Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ahh Kotaku...

I decided to make this it's own post since it seems to have taken on a life of its own...

Apparently Kotaku picked up on the posting that said I was dissapointed about my wii...and now the nintendo fans are all ripping me a new one. Nice. Since I am too much of a dumbass to figure out how the hell to get a kotaku login so I can post a rebuttle...I will just comment here.

First let me say I am not so quickly judging and writing off the wii..I am just saying what I played was not doing it for me. I think it is a good system...I just did not get bowled over with a sense of "Oh my god this is the future."

Second I am not towing the company line by any stretch of the imagination...I have many many game systems...not just sony ones. And I freaking dig them. So while it is easy to say..oh he works for sony so he is just bad mouthing the competition...that is just crap. But again everyone is entitled to thier opinion. I like good games...period. No matter what system it is on or who makes it...I like a good immersive experience. Hopefully there will be something coming out soon that will excite me about the system...but from what I played now nothing is compelling me to do it. But to be fair it is the very early part of the consoles life so I trust there will be many cool things to come. When friends come over though...I will be playing the wii a whole lot more...cause it is fun in a social freaking Guitar Hero. I played the hell out of the first one for a week or so...but then it kind of wore off for me...I still played it, just not as much. Of course when I have people over it becomes fun again. So to me..right now...the wii is a great social machine...but when I want to sit around and get sucked into a game for a lengthy session I am not gonna be playing the wii. No dissrespect to Nintendo or to those who fervently follow the church of Nintendo...cause I think they are fucking smart guys over is just my opinion.

I am going to sit down and play some more trauma center tomorrow though since so many people think I am fucking crazy by saying it is inaccurate. Who knows maybe I was doing something wrong and it actually does rock...but I had no problems with the DS version of Trauma Center...I fucking loved it. It was intuitive and responsive and just plain fun. So maybe getting used to the wiimote more will yield better results??

Oh...and yes I work for Sony....they sign my checks and I have a ps3 that I love...and I am playing the hell out of Resistence. When I can get some good sticks I am going to get VF 5 and play the hell out of that. I use the Bluray player a ton too...cause Haunted Mansion in HD RULES!!!! Ok so I am kidding about that...but the directors cut of Kingdom of Heaven on Bluray is great. And I fucking love my 360...I love it. I really hated most of the launch games save for Condemned...but now there is some good stuff (Gears,Oblivion, Dead Rising, Lost Planet...bad story but fun game) stick that in your towing the company line pipe and smoke it!!!


Seriously though...can someone fill me in on how to get a Kotaku login...I would love to be able to comment on the site but for the life of me I can find anywhere on the site to sign up.

So JC gave me the hook up on how truly simple it is to post a comment...but now the comment I posted is not up. Boo for me...I guess if it is your first comment they have to review it to see if you are cool enough to post. whatever. This is just like that time I didn't get picked for the kickball team...ha!


Good lord there are waay too many sites covering this...I really can't believe anyone thinks this is news. Nice. Tomorrow I will discuss how I was dissapointed in my new Mac purchase...that ought to get everyone nice and fired up.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't get so worked up Cory. Some people just have completely worthless lives, and I suppose they find it necessary to take it out on people who are the exact opposite.

Back to the topic at hand, it's nice to see that someone isn't all kung-ho about the Wii's controller. I thought I was the only one.

Cory Barlog said...

Thanks adam..i am not too worked is actually more funny to me than anything else.

Though maybe it does bother me a bit that people think because I work for sony all I do is spout the company line. That is lame. A good game is a good game no matter what system it is on...and as a developer that is is really all I am interested in.

That and Sony taking over the world. And going into space...on a sony made a sony space suit. That is the ultimate of sweet. :)

JC said...

As far as the topic is concerned, I agree with you. Way too many people think of the Wii as some kinda revolution but the Wow effect wears off pretty soon. Well, to each his on.

To get an Kotaku account, just write a comment and type in your user name and a password. If you don't have an account, you'll be prompted to confirm your password and enter your email address. Hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that is all true too. You don't see the Nintendo fans having a problem attacking the Playstation 3 right now either, even though they launched practically at the same time and still haven't had much time to really land out a bunch of oscar-winning games as of yet. Still patiently waiting for Killzone 2 to come out.

By the way, this is kind of off-topic, but I asked this question in the sphinx subject, but since you created this one minutes after I asked, I have no idea if the comment will really get answered, so I just thought I'd bring it to your attention here.

"Do you have any books you'd recommend people to read to learn more about it (Greek Mythology), Cory?"

LordOfTheStrings said...

"...those who fervently follow the church of Nintendo..."

Haha. Nice one.

I wasn't very enthusiastic about the Wii until I looked up Zelda and saw how neat it was. My little brother got a Wii with Zelda and, naturally, I hogged it up until I beat it. After that, it does get pretty banal; I never really got into Wii Sports or Excite Truck.

Then again, I can't consider myself a real videogame freak. Instead of playing every fucking title that flies onto the shelves like a lot these Nintendisciples do, I tend to become feverishly obsessed with certain franchises, regardless of what platform they are on. This is why I haven't quite gotten into the next-gen stuff quite yet. Either that, or it's because I'm fucking boring. =P

Either way, it's good of you to clarify what you originally meant on your previous post, even though you have to be completely stupid to take your thoughts on the Wii out of context/personally.

Keep us posted, Cory!


Cory Barlog said...

as far as books go...Edith Hamiltons book is really good at breaking down all the different myths. You can find it on amazon I think.


Anonymous said...

Damn, these frickin' jounalists need to learn to stop turning everything a game designer/developer says against them. I remember a while ago, whenever Dave Jaffe would write something on his blog even remotely insulting to someone or something, it would show up all over the internet the next day. That's why he stopped blogging for a short period of time, he wanted to be known for his work, not what he has to say. But he learned to not let it get to him, hence his new blog where doesn't hold anything back. I hope you don't let any of it phase (sp?) you Cory.

