So now I am just going lament a little about how sad it is to see him, and several others move on from Sony to bigger and better things…like Spongebob Squarepants. Just kidding…I don’t think anyone is going on to work on Spongebob. But alas they are indeed leaving, and that fills my heart with sadness. I know that each of them are going on to work on something great, and I am happy for that. I just wish they weren’t breaking up the band. So to all of the extremely talented peeps who helped make God of War 1 and God of War 2 the best that it could be…you will be missed.
On a much more upbeat note, things are progressing forward quite nicely with the new project. We have finished the story and gameplay outline as well as the rough level design overview. That is a huge freaking relief to have that all worked out…though now is the time everyone will tell me we don’t have the time or the manpower to finish it. But that is how it usually is in the beginning…a long negotiation of figuring out what the game is an how it could possibly get done.
I also got to see some cool mechanics that have been in the prototype pipe for the last few weeks. Always good to see things that you can actually play with this early on.
The PSP game is moving along nicely as well. I am going to be playing through the latest build tomorrow to check out all the new stuff.
As for that CVG rumor…I would have to say that there isn’t much truth to any of that…that is really the first I have heard of that. If we do get started on a GOW for PS3 you can be sure I will be screaming about it from the mountain tops the first chance I am allowed. Until then…I am plugging away on my RPG opus ‘A Family Ties game’. It is going to be so freaking awesome…awesome to a level that will actually transcend awesome and become something entirely different… freakin LA LAWsome!
ok...I am tired from a wicked bout of insomnia last night so I am going to end this now.
NEW ADDITION! Check this freaking sweet link out. Appearently they are working on GOW 3 in Brasil!! Too funny...I am credited as a producer again!!!
hey is there actualy a chance of the next game not being GoW3. any game would be good from you and your team but i want to finish the fucking war against olympus. i think GoW 3 will be on the back of the manual of GoW: CoO. like GoW coo was on gow2's book.
I'm almost certain that the next game is GoW3... I don't think that there's a need for Sony to delay the project's course, in fact, I'm pretty that they want the game finished ASAP.:)
I am looking forward to your next game (and crossing my fingers for GOW for PS3)
hey Cory, I think that you guys will end up working together again in another project soon, it happened before right? ^^ I don't like much unexpected changes in the way or in the environment that I'm used to do my things as well, it brings a mix of melancholy and nostalgia just like when my sleep have a time period that intersects the day to night transition...Am I a bit crazy?!lol!
Hey Cory,
I think you guys did an extremely good work in GoW 1 & 2. A+++++++++
Missing one of the best in the next game doesn't look good, hopefully it will turn out O.K.
I'm looking forward for the PSP game, and hoping for one on the PS3.
Please make sure that the game doesn't get screwed up like any other game after the 2nd or 1st edition, this is GoW !!!
Good luck to you and all your team mates.
Wait...you're not working on GoW3?
That would be disappointing to us fans
Yeah right Cory!! WE KNOW IT'S GOD OF WAR III!! You might as well say it...
..Not... God of War III?? No Kratos PS3??
Derek Daniels was the guy who did the Combat, right? So are we looking at, possibly, a new combat System for GoW3? (If there IS a GoW3)
Derek Daniels, thanks for giving the best action a guy could want!! I LOVE YOU MAN!! And if it wasn't you who did the combat and I mixed up, I STILL LOVE YOU MAN!!
yo if u make gow 3 u have to do something like that atlantis lvl that got cu, and maybe get some cool magics from Oscianic the titan:)
hey cory, sorry to hear about ur team breakin up.i am very excited to hear that u r gonna have a play through of gow coo. that means the demos should be out soon?? n e word on that?? i do hope that ur next project is gow 3. ur work so far has been nothing short of outstanding and i am eagerly anticipating a gow for ps3!! cant hardly wait for gow coo for psp!! n e ways hope all goes well for u in ur upcoming project, cheers for ur great work!!
I'll give you a big 12" in diameter Cookie if a non-GOW game uses Happy Cheery Spongebob Colour Palettes. Oh and Milk isn't included.
PS3 needs you to be working on GOWIII!
Thanks for the update Cory, although I'm a bit disappointed you aren't working on GOW3 yet...I heard the engine will be ported over for the PS3 version and updated and tweaked...would this mean shorter dev time and such? I expect GOW3 to come out sometime in 08...possibly 09 :( WE FANS ARE HUNGRY FOR GOW3, CMON CORY!
Haha OMG that link!
"Our producer, Cory B'e'rlog..."
You can see the video is on a loop. His workstation doesn't even look like what you guys have there in your studio.
Hey Cory, I'm Brazilian and I noticed there's a message at the end of the video that clearly states the video isa fake and was produced solely for a contest held by the Brazilian edition of EGM magazine.
"Hey Cory, I'm Brazilian and I noticed there's a message at the end of the video that clearly states the video isa fake and was produced solely for a contest held by the Brazilian edition of EGM magazine."
Hey guys I'm from Brasil too... what jean said is true, the winner of this contest receives the three next-gen consoles as a prize.
