So I thought I would do something a little different today and give you a little pictoral walkthrough of alpha. Well not exactly a walkthrough, more like a bunch of photos I took with my crappy phone camera that serve as a rough throughline for my blog post today. I am sure it will be fun. Plus it gives me a chance to use my totally overpriced phone with its lame built in camera for a second time since I purchased it last year. The quality is pretty bad on the pics so you will have to use your imagination on this, but I will do my best to narrate this journey. So without further little bit of insight into our
This is an attempt at taking a cool photograph by putting the PS2 controller in the forground...not a very successful attempt though. It is also an attempt to tart up the crash screen we see a lot...make it prettier. Not sure that worked all that well either.
This is the screen we see a lot during the development process. It's the crash screen or as I like to call it the 'Time to take a break screen.' sometimes it gives you helpful information as to why the game refuses to work. Then other times it just says "????" Those times...are the sweet times.
This is the back of Nate's head. Lately I spend most of my day here at his desk tuning the various levels of the game. So I basically spend the whole day looking at the back of his head. Saying things like "what if we add this guy...and then spawn three more of this guy" or "wouldn't it be cool if we..." Then he sits there cursing me and watching videos on you tube, like that sweet David Hasselhoff video "Jump in my car". He fucking loves that video. I think it is because he identifies so completely with the "Hoff." This is probably because at one point in thier lives they both had cars that talked to them. I'm pretty sure he hears the song in his head even when he is not watching it, which is like all the time. Just kidding...he doesn't curse me.
This is a shot of the studio as everyone is in high gear finishing up the game. I got to see the final boss level in the game the other day, which has nothing to do with this picture but I thought it looked prety freakin sweet so I figured I would bring that up. I wish I could show you a screenshot of that, but alas then you would have nothing to open up on Christmas day. and I don't want to ruin Christmas. Well not exactly we are releasing several months AFTER Christmas...that was just a metaphor.
This is another shot of the various craftsman hard at working making God of War 2. I know what you are saying...those all look like normal people. I though God of war 2 was made by a workshop full of elves in funny little felt costumes with bells on them. But alas that is only our european games that use the elf workshops. though I have always thought that Hot Shots golf was made by elves. Elves with big heads who eneter every room running and sliding like a figure skaters on crack...the faint sounds of applause always follow.
This is Todd...or rather the back of Todds head. You might be noticing a pattern here. You might think that most people are ignoring me...and to be quite honest you may be right. But I would like to think of it as the rest of the team "pacing" thier interaction with me. That just sounds better. But seriously, Todd is another guy I tune the game with. Right here you can see we are tuning a super bad ass section of the game that is so freaking exciting that we had to pause it so we could take a break and recover. And so Todd could watch videos on youtube. He loves the bollywood video with Little Superstar bitchslapping fools. It rules.
This is a shot of the final boss in the game...I got a little excited while taking the photo so you can't make out the details, but trust freaking rocks. It makes me say "Next gen who?" Not that I am not excited to check out some next gen stuff...but I think the stuff we are doing is great...great like whipping out the proverbial "Legendary Creature" card!
Ok enough with the Chuck Norris's old now. Well maybe not totally old for me. It still makes me laugh. But I am simple and easily amused...and I still believe that Chuck Norris's Tears can cure cancer....but he never the world will never know.
Maybe tomorrow I will take better pictures that even include peoples faces. That would be cool, though it is pretty dependant on people not telling me to go away when I whip out the super bad ass photo phone!!!
'Aight...going to go playthough the game and make some notes.
Nice post!... maybe next time we'll get to see some ss from the game, right?
I dunno, I think it's been a long time without any updates. what's up with that, Cory?
MORE PICTURES. *I gotta have more blurry screen shots of GoWII baby*
Just to be clear..everyone that sent you an email already (including those outside the US) is getting a signed demo of GoWII right?
~Chuck Norris damands more GoWII
--Updates make the pain go away
Yup...everyone who sent an email...of which I got them all...will be getting a signed demo.
I am going to talk to the marketing guy today and make sure I can send the ones to everyone outside the US. So keep your fingers crossed on that one.
So just talked to Asad the marketing guy and he says it's a go for sending the demos out to everyone both in and out of the US.
The main thing is it will be a region 1 NTSC english only not sure how many of you will be able to play it. But I will be sending it none the less.
Awesome post. Funny and very cool. I giggled twice! Like a girl! A big, perhaps german, girl, but a girl nevertheless. Also, I hope that isn't supposed to be the Okami Ammy getting kicked by Chuck Norris. If so, that was a MEAN ASS CRUEL CRUEL joke to play on the day when damn nasty Capcom announces the dissolution of Clover Studios...although I know that Inaba and Kamiya will go on to make kick ass games somewhere else now...
anyhow, please DON'T post pictures of the final boss. Ever. I like surprises.
How was the playthough?
Can't wait for the demo. Thank again in advance!
Whoa...I think you give me too much credit for being clever. I wish I had know about the clover thing cause then it would have been funny. But alas I just liked the picture of chuck norris kicking a wolf.
But if it were a joke about that, then Iw ould be comparing Chuck to Capcom...and as much as I like Capcom they are no Chuck Norris...c'mon now.
That sucks about Clover...but I am sure they will bounce back with no problem. I am looking forward to having some time off to play Okami...which I keep hearing great things about.