Oh, and for the record, I agree with everything you said about the Wii. It is a very fun system, one that is even better with friends around, but there are currently no worthwhile games out for it (except for Zelda of course). If Nintendo really wants this system to be a "Revolution", then they better get their act together (along with their third-party support) and start cranking out those heavy hitters (Metroid anyone?).

P.S. The ENTIRE 1UP interview has just been put up on Really interesting info, although its all about the process of actually making the game. Looking forward to the demo!

LordOfTheStrings said...

^Thanks for that! That was a really insightful video.

Cory Barlog said...

"I hope you don't let any of it phase (sp?) you Cory."

Yeah I don't think I am going to change what I say based on some silly Kotaku worries.

Damn them for not letting me comment though!!! :)

LordOfTheStrings said...

I actually just read what the Kotaku people had to say. Don't waste your time with them, Cory. Any website that takes statements from people's blogs and uses them to instigate petty console vs. console e-arguments is pathetic. They've must have way too much time on their hands to be scavenging your blog for anything that resembles a negative opinion of Nintendo.

wtfgrouch said...

I thinks it's funny... if I had posted what you said, no one would have paid me any mind. I think it was cool of you to share your opinion on the Wii.

by the way good interview with the 1up guys. for anyone that hasn't seen it, it's on the site. check it out!


Anonymous said...

the wii is a gimmick, i cant say that enough. my cousin got a wii and played zelda for about an hour and was already bored with the controller. he told me that the wiimote didnt add anything to zelda and after playing it i agreed with him. i feel the same way as you cory, its not for hardcore gamers that like to get engrossed in a deep story. all of the games get boring after 5 min.

Anonymous said...

that riddle is indeed brilliant. i solved that one in devil may cry 3 haha. i really love riddles :) oh and for the ones wanna learn more about greek mythologie: ( like adam )

i placed the link of hecatonchires but you can read about everyone there :)


Anonymous said...


you are right i forgot all about the sphinx stupid :P and there are way more beasts in mythologie then i tought :o so kratos can keep killing like that doesn't matter haha oh and question for cory or anybody else who can answer it: i readed something about mount othrys? is that like the mount olympus for titans or something? and as for the story of god of war 2 i'm beginning to love it more then the first one.


Anonymous said...

hahahaha now they are marking you a wii hater or something what a childish game. but hey you need to go 2pac on that one haha JUST DON'T GIVE A FUCK let them suck your balls your way to nice damn. but it is a little sad for the ones who gave you the wii however. and what i find stupid is people always saying they copied this and that, well i'm glad you watched dmc3 and took out things that where good. everybody copies :) thats all good in my oppinion. and copie is not even the right word to use, it's learning from eachother :)

greetings mike

ps. can somebody please answer my mount othrys question? i'm really burning to know haha.

Anonymous said...

HERCULES YES thats got to be him in the interview but i can't download that freaking interview damn that 1up video section


Anonymous said...

Well no console is good if it doesn't have MGS or DMC or Final Fantasy or God of War or Gran Turismo or, well you get the point.
The point is if you don't like a console you shouldn't change your mind just because that oppinion gets bashed by people.
I for example thinks that the Wii sucks and I'm not going to change my mind just because a few guys thinks I'm wrong.

Anonymous said...

Cory, mind not these fools... "He works for Sony, ofcourse he'd say that"

They suck.

You should reply in your next interview *if there is another one* like David did when he was drunk and he spoke about GoW3. Only you shouldn't be drunk, cause then people would think "What's up with Sony hiring alcoholics as Game Directors?" but then again it might throw off competitors if these games come out good and then they will start drinking themselves, eventually coming up with shitty games...

OOPS, got a little side-tracked..

Anyway, fuck these bitches... you RULE. For every hater out there are 10 who freaking love you, man.. know that.

Anonymous said...

oh cory when you know the exact date for europe can you please tell that here on this blog? cause i'm getting tired of every site saying it's march 30th and the other site said that sony europe confirmed april 20th pfffff i don't know what to believe anymore and since you are the most reliable source :)


Devin Greer said...

Wow... People get really too worked up over a simple opinion. I mean, I think you were fairly reasonable. Whatever... L... O... Fuckin'... L...

Anonymous said...

Hey cory you signin those demos? haha wells cya later and about that kotaku stuff wow. like devin said L...O...Fuckin'...L

Josiah : )

elmojenkins said...


Anonymous said...

The Media likes to attack people/organizations that succeed... *Hint SONY Hint*

Anonymous said...

To those who attacked Cory:
I like the wii so what. Your liking and my liking are the same but difference from others. You're entitled to your opinion. Don't attack who has different opinion from yours.

Anonymous said...

Is this the book you were referring to Cory?

Anonymous said...


yes cory said that but he also said a lot of other POSITIVE things ;)


Anonymous said...


thats cool i'm really curious about your review then :)


MrFuzzypaws says:

He's a fucking idiot.

VakeroRokero says:

Guess the GOD OF PLAYSTATION won't be changing sides any time soon. It's like asking Fidel Castro about enjoying capitalism...

corybarlog says:

so wait I am an idiot and Fidel Castro?

cory talking to them does not help they will keep bashing you and all reporters love that kind of bullcrap so stop talking zipp the lip.

Jeano said...

