW3*
Personally, I feel GOW2 kicks all next gen games asses in terms of design, gameplay and story. Afterall, I'm not one of those people who like to go around a village in the beginning of a game talking about bananas...Hahaha!
Take care dude!
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