I am really looking forward to the next playtest since we really haven’t had a playthrough that has been bug free enough to have players use the same saves the whole way through. I need to see how players are upgrading and what they are getting at what point in the game to get a good snapshot of the overall item placement and economy. I am feeling pretty good about the pacing right now, but that tends to change from playtest to playtest. But with this one I think we will be much closer to what the “entire” game needs to feel like, then it will just be a matter of polishing and nitpicking several little elements and fights. This is the fun part of the game’s development. The part where everyone on the team gets to playthrough what we have been slaving away on for the last two years and see the fruits of their labor. It is always good to get the notes from the team as well in regards to what they liked, what was too hard or too easy or just plain not fun. January is going to be a tough month, but I know we will pull it together and come out on top with a freaking great game!!!
But right now I know we are all just looking forward to our holiday break. The team is exhausted from this last push. I feel like a freaking zombie most of the time and I definitely need the cool down time to recharge the creative juices…cuz seriously right now I am hanging on by a thread.
Oh the holiday party was really good as well. I drank a little too much and luckily made it home thanks to the super sweet L.A. cab system. It was a rough next day…even though we were able to come in after 1pm.
Got a PS3 recently, but haven’t really been able to check it out much. I hooked it up, but after that I only had the energy to check out the first level of Genji and then go to sleep. The game looks great, but it really doesn’t feel as good as I was hoping. I will have to give it another go over my break…but first I wan to sit and get some time with Gears of War and see what all the hubbub is about.
Well I need to get back to work but first I will try and answer some of the numerous questions you posed in the last post:
Will Icarus wings be in the game?
Hell yeah…that is how we roll…Daedalus style.
Will the Icarus wings be remodeled?
What we now is final and looks freaking sweet. Not sure what you saw but it was most likely older.
When will the full website be up?
No clue on this one. I can find out but things are so busy that I am sure I will forget to ask about that.
Barbarian Hammer…info on the weapon?
This will be a weapon that Kratos will take from the Barbarian King if you can defeat him. I can’t say too much now, but I can tell you it is pretty sweet. Granted I am fairly baised. I can tell you that when you take these weapons from enemies, you keep them for the rest of the game.
Is it true that you are in fact Bionic?
Yes. This si not something I normally talk about but yes I am in fact bionically enhanced to rock the fucking house. While my bionic enhancements were far cheaper than siz million dollars they still cost a pretty penny. I also make that cool nahnahnahnahnah sound when I walk, run, jump, and climb stairs.
Is there going to be a Chimera in the game?
Sadly no…we worked on that one for awhile but in the end we found that we just did not have the time to get many of the characters we originally planned for the game up to the level we wanted them…and when we needed to readdress the scope of the game a while back it really did not seem sensible to have so many enemies.
Ok…so there you have it….a little informal Q&A for y’all to tide you over a few days until the next update when I shout from the mountaintops “WE MADE BETA BITCHES!!!!” I could not answer all the questions since some of the info is still unreleased…so sorry if your question did not get answered.
Aight’…peace out.
Woo-hoo! yeah! Let's go Beta! I can't wait to get my hands on that demo already... The game just looks better from screenshot to screenshot, video to video.
Oh, and I'm asking this for GMG. what's up with that video Ariel made? will we be able to see it sometime?
Have you tried playing God of War on the PS3? I've always wondered what would happen... I mean, better hardware means better preformance, right? shouldn't certain textures look smoother, or certain pixels look sharper or something like that?
Honestly, give it a try, man. when you get the time, ofcourse... I understand you're busy.
Since my primary question has been addressed I'll just have to come up with a replacement.
No Chimera..GoWIII then?
How bout a Manticore..like this:
An unusual take on it amirite?
Or maybe a Sphinx? A roc? How bout that Phoenix..like this:
My favorite version.
Cetus? Kraken?
When I heard that Kratos lost his immortality, I was certain that it would be the perfect opportunity to fit in a fight with Ladon, the 100 head, never-sleeping, virtually impenitrable dragon gaurding the Tree with the Apples of Immortality in the Garden of the Hesperides. Then the way Kratos intended on regain his immortality was revealed and I thought..how could Ladon find his way into GoWIII now?
~I'm anxious to see MOAR..so please forgive the excitement. I'm most interested in seeing the new combat system in action *using secondary weapons, spells, relics, new moves, etc. to make one incredible combo string of DMC class* , the "imps" riding a Cerberus *hopefully this will turn up like the Cyclops did* and that creature that is basically an imp but it has a more human appearance with white hair..I refer to them as the Fate Servants..they look like their is some relation between them..might they be able to ride enemies as well? I've seen the Undead Satyrs riding Griffens and that was pretty sweet for how early in develpement it was.