What's the big deal with the Nintendo toy joint? Til this day, we all know that SNES was, is and will always be Nintendo's best console ever made and I still play my SNES. The rest of'em (N64, Game Cube, Wii, etc..) are garbage because they don't attract me at all and those Mario games are always the same like they don't have any new and fresh resources, YEAH!! THAT'S RIGHT I SAID IT!!
I've been playing video games ever since Atari2600 came out, so no one can tell me SH!T. No matter what they say, Sony will always be on top, they own more than 70% of the electronic market world wide, if they don't make money on the games/systems, they'll make it some how on a cool new electronic device and make BILLIONS out of it and they hate them for that. It's like Toyota is the most popular car in the world, right?
Hey yo Cory,
what's the deal man? we want to know what Dave Jaffe had to say about GOW2 and where is he at? what's he doing? and enough about those Nintendo crying babies, tell us what's going on with GOW2 and a heads up on God of War 3.

Dustin (Elessar) said...

Ah, the price of being famous. I remember last year David ran into the same problems...people read into these things way to much.

Glad you find it funny rather than annoying. I think the truly funny thing is that you are making kickass games (and hopefully a good living as well) while these sites are doing grasping at anything to stay alive :)

Can't wait for the demo to arrive ;)

Cory Barlog said...

Yeah brian is good peoples...I do not fault him for basically reposting what I said...cause really, I did say it and I 100% stand behind what I say. That is why, unlike the responders and commenters of the article, I put my real name with every post and comment.

Of course It might have been slightly out of context but he did post the link to the full deal, so seriously big ups to him for that. It is the crazy people who comment on the article that I was really bummed with.

But it is the internet, so it doesn't worry me that much.

Brian...thanks for getting the account arrpoved!


Anonymous said...


i mean damn i don't give a shit about it since the only ps2 games i own are god of war.

i just hope they are backward compatible.


Cory Barlog said...


Yes that is the book I was talking about.


Anonymous said...

just cancelled my ps3 pre-order cause of this. my plan was to sell my ps2 and play god of war 2 on ps3 but i'm just gonna wait a while until that list of bc games has been released.

thanks sony


ps. i know you have nothing to do with this cory no offence.

Anonymous said...

Cory, sorry if it's any trouble, but would you give me a short interview for my magazine so we can publish it along with our GoWII review, if you have the time? I asked you in the previous post, but maybe you haven't noticed. I'll put together some interesting questons that won't bore you too much ;) It'll be in written form, or the way you prefer it. My mail is (after that Shadow of the Colossus character).

Unknown said...

I hope I didn't come off as a "Nintendo fanboy". I've owned all the Nintendo systems, but also PS1 and PS2, as well as XBox and Xbox 360 (and eventually, I'm sure, a PS3... perhaps when God of War 3 comes out, *wink wink*).

I just wanted to point out that Trauma Center actually seemed to work perfectly on a CRT based TV for me, but I couldn't do crap with my DLP HDTV at the time. Is this a failing of the Wii? Well, partially yes, actually... had they supported HD, this likely would be a non-issue, as most of the input lag issues with modern TVs is due to having to upscale a non-native resolution to your TVs native resolution. As most HDTVs have a "native" resolution of 720p or 1080p, this causes the input lag, rendering games like Trauma Center, extremely imprecise and impossible to play. I was able to quantify the amount of lag between my old tv and new one buy purchasing Guitar Hero 2 and running the TVs through the "lag calibration". My old TV spit out a ridiculous 85ms, while my new TV actually gets reduced to 0-10ms when Game Mode is on (20-30ms when Game Mode is off... still actually very playable).


Cory Barlog said...

I didn't take your comments as fan boy comments at all. I have my wii hooked up to a plasma thatmight be an issue. I am not using component cables (since I can't find them anywhere) so it is running at 480i...defintely not the TV's native res.

Unfortunatly I don't own a CRT tv...just another I am shit out of luck there if that is the issue.

Who knows maybe it is the "light" issue the kotaku commenters are talking about.

I played a little bit more of Trauma center...I still think the stiching is better than the "placing items into the tray" part. Could be me...maybe I am not as good a gamer as all the nintendo hardcore elite...maybe that is why I tend to take three tries to drop the glass shards into the tray?


Anonymous said...

Hey cory that god of war figures look awesome check out for new packaging photos and poses. looks badass can't wait for the armor kratos if neca is planning to make one.

Anonymous said...

question witch tv is better? plasma or lcd? i don't know but i'm going for hd 1080p in the near future.


Cory Barlog said...


It really is a preference thing. I prefer plasma over LCD because of the ghosting issues with LCD. They have fixed them but, in my opinion, it is still not perfect. I like Plasma over DLP only because of the viewing angle and the fact that plasma can be wall mounted...which looks better.

but this is my opinion...I imagine that tomorrow the headlines will read "Sony guy says LCD and DLP are crap...let's get him!!!" (lights torches)

It is also a budget thing too...DLP's are priced waay better than both plasma and LCD right now I think.

As far as 1080p goes...I really don't see that muich of a difference. There is a difference (in movies that is) but it is fairly slight in my opinion. I know it is the future and all...but the price people are asking for right now is pretty high.


Unknown said...

I seem to remember some issues with dropping stuff into the tray as well, every time adding a bit more damage to your patient... but I think I mostly got used to it after a few levels. I think I mentioned before in my post from your other thread that I've already gotten rid of the game... and the 6th chapter was just insane and frustrating as hell anyway... I don't like working through 2 really difficult surgeries that I basically only get through by luck, only to get to a 3rd even more difficult one in a 10 minute timeframe, and then having to restart over and over again... Very old-school (read frustrating) design.

Oh, and how could I forget the stars? I could never draw them on my old TV, and you need to pull them off with ridiculous precision on some levels (which is why I ended up playing a majority of the game over Thanksgiving break at my girlfriend's parents place with a standard CRT TV... I also don't have one to play on). If you can draw the stars without too much problem, input lag is probably not the issue.