At the end of the video also is written that its production doesn't have any intention of injure someone( by someway ) or brake the copyright law.
As you can see Cory, lots of people are your fans through all the world, after all, the guy from the video, different from some few people, was very satisfied with you as the director of GoW2, thats why he extends your participation to GoW3 as well...
"Our producer, Cory B'e'rlog..."
Don't mock our accent :( .
With a lot of work we can get ride of any trace of it... It takes a lot of time though... :P
Almost forget... to participate in this contest someone should had to send an article that hypothetically would be present in a future EGM( from Brasil ) edition.
I will post a link here with some content that explains a little about what I'm saying
Unfortunately, knowledge of Portuguese or Spanish( at least a little ) is necessary in order to understand something :P
"I am credited as a producer again!!!"
about this... I dont even know what to say... ¬¬
So it was contest huh? That is cool. Was that the winning entry that I linked to? BIg props to whoever did it cause that thing circulated around the office a lot over the past few days.
It defintely made me smile!
Oh and the producer comment was to point out that I am in fact the 'Director' of God of War 2, not the producer.(even IGN is saying I am the producer now) The producer for GOW2 was Steve Caterson. He is an excitable fellow who was once known for his keen fashion sense with a clothing pairing of Z Cavericci's (no clue how to spell that) and a sweet piano tie. He also had a mullet. But hey..at one point or another we have all had a mullet.
Hehe I thought you were talking about a song with the title. You a guitarist? :P
Also, somebody earlier said that Derek was the combat designer -- is that why there's a job opening for Sr. Combat Designer on the God of War team? Sound like big shoes to fill :O
Cool to see things progressing on the next game though. Progress is always a good thing, eh?
This is a random question but do you guys do internships at SCEA Santa Monica? Any info on that would be awesome for future reference :)
- Matthew
"Oh and the producer comment was to point out that I am in fact the 'Director' of God of War 2, not the producer."
The first phrase that I've heard from you was: "Hi, I'm Cory Barlog, Director of God of War II." :D
"He is an excitable fellow who was once known for his keen fashion sense with a clothing pairing of Z Cavericci's..."
I didn't understand that but it sure sounds strange... :P
The Zcav's were like the pants that MCHammer wore in his prime...they were like those muscle guy pants of the late 80's early 90's with the welcro waistband straps.
Derek was a senior combat designer who worked on GOW 1 and GOW 2. Eric Williams was the Lead combat Designer on GOW2 and Senior combat designer on GOW 1. Derek and Eric have worked together for a long time...so much so that most people think of them as twins.
I call Derek drop 'd'...partially because he is wicked into the indie music scene...and partially because if you drop the d from his name you get erek...or Eric...his other half.
But now they are breaking up like Tommy and Pamela Lee. But is for the best...Derek is going on to great things and we are making a freaking sweet game that will make your ocular cavities bleed.
like these ones huh?
lol.Someone wearing clotches like these would sure bring a totally new feeling inside your workspace's environment...:P
About the winner of the contest.. I will run a search about it... And post something later :)
oh god, i'd laughed so much about this whole mess around that video.
me and hundreds of people in brasil.
it's amazing how such a amateur video like that got this far.
the guy that made it is almost turning into a legend.
and the most funny thing is that this guy with his english that has such a strong accent fooled so much lazzy asses around america that didn't even bother trying to know what the hell meant those words in the end.
p.s. sorry about the crappy english =P
"...and the most funny thing is that this guy with his english that has such a strong accent fooled so much lazzy asses around america
I think that I could say that this doesn't matter as much as you think dude... Many people live in US and have a considerable level of foreign accent...
This video could mislead someone, not neccessarily lazy, who doesn't know Portuguese or Spanish( that is a little similar ) or that aren't very used to Game Development... or something like that...
About the contest... it was held until last month. And the winner... well, I think that there are not be any results available until the next EGM Brasil Magazine publication... You guys can still cheer for the video about "GoW3" to be the winner!! lol
well, im POrtuguese and i understand everthing that guy said in the video..and in the end ...and dont worry cory....its fake
Barlog:"...Derek is going on to great things and we are making a freaking sweet game that will make your ocular cavities bleed."
How's that possible if yourn't working on GOW3?! C'mon , the fans are screaming for a sequel and the game does pretty good sales wise so what's keeping you guys?!
Even though we want a sequel, remember that you shouldn't do it EA style
Barlog:"...Derek is going on to great things and we are making a freaking sweet game that will make your ocular cavities bleed."
Dear Cory,
me and my friend made this video and we´re really chocked about the video´s popularity. Definitly it was not our intention to cause that chaos.
The EGM´s promotion said: uses your creativity. so we made it! We create a fake history about Kratos (there´s still a review tell the fake sinopse.)
The promotion was to win the ps3, wii and xbox 360, and we just use our criativity. (hope we win!)
AND at the end of the video there´s a text saying that is JUST for promotion and we dont´want to prejudice anyone.
Sorry about that.