Good, good. I didn't think it was any joke, but I had to mention what associations my mind brought up. I'm really bummed about the Clover dissolution...Okami rocketed into my top 5 Favorites games of all time and it's not an easy feat as I've been gaming for over 21 years. If you haven't played Okami you owe it to yourself. There's are some hiccups in frame rate and the story can get a bit cheesy and involvingly long at times, but every great things has its weaknesses and Okami is truly a masterpiece. It's super gorgeous and terrifically calming and wonderfully haunting at the same time. I can't gush enough about it.
Good point about Mr. Norris. Capcom is now kinda like a Alan Greenspan in my mind. Nice, smart, spiffy, but--without Clover-- somewhat charmless and kinda soulless.
hey what's up cory? please don't post any pics that might spoil the story, but any other screens of the game would be nice.
Do you have any news yet about when you're thinking to release the demo?
Yeah that isnt actually a shot of the final boss in the is my phone taking a picture while it was in my pocket.
But wait...maybe the final boss battle takes place in my pocket?
How freakin cool would that be?
Not very actually. that would be stupid.
So rest spoilers here. I ask myself...WWCND? Would he post spoilers? I think not. So I model myself in his image.
Updates, Pics and Chuck Norris. A perfect day to wrap up my day.
Damn, that's too bad it was just a picture of your pocket, I was already starting to decipher the pic. Oh well, it's not that big of a deal since i already know what the final boss is, you posted like 500 subliminal messages about it here. The final boss is going to be...
It is actually quite obvious. I just feel bad for Kratos, he may be able to kill a multi-headed Hydra but there is no chance in Hell (or Hades) that he can defeat Chuck Norris.
wait a took me awhile to wrap my head around it...but Chuck Norris is the Man . Capcom is acting like the Man by dissolving, um, YOU BASTARD!
:) do realize that one of the pics in your photo bucket talks of a certain deity from the Pantheon and stages from what I assume is a boss fight right?
number 51 if memory serves
~Call that a heads up as thanks for doing so much for the fans and GoW (speaking for myself and vitali)
Personally I love spoilers but I wanted you to realize just what it shows (though grainy).
~There is no way for me to be sure of how important that text is but I figured I should run it by you just in case
hey cory. nice job on the walkthrough, you should do the strategy guide for the game...just kiddin. anyway i was wondering when you guys are gonna update the gow2 website. i agree with anonymous, new ss are needed, but not any critical story revealing ones...out
Awesome post Cory. Its cool to see the team in action.
BTW, does the demo come shrink wrapped? Cause if it is, you sign the demo, I won't be able to play it!!
Ruben, I know you're joking, but how cool would it be if they actually made Chuck Norris an unlockable character? That's what you should do in your free time Cory(if you have any), animate Chuck Norris' roundhouse kicks and whatever the hell else he does.
Jeez, you guys have been bless with a really nice set-up to work from.
*being a bit disapointed in the game Black*
- tapion440
sorry, thanks Cory!! :)
now just to make sure, did you get my email? please please say you did... I don't wanna be screwed just because of a sending error.
Yup vitali I got your email, so your demo will get sent out with the rest of them.
One note though...if you all want them signed I will most likely take the shrink wrap if you would rather not have the wrapper removed let me know.
Doood...Cory, how could the Chuck Norris references ever get old? It’s like letting out a left cheek sneak while in an elevator or while driving with your family.
Then again...maybe my IQ is low so I’m easily amused as well...
Sent my info off for a demo and thanks for taking the time to do this Cory.
With Chuck Norris’s love,
Yeah I want mine signed, so feel free to take the shrink wrap off.
I want mine signed too...
that was supposed to be me but I missed an 'I'.
Oh god i hope you got my e-mail!
nice post btw.
wait a minute, can we have both? I mean, a signature AND the shrink wrap? if so, then give me both! but if not, I'd rather have it signed...
Mr. Barlog, you don't how happy you made me. and ofcourse I have to thank Asad too, so Thanks Asad!! :)
yay awesome pics!
and everytime someone wants to post a pic of the final boss that the camera goes blurry or gets destroyed...bosses have the power of destroying cameras!
blue screen of death we compers call it....its funn.
hey get some pics of you doing looks like your slacking off taking pictures lol.
later Cory!
oh shit NTSC i have a Pal PS2 but doesn't matter i will find a way to get it running i hope???
do you now a way to get it running on a PAL cory?
greetings mike.
oh and will we get to see more of that crazy old gravedigger from part 1???
Cory, that's AWESOME!I LOVE you man, for being able to send the demos even in Europe!!!
But there's something TERRIBLE.I missed to mention my town when I sent you the adress, OMG.I just sent another email with my town and the corrections needed.Please tell me you got it so I can live !Please :) It's from the email and my name is Konstantin Kuchev.Also, I want my demo signed, so feel free to take the shrink wrap off :)
Nice blog... Made me laugh... That pic of the last boss is too blurry to make out anything, but hey, "this is what the back of the box has always promised" (Quote from David Jaffe) I can't wait...
WTF? Signed demo? I think I need to read your bblogs a bit more thouroughly... That was like a very welcomed smack in the face... Much thanks, Cory, MUCH THANKS...
Oh Dutch, always sucking up to Cory lol.
For me there are no favorite parts in GoW, the whole damn thing is good.
E3 is coming to santa monica in 2007?! Cool
mine signed too.
I hope you got my mail too.
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