In any case, I'll leave the Trauma Center topic for another day now... Can't wait for God of War II to come out, as I just got the demo and it's far too short (and awesome)! What a tease! Couldn't you have at least included a "God Mode" in the demo to hold me over until March? =)

Cory Barlog said...


I am with you on the God mode in the demo...I wanted it. But in order to get it through the testing cycle in the timeframe we needed could only be one difficulty level. But rest assured the full game will have God and Titan mode available!


everyone keeps saying the game is super hard...that sucks. I am not a fan of the old school uber difficulty. I just don't have the time to dedicate to one game like that. Well I will have to see how far I can make it in the game.

Anonymous said...


but this is my opinion...I imagine that tomorrow the headlines will read "Sony guy says LCD and DLP are crap...let's get him!!!" (lights torches)

hahaha ah well in a sertain way the media is funny. but i also heard about the ghosting issues and also if you look at the screen from the side, then they also appear to have issues.

as for 1080p i will wait for a little while the prices will drop soon enough. the prices for the 780p/1080i also dropped real fast you can buy those for 600 euro now.

but thanks for your opinion i always gave plasma more benefit of the doubt.


Anonymous said...

hey cory we getting the demos soon??? : ) sorry im just soo excited.


Anonymous said...

Wow... a Wiigate? lol People are just too damn stupid. Well I've been feeding off the hype with the demo and atlas stuff (since I don't get to have a demo for myself) and there's something that I might say that is becoming a bit bothersome for me.


Will the ending of GOW2 be somewhat conclusive? As in... the ending of GOW? Or will it be a complete cliffhanger? 'Cause to me cliffhanger endings are just... a kick in the balls. lol I mean... the game I most enjoyed to play last year was Dreamfall and oh don't you get me started on that son of a gun cliffy ending.=| I just hope that GOW2 is a awesome experience with a good ending that yes, can hint to something more but also bring closure to the story told in that game, as in the first game.

Oh and btw Cory, can you give us, lousy europeans, a definite PAL release date? We're aching here, aight? (mike, vitali, I feel you guys.) Portugal salutes you.

P.S: Not too keen on Wii. =x

Cory Barlog said...

Everytime I open my mouth about snything related to the PAL version I end up being wrong. So I am going to have to say I have no clue what the exact release date is. I can see if I can find out...but even when I do ends up being wrong.

Sorry man...I just don't want to give you bad info.


Anonymous said...

i'm with you cory. the wii is unimpressive and gimmicky. it feels more like a toy than a game system and many of our fellow developers here at the studio and elsewhere haven't even turned theirs on since the initial excitiement of getting it and trying it out. it is what it is. let me know when they start putting out some decent games and i'll get all lathered up about it.

yeah, sony signs my paycheck too. guess what? the PS3 is better.

eat it, fanboys!

Anonymous said...

lol That's ok Cory, thanks anyway. Hum... so I guess that by dismissing my first question you are inadvertedly saying that the ending WILL be a cliffhanger. O_O That's just me assuming... lol

"You assume too much." - Nute Gunray in Star Wars Episode I

Well if Dreamfall rocked... GOW2 will bring the house down.=D Portugal salutes thee.

Cory Barlog said...

Actually Marco I am trying to help you sound like you want to stay away from spoilers or anything of that sort so I am avoiding answering things as to not ruin your first playthrough.

If you want an answer to that you can check out the 1up video review...Matt talks about the ending there...but it will spoil things for you.

Also...Dreamfall was good? I have been thinking about picking that up but I can't find it anywhere...I will have to look harder.


Cory Barlog said...

orth...awesome Glengarry quote on your site. The new design looks good man!


Anonymous said...


so that means that april 20th was never confirmed by sony europe?

and if you do know the pal date in the near future please let us know cory? cause you are the most reliable source.

Anonymous said...

Yeah you're right about the spoiler issue. I want to be surprised and amazed with this game and I bet I will. As for the 1up review... don't think I'll check out because of the footage and stuff (and the fact that the dudes at 1up are really lame=x) but I'll keep it in mind if my minds starts to tingle for too long about this oh so (sarcasm) important

Dreamfall! Man... Dreamfall is a great game. Wait. Dreamfall is a great story told with great art direction, great dialogue, voice acting and hey... pretty good graphics all around. If you're familiar with the events that went on The Longest Journey you'll be delighted with comebacks and further answers to stuff from the first game. If you're not (like I wasn't), I think you'll equally enjoy the experience for it is vast and really complex. Ragnar Tornquist is a great storyteller. You should check it out, being such a story driven person as I think you are. Portugal salutes you dude.

Anonymous said...

oh and okami & rogue galaxy are cool be sure to pick those up cory


ps. forgot to sign my last post
about april 20th :)

Cory Barlog said... means I haven't spoken with the marketing guys about the exact release date so I don't want to sya what it is without knowing exactly what it is. This way there is no misinformation.

I know that the teams is nearing the completion of the loacalized PAL version...but beyond that I have been on vacation so I am out of the loop.


Cory Barlog said...

Well I am looking for Dreamjfall now...and the first game was just Longest Journey? Was that on PC as well? I remeber hearing about a cool adventure game on the Xbox, but I cant remeber the name...had a female lead and even had some combat in it. Was that the longest journey?


Anonymous said...

Well the game that you heard about on the Xbox is actually Dreamfall. Let me clear this up:

The first game is "The Longest Journey", a point and click kind of aventure that came out only on PC around the year 2000. A classic, one might

The second game is "Dreamfall: The Longest Journey", an adventure game that came out on both PC and Xbox.

The lead on the first game is April Ryan and in the second game you follow the story through three different characters: Zõe(a teenager), April(10 years older) and Kian(a soldier). So yeah, "The Longest Journey" is on both titles, which can be a bit confusing at times. Portugal salutes you.

