In actuality he was probably much cooler than me, but still it was pretty weird to see that. Sorry no picture though, I was too slow on the draw and by the time I got the camera on the iphone loaded up I had lost the doppleganger. Van Damme will have to do. Oh well, San Francisco is a big city but I am sure I will cross paths with me...him....again.
Oh yeah...I moved to San Francisco yesterday. Starting a gig tomorrow that should keep me busy for a while. Pretty damn excited about it. I can't say what it is right now, but I am sure it will get out soon enough. It is going to be sweet! As I said...I am pretty excited about it...well...excited about everything except the whole early rising thing required for the job. That is gonna' be a long battle for me getting back into the swing of "normal" hours.
SF is cool, though I haven't really seen much of it save for the apartment (temporary place, moving into my 'real' place next month) that I am in, and a few block radius around it. Yeah, I don't get out much. I am hoping to go explore the city this weekend.
Ok, boring post today. Going to eat some dinner and watch some Dora the Explorer.