Monday, July 23, 2007

sweet psp loving!

Just a quick update today as I am pretty swamped with things here at work. First I want to give a big shout out to the freaking skills of Buddy Ramon and his God of War PSP mod. This thing is pretty damn cool. He is auctioning it off on ebay, so I think I am going to bid on this one. That way I can play Chains of Olympus on a one of a kind God of War psp! Plus part of the proceeds (Though I wish it was more than 15%, but it is freaking awesome he is doing it!) go to a good charity as well, (Penny Arcade’s Child’s Play Charity) so everybody wins here.

Here is the link to a story (Thanks to one of our Level Artists Chris Sutton for the heads up on this) as well as the link to the ebay auction!

Not too much else to report otherwise. This is a pretty crazy past few weeks for the gaming industry though…Peter Moore going to EA, Dyack and Co. suing epic over the Unreal stuff, God of War 2 getting nominated for awards right next to next-gen games…oye. It’s like the gaming equivalent of Armageddon. (Minus Affleck and Willis) All that is left is Reggie quitting and coming over to Sony…I think that is when I will truly believe the seventh seal has been broken and judgment day is upon us.

Still not much of a chance toplay my newly purchased copy of The Darkness…everyone here has said good things about it so I am anxious to get some time with it.



Anonymous said...

1) The auction link won't work for me.
2) You will really enjoy The Darkness. It isn't a long game, but it has an incredible story line and kick ass graphics.

Cory Barlog said...

bummer...they might have removed it.

search ebay for this:

Sony PSP ONE OF A KIND God of War MOD - Morpheon Mods


Cory Barlog said...

I think I fixed the link now. Must have screwed up my original copy and paste.


Anonymous said...

the darkness was awesome...quick quest about chains of olympus. are all the voice actors returning?

Anonymous said...

Wow! That PSP is gunna sell for a lot of money! It's at $400 with 5 days left... It's probably going to end at around $1000. That's crazy!!!

Anonymous said...

Will you show any games at TGS, cory?

Anonymous said...

Cory - miss you! - write to - xo Anne

Anonymous said...

i hope linda hunt is back as narrator. imdb says she is but they mighta just got GoW 2's list. so do you know cory? she is needed in all the GoW games. her voice actually makes the game better for me some how. it just fits in perfectly.

Sean P.

Unknown said...

Cory, did you see the MGS4 gameplay demonstration? What did you think?

Zodiak said...

That looks like one sweet PSP I'd like to get my hands on. Now if only PSP lite would launch with that PSP, I'm sure you'd get a lot more people buying those. Which reminds me to power my PSP up for Logan's Shadow demo I got a month ago lol.

The Darkness looks interesting, I may give it a go :)

Hope everything is going good Cory with the team and the game itself. Have a good day tomorrow lol.


Anonymous said...


What the hell? You're one of the big peeps at Sony and you still have to buy games?

Darkness is okay but the New Ninja Gaiden is great. Not to mention its gorgeous to look at.

When are we gonna hear about your new project?


Devin Greer said...

Oh... my... God Of War.... I want that, too bad I'm broke.

Anonymous said...

when are you announcing your next game? i dont think it will be TGS. it seems to american to be announced there. hopefully we dont have to wait until next year. probably will though. i bet it wont even come out til holidays 09.

Sean P.

Anonymous said...

Did you buy the God of War PSP? If so, I wanna see a picture of you holding it smiling ;D

Anonymous said...

Holy Gods of War!! That PSP sold for $1,725.00!? That's like the price of 2 PS3s. Oh right, 3 now with the price cut. No really, I'm a GOW fan but $1700 bucks for a themed PSP? That's ridunkalous.


Zodiak said...

That's 2 PS3's Dutch, possibly 3 if ya shelled out a little's insane @_@


Anonymous said...

The PSP is where it is at! The games are so graphic oriented for the limited screen.

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