Anonymous said...

Oh... and the Funcom online shop has both games and a sweet limited edition for Dreamfall. Here ya go:

Might come in Portugal salutes yall.

Anonymous said...

hey cory

look at this one freaking cool :)

i would give the world to play that once again, my favorite game as a child :) haha now you can feast on my nerdyness haha.


WillW-UK said...

Heya cory can u tell us anything new about thunder and earth spell?

Anonymous said...

this is a better video damn i miss that time haha


Anonymous said...

So you do not have to watch the video. 1up said (if I recall correctly) that there is some closure, but also some openness to get your brain daydreaming about GoW3. Something along those lines.

Anonymous said...

is it just me or did the font for the ready at down game that was hinting GOW change?

Anonymous said...

yes it changed


LordOfTheStrings said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LordOfTheStrings said...

Hey Cory!

I just saw on your previous post that you guys are having a gathering in San Francisco for the game's launch. I live a couple hours south of SF; I'm gonna try my best to get there to meet you and the rest of the team!

Cory Barlog said...

I am not 100% how they are doing it, but I think the location is a Sony Store...where you can go and get the first copies of God of War 2 being sold and kick it with some of the developers and voice it is open to anybody who wants come and get a copy of the game...provided they can purchase an M rated title of course.

It is kind of like lining up at best buy for a midnight launch...only having Developers there and music and such.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the heads up.=) Sounds really good to me. Portuguese salutations.

Anonymous said...

Oh and Mike,

I took the liberty of checking out your youtube link and oh my lord... That game rocks! I own the Genesis(Mega Drive) version (The Hyperstone Heist) and it just rocked my world back in the day. Pizzaaaaaa Power!lol No fancy "press the circle button to shove a nunchaku up the foot soldier's ass", no gigantic bosses but oh so many cheesy and greeny stuff to fill our Turtles fanboy eyes.=D Portuguese salutations yet again!

LordOfTheStrings said...

Sounds cool! I'm going to try really hard to get there. Driving up there and not leaving till after midnight is usually pretty brutal, but it's a once-in-a-lifetime thing for me and it sounds like it would be a lot of fun.

I should be able to pull it off; and if I can't make it, I'll pick up my preorder from EB later on the 13th and enter my hermit state.

Cheers Cory!


(PS: I deleted my other post because I thought "Maybe it's a bit on the retarded side to ask Cory about the building's admission policies.")

wtfgrouch said...


Yup it's at the official PlayStation store in SF, located on the corner of 4th and MIssion St. It will be a midnight sale.

and to anyone who hasn't already seen or played the GoW2 demo, they have the demo on display and playable, store employees were also giving out demos to anyone 17 and older.


Anonymous said...

people that dont have any thing to do, start to mess with others, like kotaku, he could do some things better that "mixing" your words cory...anyway, if u still whant to know how to log in in the kotaku site, say something

Anonymous said...

Hey Cory, in the "Road to E3" segment on the demo Steve "scat" talks about the camera tracking the medusa and you said:

"That's a CS move...Can you do that?"

What is a "CS" move?

Also, there have been a few topics on message boards about Barlog vs Jaffe in terms of whose the better boss (to work for). Based on interviews of you two I'd have have to go with Cory "the Balrog" Barlog. I dunno, Jaffe just seems a bit unforgiving to his employees and you seem a little more laid back. What was the feeling you got from the team as far as the working environment when the Balrog was the wielder of the whip as opposed to Jaffe?

Any info would be appreciated, it's something many people are curious about.

Anonymous said...

I find it funny that Cory Barlog doesn't want to come off like a biased person, yet permits SDF to spam their "Wii Gimmick" propaganda here.

Kiwi said...

I was a bit upset at first, but even I don't love it that much when I think about it. I mean, I want one but I'm not really in a hurry and it's truly at the peak of it's enjoyability when you have a good group of people. Plus, everyone just has their own take on things.

Cory Barlog said...

Well I let anyone say anything here. People can come on here and say whatever they want, I have no control over that nor do I want to control that.

If people want to come on here and post that I am a fat, stupid, fidel castro like bastard...they can.

But I would hope they would not do it anonymously...but even that...I do not control.

one question though...what is SDF and what wii gimmick propagand are you talking about? That is a serious question by the way..I really do want to know what you are referencing.


Cory Barlog said...

Jaffe vs. Barlog? People really care engough about that to create a message board topic about it?

Hmmm...well I would have to say that we are two different people who approach problems in a different way. I think we both have times when we are considered unforgiving or difficult. I know near the end of the project there were times that people found me disagreeable...but that is the nature of the job. I think we are both good, and both bad. But I know how to breakdance...which puts me slightly ahead in the race.
Nothing calms the savage beast more than a well executed Robot.

As for CS means Context Sensitive move...basically the button press mini games and grab moves.

How about Steve's excellent portayal of Eurayle in the video...seriously, for a second I thought he was her. scary. :)


LordOfTheStrings said...

^Hahaha. I don't know why, but in that Road to E3 video, it's just funny seeing Steve do that Eurayle claw/growl thing.

"How about the camera gets up in her face and RAHHHHH!"

Oh, and when it comes to Barlog vs. Jaffe. The winner is...

....Corave Jaffblog.

Goddamn I'm stupid.

Anonymous said...

Hey man, it's cool. Some people don't like the Wii too much. S'all good.

Anonymous said...

I hated when I got picked last for Kickball.

Cory, stick to your guns. Everyman is deserving of his opinions not matter what.

Unknown said...