---Will we be getting a Christmas present of sorts Cory? Like another update?
thanks for the answers cory and good luck with beta today.
for me it's bed time now haha oh and one more thing try to convince someone at sony to make a god of war for the psp cause that thing has a lot of potential but all the fucking games suck up until now well locoroco is cute but not 50 euro cute haha.
well i'm gonna dream of a timetraveling delorean now goodnight.
hey godmodegod
a boxshot of gow2 would be cool don't you think.
but now i'm really going to bed and dream of that timetraveling delorean haha
It's incredible how fast God of War 2 has come along... From the title first being announced, to alpha, and now beta...
You should pick up Resistance:Fall of Man for the PS3. Great game.
I thank your teams for impassioned!!! and gow2 waits. Now kratos is as famous as Zelda thus its should not finish has gow3.
Beta? Rad, Cory. Hope the team has the juice to get it done. Take care of yourself, man and Good luck!
How are the Kratos/etc. action figures coming along?
I'm interested to hear how the playtest goes...GOW was such great pure action/adventure I'm curious to see if more items and more powers make GOW 2 a bit more like an RPG...and potentially alter the pacing...can't wait to get back into the GOW universe. I've missed my mythology...speaking of....
When is GOW3 coming to PS3? I need a reason not to sell the PS3 I "won" via Amazon's customers vote...the games out for it now just don't seem worth it...
Awesome post Cory, thanks for clearing up a few things. I can't imagine Kratos running around with all those weapons he collects from those enemies. I wonder how he'll be able to switch from one weapon to another. I mean, if Kratos has all his magics (4 of them I assume, like in the first game), and a couple of weapons from certain enemies he has encountered (Barbarian King's hammer, etc.), then how is the player going to switch between weapons and magics? It seems like it might be kind of complicated (i.e. a lot of button pressing just to change weapons) but I'm pretty confident that the GOWII team will make it as simple and intuitive as possible. Anybody have any ideas on how this might be accomplished?
Hey Cory,
hows it going man? well i just wanted to say that the game sounds like its going great. I have one question for you. since the game got pulled back to march does that mean we will be seeing a demo later then wat we expected (original expectation was late janurary early feb.) i cant wait to get my hands on that demo and game.... i already have my 50 dollars put aside for that game.
Lee Majors is my bionic hero. Did you know he fought bigfoot?
He also owns a castle in Kentucky.
David Jaffe wants to make God of War 3... Any truth to this rumor?
Well we both want to make GOW3...so if you are asking is it true that we want GOW3 to happen...then yes.
As far as is there anything solid yet...nothing as of yet. Just lots of ideas circulating around about how exactly we are going to be able to get the celebrity superteam of K-Fed, Lindsey Lohan and Bob Barker to come in and play a few roles in what is sure to be the most fucking epic PS3 game ever to be displayed in 1080p bitches!!!
But we gotta get GOW2 finished first.
Dear Cory
I'm getting a PS3 but I'll get it next-year not because I can't get it now or don't want it I got school to deal with right now and it's pretty hectic.
Planing to get Resistance Fall of Man,
Warhawk, Heavenly sword, that Naughty dog game, MGS 4, White Knight Story, DMC 4, etc.
Hey there Cory,
thanks for those updates dude, we needed'em so bad. Since GOW2 is being pushed back again, does that mean there'll be more time for you and the team to add up some of those deleted levels in it. Since GOW2 probably be the last best game for PS2, and few weeks later why not come out with a GOW2 Special Edition? and you can make it like a 30+hr game and you can put all the deleted levels from GOW1 and GOW2 as well plus a sneak preview on GOW3 even if it's some pictures just to tease us, right?
The game is in Beta stage already... it's practically sealed. Adding stuff now means pushing it back even more to go through Alpha and Beta again.
And if you ask me, I'd rather have the game as it is now early, than having it 3 months later with more content.
correct me if I'm wrong, Cory.
is this really Cory Barlog's blog? hm..i was just leisurely going thru IGN and i found out about this..
anyway, i just would like to add that God of War was quite an amazing PS2 experience for me. the game was just perfect.
i'm also interested in the demo that people are supposedly getting.
is where i can be reached. if possible, i'd like to receive the demo of the game. god of war 2 will be one of the few last ps2 games i'll be buying, and i know that the final product will be great. i can't wait to actually try out the new weapons and abilities kratos has like the swinging move and the bow. the new bosses look amazing a very fun. i can't wait to play with this mini-game esque battles again like GoW 1 did..
anyway, Cory Barlog, please email me and let me know what's up, ok? i hope you and your team works hard to fill the shoes that david jaffe left. i'm sure the game will be great as i am very very anxious to see how it turns out.
best of luck to the god of war 2 team
-sony fan
hey cory,
looks like u guys are nearing a close on gow2.i am a lil bit pissed cause i missed out on getting my copy of the demo, so i guess i will have to make do with gow till the release date.speaking of which, do u guys have n e idea when that will be seeing as it got pushed back?? hope to see it out soon , cant wait!!! from what i have seen so far this game will be set to take all the gaming awards again!!
hey cory,
also wanted to ask that if there is n e possible way for me to receive a beta copy of gow2, i would be eternally greatfull, please drop me a line at nazeemster@gmail.com, thanks
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