Yo Anonymous videomaker,
Just so you know I wasn't bothered by the video at all, I actually thought it was great. The link got sent around to everyone on the God of War team and they got a kick out of it.
So nice job on it, I really do hope you guys win as your video actually made freaking headlines!!!I really can't imagine you guys not winning just for that.
Keep me posted on the outcome of the contest.
hey corey congrats on gow 2, loved the theseus kill. one wish for gow 3 if u work on it and that would be hephaestus the blacksmith of the gods in the game to make weapons 4 kratos. that would be sweet.
Wow......... "...I cannot tell you my name..." What bullshit, haha....
for everyone who likes god of war you might like this. very violent and bloody cartoon-like web browser game
Sad to see your fellow co-workers leave from Sony :( especially after making great games over the past few years. But no worries since new people = atomic wedgie rituals lol.
Haven't seen the vid yet since its not working for some reason (youtube problem) but I'll get to see it along with senor Balrog's new GoW game lol. *twirl mustache*
hey all, i dunno if n e of u guys came accross this while playing gow2 on ps3.n e ways this is what happened to me.the last sequence when zeus hits u with the olympus blade and there is a button sequence, with the ps 3 i cant get past the second prompt and it takes alot of tries to get to that second one.i was wondering if n e one came accross that same issue who has played gow 2 on ps3.n e ways for now i am just playing it on ps2 to see if i have that same issue again.i will post again and let u guys know what i come up with.cory if u know or have heard n e thing on this do tell .thanks guys hope i get a bit of feedback
please make the chains of olympus demo a download via ps3 or the internet. we europeans always pul the short end of the stick :( please try and make it a download? oh and you never sended the european demo of god of war 2 :)
i played god of war 2 over & over on ps3 and that problem never happens to me
I think what you're lacking is practice. There's nothing to do but keep trying.
I also finished GoW2 on my PS3.
Dear Cory,
Were we are to tell you the contests results: unfortunatly we didn´t win :(
Here´s the link to review: http://www.marcoteixeira.com/EGM65_GOW3.pdf
Thanks for your support and we really hope some GOWIII´s unfake news.
After playing GOW2 since March 14th non stop, on... and off..., after so many tries and re-tries, after so many blisters on my hands and mashing buttons I finally beat GOW2 on Titan Mode.
All the pains and sufferings paid off after all, I unlocked most of the costumes except the one I wanted the most which is the GOW costume.
Hey Peoples, Cory "The Balrog" Barlog said that he's working on the new project, right? Is it GOW:COO? Or is it GOW3?
Who ever said "No pain, no gain" sure wasn't kidding, who ever said "Pay back is a BITCH" sure wasn't kidding and who ever said "Revenge is sweet" sure was 100% right.
After I beat GOW2 on Titan Mode, I played it again by using the Bonus
Mode, I abused the Cronos Rage infinite magic and no one could sand up before Kratos, I had like 5,000 hit combo with Cronos Rage.
I really made a number at the 1st Trasnlator section and I had no mercy on any of them at all, even the mostest toughest boss in GOW2 had no chance at all.
[]D[][]\/[][]D[][]\[] =(^..^)=
IwOuLdLiKeToKnOwWhOiSgOiNgToBeThE dIrEcTorFoRgOdOfWar3?
Just to make the posters jibberish more clear :P
"I wOuLd LiKe To KnOw WhO iS gOiNg To Be ThE dIrEcTor FoR gOd Of War 3? Is It GoInG tO bE dAvE jAfFe Or CoRy BaRlOg?"
Oh btw Cory... I was showing my wife the story of gow2 from "treasures" other day and realized that it would've felt more complete if you guys could include the interactive cutscenes in the "story" video. That way, we could see how kratos actually defeats the bosses etc. Could you guys do that for your future gow games? So after I complete the game, I can not only see the story but also the "check this out" moments in the game ;)
It would feel more complete IMO. What do ya think man?
i played the ninja gaiden sigma demo today on hard, and i made it to number 300 on the online ranking list :) THIS GAME IS AWESOME it's really the only game thats a little better then god of war :) well action wise, not story wise. and the number 3 is definitely devil may cry :) i really love the ranking list, and i think it should be in the future god of wars.
well i tried again, i thought i needed practice too, but i ran through the entire game just fine, its only that zeus sequence is bustin my ass, i am gonna keep tryin though. mike thanks bud for the advice and vitali u too.but i just dont get why its only that sequence i cant get , oh well i will keep tryin , as always if u guys find out n e thing more , let me know , thanks
god of war mobile:
Hello Cory, I forgot to send to you my concept art web site. Some llustrations in video are reals, no more fakes^^. If you can see my work enter this link: www.marcosketchbook.blogspot.com
Thank you Cory and sorry my englih!!:)
I'm longing for a new blog update sir, haven't you any news? ^^
I hope you're going well cory, good night!
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Ha, they totally put Kratos' head on the Prince's body from the box rt of Two Thrones.
plz plz plz dot put god of war 3 in ps3 plz plz plz
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