It did get pretty frothy in the comments at Kotaku...glad you didn't take it personally. I was one of the entries (a "bona fide" one, I'm afraid) and basically, the tagline of the article set the frame of mind for most of the comments--it doesn't matter how level-headed your actual statements were.
It's sign of a good developer when he looks at all the systems and looks for their strong points. Nobody wins when devs turn a blind eye to the competition. You seem to be one of the good ones.
You're right about the software for the Wii right now. Not so much longevity to it. My family hasn't touched Wii Sports since Christmas, but we're still working on Zelda. There are, however, several new 360 titles that are getting a LOT of play. Online is definitely the future.
Nintendo has expanded the gaming market for sure--I know many people in their 30's who bought a Wii as their first system ever. Nintendo (or good 3rd party designers) could tap into this market, or they might not. Neither would surprise me. But I don't think Nintendo can do it by themselves, not today when there are so many good 3rd party devs out there making great games for the other systems. But I'm not "disappointed" with the Wii so far--my expectations of Nintendo are low, based on my ownership of an N64 (which had some great games), then a Gamecube (which didn't have any real "classics", in my opinion, unless you count TP).

BTW, I'm an ex-videogame programmer who worked on many 8-bit games. Some were great and are considered classics, but most not. Nothing sucks quite so bad as working 80 hours a week on a game that you know is bad because the design is crap. Kind of like polishing turds for a living.

woot said...

hey cory, i remember reading edith hamilton's mythology sophomore year. i became enamored with it, then the odyssey, and that one old fifties movie where perseus killed medusa. however, the mythology book doesn't go deep enough. the reason why i like god of war 2 is because it takes on a whole new perspective. it's funny how most people think hercules had ownership of pegasus. it was bellerophon when he fought the chimera. also it would be flippin tight if hephasteus or whatever his name is was the personal weapon's dude for kratos, since no one likes him (except for possibly aphrodite). it's good to see you're responding promptly cause i know fo sho that you are in recovery mode right now, haha. also, there is only one game that is going to be good on the wii: super smash bros. brawl. nothing else. period. i totally agree that a good game is a good game, regardless of the system. heck, i love crash bandicoot on ps, sonic on dreamcast, super smash bros. on n64, rollercoaster tycoon on ps, etc. and whoever mentioned a while ago about kratos fighting a huge human army is awesome. i thought about that back in junior year. it would be great to see kratos prove himself (well, i guess not now) the mightiest mortal. anyway, keep it trill cory. if i were you, i would get ready to buy a bentley or some fancy whip cause this game is gonna bring in da dough! paz. oh yeah, dont forget about scylla, charybdis, chimera, sphinx, fighting a huge army of men, and of course (knowing this game is the epitome of manliness according to maddox) more brutal moves and more sex scenes! haha. anyway, paz.

Anonymous said...

Kratios figure awesome!!
Go to it looks tight

Coyolxauhqui said...

"Then again, I can't consider myself a real videogame freak. Instead of playing every fucking title that flies onto the shelves like a lot these Nintendisciples do"

you sound scarily like a republican commenting on a democrat...

Coyolxauhqui said...

also, casue no one else has, (yet)

your a fat, stupid, fidel castro like bastard.

and furthermore

cory barlog? more liek cory balrog!!1 amirite?

on the plus side, you just got a crapload more hits due to this event.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you've lived up to all my expectations truely are remarkable. That sense of humor of yours is a killer..I think your best joke involved a "gardening mini-game" *Kratos can cross-stitch KEKEKE*

I was surpised at how open Derek and Eric were to answering questions. It seems like all of the GoWII team is made up of easy going fellows...Tim Moss is an interesting case..seems like everyone has some "asshole like-tendencies to him" *lol*

~So GoW has a "running joke" it seems..Boat Captain FTW!!
--Thanks for being our "bitch" and slaving away at the game Cory! Nice interview..too bad they didn't include some of your other "inspirations"...I'm still trying to download that damn video but it won't let me

Anonymous said...

Forget Kotaku, come join the gaf clan and play Resistance online with us!!! And bring Jaffe along please!!! ~_~

Anonymous said...

GOD OF WII, anyone?!

Anonymous said...

hey marco

yeah back in those days i owned the snes version of the game. it really was so awesome, i played that game as much as i'm now playing god of war haha.

piza time haha


Anonymous said...

hey guys

a new screenshot of the treasures in god of war 2.

it is in my language though so many won't be able te read it :( but it's a nice screenshot.


Anonymous said...

the other one was no good


Anonymous said...

so cory , you really have no idea of what the release date is?? not even a month? :( thats a shame , i really hope the release date will be close to the us release (im hopeing it wont be any further then march 30 though).
anyway , dont care about what they say... your opinion is your opinion... kotaku is a dumb site , so dont worry about it ;).

Anonymous said...

You know, I just KNEW that Fidel Castro worked for Sony. I just KNEW it somehow.
It just never crossed my mind that it would be YOU.

Seriously, though, the Wii...not my kind of thing. Sure, people love it, but I prefer the more serious, solitary games. So, naturally, I don't see the appeal in the Nintendo consoles.
I also enjoy orchestral music and voice acting. Hell, this IS the 21st century. You can only read text off a screen and listen to MIDI music for so long.

Anonymous said...

it seems april 20th is a confirmed date by sony europe. in holland we can pre-order the title on almost every site and they all show the same date APRIL 20TH


Anonymous said...

You're 15 minutes is up Cory, go back to making the same game.

Anonymous said...

I just have to agree a little... Zelda or Wii Sports just doesn't do the motion correctly. And Nintendo made a lot of mistakes when designing the interface too, so I believe... but no doubt, I'm thinking this is the future. It's way more fun than using a stupid controller with two hands. Well, in theory anyway. I can think of all kinds of cool things to do with the mote to mimick things in Zelda, but then again, they never added such things. Boring.

Anonymous said...

"Lost Planet...bad story but fun game"

Hmmmm...more like decent story but boring game. Anyway, I feel sorry that your blog commentors have turned your blog into a stupid nintendo vs. sony popularity contest.

Anonymous said...

Though I love my Wii, I respect your opinion. I think with every generation, we all have our likes and dislikes.

I have to say, I remember you commented on Trauma Center before as being a bit innacurate. From what I've heard from various people, it's lazer beam accurate. Maybe something is wrong with your system/ wii-mote?

Anonymous said...

Hey while I agree with you not finding it "fun" like me and others think, that's because you only tried Trauma Center. If you like using the Wii Remote and want a challenge try Elebits, also, Sonic and the Secret Rings just came out and it's pretty awesome. I'm a Nintendo fan but you don't see me bashing you for your opinion. You aren't going to find the same game fun playing it on another system...seriously...

However I do valid your opinions, but atleast try more games (don't spend $50 on Trauma Center or can find used games on Amazon for about $20 off of retail...)

But yeah, just try some more games and then let us know. I know there are nitpicks I have about Sonic but it's still an overall great game, so you should definately give it a try!

Anonymous said...

This is all ridiculous.

First of all, we are each entitled to our own opinion. However, don't think that one opinion is fact, while another is crap. They are all equal.

I, myself, LOVE my Nintendo Wii. I have had a lot of fun with it, and I play it more than I thought I would. I also like the XBOX 360, and plan to buy one in the future. I could care less about Sony. I've never liked their systems, and I don't plan to start, now. That doesn't mean that I am attacking them, just stating that I could care less about their gaming systems.

Anonymous said...

I don't really care what you say. It is your opinion like my opinion is that POS3 is not worth the money at the moment and is just a huge flop. But if the price goes down I may get one for some games, but not for GoW2 on ps3 at 720p (personally I never liked GoW)

Anonymous said...

I just wait gow2,kratos is my best personnage with Gouki(akuma SF).

Anonymous said...

Why are you backtracking now Cory? Be a man and bash Nintendo openly like the rest of Sony. There is no need to pretend you like the Wii.

Cory Barlog said...

Mr anonymous...I am so not backtracking...and I am also not bashing the wii.

and seriously...don't talk of being a man when you post just makes you look bad.


Anonymous said...

Cory, to change the subject - how about a GoW2 demo combo contest?

I won the first one that dave had and I want to win some more things, ha!

Smashchu said...

Corey, when you make a game that's main selling point is blood and sex, you don't get an opinion.

Expecially on games. You games are destroying videogames. With the media all up in arms about violwncw in games, you go ahead and **** up things more by making a whored out game. Thanks, we rally needed another one.Laugh at this all you like but your ruining games and even if GoW, the dev team, or yourself never existed, then it wouldn't make a difference and if it did, it would be the best.

Also, your wrong. Your makiong a statemant to cover your ass. Really, if your doing that, then somethings up(I don't spout comapny lines my ass)

Make an original game, something creative, and maybe then you'll matter. Perhaps you should be looking into the Wii XD

Cory Barlog said...

That's a valid opinion Smashchu.

Thge only thing is that we make an M rated game intended to be sold to those old enough to buy M rated games. If people do not want the violence (which is in a large portion of the game) or the sex (which comprised a very, very small portion of the game) then they should not buy the game.

I would be sad if developers were not free to make the games that they want to make, how they want to make them.

As for making an original game...not quite sure what you mean about that. Is that because GOW2 is a sequal...or because its main focus isnt everything is 100% original and innovative? Either way games are supposed to be fun...and if a game is fun, but not through and through all new ideas that no one on the planet has ever done before, it is still fun...right?

I'm sorry that you think we are hurting the industry though...I certainly don't feel that we are.


Anonymous said...

Cory, don't listen to these fellows. They're just getting a kick off of bashing a game developer.

Anyway, as I (and some others) have said before, something may be wrong with your Wii. Mine works fine, and detects things quite well (accept wii sports boxing, heh). Many have commented that Trauma Center has extremely good precision (sp?), like that of a lazer pointer. That's why I'm asking.

One thing you might want to do is put the sensor bar on top of your television at the very edge. I've heard this helps a lot with some people.

As for everyone else, please stop bashing the guy. If the world didn't critic things, then we'd never improve. Cory isn't really doing anything wrong, here.

JCMR said...

What will most of you sony fans will say when Sony copies the wii mote? You all know its bound to happen.

Cory, calling the Nintendo fans the Church of Nintendo makes you look even sillier. You would never ever say that you love the Wii even if you did. You would never say so because you get paid by Sony and you would not bite the hand that feeds you

Cory Barlog said...

well I thought the church of nintendo was funny, thats why I wrote it.

and if I loved the wii...I would say it. Working for sony does not make me unable to think for myself man.


elmojenkins said...

Smashchu, you are a f***ing idiot! Why don't you make your mouth useful and suck a big fat one!!!

Anonymous said...

Well basically I understand that you don't think it is news.
On the other hand when a pretty famous person working on a franchise for a company like Sony blogs and says something people will notice and post it. And honestly I bought a PS3 and Wii at launch, bottom line is the Wii is more fun and I have been playing games since the atari 2600 launched. I play the Sony once a month if that.

elmojenkins said...

Jacomar = Retard!

Sina said...

"the wii is a gimmick, i cant say that enough. my cousin got a wii and played zelda for about an hour and was already bored with the controller. he told me that the wiimote didnt add anything to zelda and after playing it i agreed with him. i feel the same way as you cory, its not for hardcore gamers that like to get engrossed in a deep story. all of the games get boring after 5 min."

stupid fake post of the month? Zelda is always boring the first hour. Besides, who says the remote has to be new all the time. your SUPPOSED to get used to it, and not feel it be there. Also, in case you didn't know, zelda is a GC port with tacked-on controls- and I admit that as a follower of the Nintendo Church. But it is still an amazing game.

Anyways, back on topic. I guess this is just personal taste. I 've been playing zelda since I got my Wii two months ago.

Warioware was hilarious (for a rent) and Sonic is gonna take a while to finish. I guess your right, it is hard to find a game to be immersed in for a long period of time. Although I find myself playing Madden 07 for about 3 hours everyday (for some reason I just love that game) before moving on to Red steel, which isn't as bad as everyone says.

As a resident of Gamespot's forums, I saw the backlash at your comments, and I realize how stupid it is. Although some people seemed to just think that you were about to sell your wii off and never even look at it again. What I say is, give it time. It won't be too long, the games are coming.

Anonymous said...

Well, I own a Wii but I can see where you don't like it. The Wii was made for certain people and because of it, a lot of people who like playing "normal" games aren't gonna like it.

I'm a gamer and I think the Wii is a great console and the controller really does add a lot of fun to games. But I guess as the controller brings a lot of people into a game, it pushes a lot of people out.

Still, glad to see someone that matters in the gaming industry openly voicing their opinion about a console. More devs should be more open about their opinion.

And to all you Nintendo haters, F*** off, we're not all a bunch of Nintendo worshipping lunatics. There are as many (if not more) Microsoft and Sony fanboys too.

Anonymous said...

The Wii has sold 5 million units and demand is still through the roof. The PS3 has sold less than 2 million and there are a number sitting on shelves all over North America, unsold.

Go ahead and bash the Wii and defend the PS3, fanboys ... you're going down with a sinking ship. Sony missed the mark -- the sooner you learn to accept this, the better.

Goodbye market dominance, hello 3DO-level obscurity!

I was a PS2 owner who will NOT buy a PS3. I represent the majority of the 110M PS2 owners who DON'T want another PlayStation with prettier graphics and more storage capacity.

Of course, nobody expects God of War devs or fanboys to recognize this, being that you applaud the originality in a fucking third person fighter/adventure game that's just like any of 200 other titles that's been released on the PS2 in the last seven years.

Same shit. Different graphics.

Cory, you should just write a proper retraction or apology or whatever you want to call it and be done with this. You're starting down a very slippery slope and will do more damage than you can possibly fathom.

Cory's statements notwithstanding, taken with what Adam Orth has now written here, you've lost a HUGE number of customers this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Funny.

If you want some traffic just criticize Nintendo.

I didn't think much of it when 50 bijillion blogs/news/wannabe journalist were ranting about it.

The only thought that came to my mind was "Man he just needs to shut up on make a game for the Wii!" but I say that about all the great minds in the industry.

I would just love to see some sick games come out on it that would make Mario soil his overalls.

Someone needs to step up and bitchslap Nintendo and show everyone else how to make a 3rd party game stand out on one of their systems.

But then again we'll see if anyone has the balls or brains to do it.

Until then...don't apologies for your own opinion besides it's not like it was GoW you were trying out for the first time on the Wii.

I personally can't get into on the DS or Wii...the wife loves it but saving fun.


Anonymous said...

People are petty. The reactions to your unassuming comments about the Wii show as much.

Anonymous said...

Well, you don't think the Wii is god's gift to Earth, so I doubt you didn't expect harassment from Nintendo fanboys and widesprad sensationaising by the videogame press. It's, unforetunately, how things are right now.

Anyway, you really shoudl pay little attention to the Nintendo fanboys. They're most likely too young and immature to understand the concepts of opinion. Besides, your fantastic looking God of War is coming out on PS2, which is firmly away from Nintendo's. This, slightly, reminds me of how the Nintendo fanboys over-reacted to Jeff Gerstmaan rated Zelda an 8.8/10. In other words: He rated the game as a game and not as Zelda.

For the record, I agree with you on the Wii.

Shon Dempsey said...

I agree with you man. the Wii is a great social machine. I'll take GOW anyday for solo play.

Anonymous said...

Cory, I think you have amazing talent as a developer and I support GOW and GOW2, but your a bigger prick then even that asshat David "fatass" Jaffe. Lay off the F-bombs, children can read your blog.

Cory Barlog said...

so "asshat" and "fatass" or ok for children to read? Or are you saying they don't read the comments?

Thanks for the big ups on the game though.


Anonymous said...

So, you're saying that in the next gen console (post PS3, 360, and Wii) will not have have motion sensing to play game? The future consoles will be played with lesser buttons and more motion sensors whether that would be by accelerometers or optic sensing! Nintendo just came out with it first! I don't blame you for being biased, I would be too if I work for Sony. Motion sensing is the future of gaming!

Cory Barlog said... that you?

Anonymous said...



Cory Barlog said...

Reggie is a robot? wierd.


LordOfTheStrings said...

Gahh! This is getting ridiculous!

More and more sites are uploading more and more spoiler-ridden God of War II videos! One of them has the confrontation with Atlas, and the other one shows the entire Icarus scene. I'm tempted to check them out but I just can't! Why must they taunt us?!?!?

Speaking of which, GameTrailers posted their Video Review of the game. They gave it a 9.5/10, and said that the story, gameplay, and design all surpassed those of the first game.

Anyone who wants to check out the video, go here:

Congratulations, Cory!

Alexei said...

I read what you said and i think the same.

Anonymous said...

I think that the Wii people are just jealous of Sony!

They need to man up!

Anonymous said...

Minor note....

the phrase is "toeing the company line" as in standing with your toes on a line, doing exactly what you are told like a good boy.

"towing" the line as in pulling some mythical item behind you on a rope does evoke it's own interesting imagery however.

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